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having points of

  • 1 on

    1) (position) auf (+ Dat.); (direction) auf (+ Akk.); (attached to) an (+ Dat./Akk.)

    put something on the tableetwas auf den Tisch legen od. stellen

    be on the tableauf dem Tisch sein

    write something on the walletwas an die Wand schreiben

    be hanging on the wallan der Wand hängen

    on the bus/train — im Bus/Zug; (by bus/train) mit dem Bus/Zug

    be on the board/committee — im Vorstand/Ausschuss sein

    2) (with basis, motive, etc. of)

    on the evidenceaufgrund des Beweismaterials

    on the assumption/hypothesis that... — angenommen,...

    3) in expressions of time an [einem Abend, Tag usw.]

    it's just on ninees ist gerade neun

    on [his] arrival — bei seiner Ankunft

    on entering the room... — beim Betreten des Zimmers...

    on time or schedule — pünktlich

    4) expr. state etc

    the drinks are on me(coll.) die Getränke gehen auf mich

    be on £20,000 a year20 000 Pfund im Jahr kriegen od. haben

    5) (concerning, about) über (+ Akk.)
    2. adverb

    with/without a hat/coat on — mit/ohne Hut/Mantel

    boil something with/without the lid on — etwas in geschlossenem/offenem Topf kochen

    2) (in some direction)
    3) (switched or turned on)

    the light/radio etc. is on — das Licht/Radio usw. ist an

    5) (being performed)

    what's on at the cinema?was gibt es od. was läuft im Kino?

    6) (on duty)

    come/be on — seinen Dienst antreten/Dienst haben


    something is on (feasible) /not on — etwas ist möglich/ausgeschlossen

    you're on!(coll.): (I agree) abgemacht!; (making bet) die Wette gilt!

    be on about somebody/something — (coll.) [dauernd] über jemanden/etwas sprechen

    what is he on about?was will er [sagen]?

    be on at/keep on and on at somebody — (coll.) jemandem in den Ohren/dauernd in den Ohren liegen (ugs.)

    on to, onto — auf (+ Akk.)

    be on to something(have discovered something) etwas ausfindig gemacht haben. See also academic.ru/62377/right">right 4. 4)

    * * *
    [on] 1. preposition
    1) (touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: The book was lying on the table; He was standing on the floor; She wore a hat on her head.) auf, in
    2) (in or into (a vehicle, train etc): We were sitting on the bus; I got on the wrong bus.) in
    3) (at or during a certain day, time etc: on Monday; On his arrival, he went straight to bed.) an, bei
    4) (about: a book on the theatre.) über
    5) (in the state or process of: He's on holiday.) in
    6) (supported by: She was standing on one leg.) auf
    7) (receiving, taking: on drugs; on a diet.) auf
    8) (taking part in: He is on the committee; Which detective is working on this case?) in, an
    9) (towards: They marched on the town.) zu
    10) (near or beside: a shop on the main road.) an
    11) (by means of: He played a tune on the violin; I spoke to him on the telephone.) auf, an
    12) (being carried by: The thief had the stolen jewels on him.) mit
    13) (when (something is, or has been, done): On investigation, there proved to be no need to panic.) als
    14) (followed by: disaster on disaster.) auf
    2. adverb
    1) ((especially of something being worn) so as to be touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: She put her hat on.) auf
    2) (used to show a continuing state etc, onwards: She kept on asking questions; They moved on.) weiter
    3) (( also adjective) (of electric light, machines etc) working: The television is on; Turn/Switch the light on.) an
    4) (( also adjective) (of films etc) able to be seen: There's a good film on at the cinema this week.) hinein
    5) (( also adjective) in or into a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got on.) im Gange
    3. adjective
    1) (in progress: The game was on.) stattfinden
    2) (not cancelled: Is the party on tonight?) stattfinden
    - oncoming
    - ongoing
    - onwards
    - onward
    - be on to someone
    - be on to
    - on and on
    - on time
    - on to / onto
    * * *
    [ɒn, AM ɑ:n]
    I. prep
    1. (on top of) auf + dat
    there are many books \on my desk auf meinem Tisch sind viele Bücher
    look at that cat \on the chair! schau dir die Katze auf dem Stuhl an!
    \on top of sth [ganz] oben auf etw dat
    2. with verbs of motion (onto) auf + akk
    put the pot \on the table! stell den Topf auf den Tisch!
    he had to walk out \on the roof er musste auf das Dach hinauf
    she hung their washing \on the line to dry sie hängte ihre Wäsche zum Trocknen auf die Leine
    let's hang a picture \on the wall lass uns ein Bild an die Wand hängen
    to get \on a horse auf ein Pferd aufsteigen, aufsitzen
    3. (situated on) an + dat
    , auf + dat
    our house is \on Sturton Street unser Haus ist in der Sturton Street
    they lay \on the beach sie lagen am Strand
    the town is \on the island die Stadt ist auf der Insel
    her new house is \on the river ihr neues Haus liegt am Fluss
    \on the balcony/her estate auf dem Balkon/ihrem Gut
    \on the border an der Grenze
    the shop \on the corner der Laden an der Ecke
    \on the hill/mountain auf dem Hügel/Berg
    \on the left/right auf der linken/rechten Seite
    \on platform three auf Bahnsteig [o SCHWEIZ Perron] drei m o nt
    \on track two an Gleis zwei
    4. (from) an + dat
    several bird houses hung \on the branches an den Ästen hingen mehrere Nistkästen
    a huge chandelier hung \on the ceiling ein großer Kronleuchter hing von der Decke herab
    5. (clothing) an + dat
    with shoes \on his feet mit Schuhen an den Füßen
    the wedding ring \on the ring finger der Ehering am Ringfinger
    6. (hurt by) an + dat
    I hit my head \on the shelf ich habe mir den Kopf am Regal angestoßen
    she tripped \on the wire sie blieb an dem Kabel hängen
    he cut his foot \on some glass er hat sich den Fuß an einer Glasscherbe verletzt
    to stumble \on sth über etw akk stolpern
    7. (supported by a part of the body) auf + dat
    to lie \on one's back auf dem Rücken liegen
    to stand \on one's head auf dem Kopf stehen
    8. (in possession of) bei + dat
    to have sth \on one etw bei sich dat haben
    I thought I had my driver's licence \on me ich dachte, ich hätte meinen Führerschein dabei
    have you got a spare cigarette \on you? hast du eine Zigarette für mich übrig?
    9. (marking surface of) auf + dat
    how did you get that blood \on your shirt? wie kommt das Blut auf Ihr Hemd?
    he had a scratch \on his arm er hatte einen Kratzer am Arm
    there was a smile \on her face ein Lächeln lag auf ihrem Gesicht
    10. (about) über + akk
    a documentary \on volcanoes ein Dokumentarfilm über Vulkane
    he needs some advice \on how to dress er braucht ein paar Tipps, wie er sich anziehen soll
    essays \on a wide range of issues Aufsätze zu einer Vielzahl von Themen
    he commented \on the allegations er nahm Stellung zu den Vorwürfen
    he advised her \on her taxes er beriet sie [o gab ihr Ratschläge] in Sachen Steuern
    I'll say more \on that subject later ich werde später mehr dazu sagen
    they settled \on a price sie einigten sich auf einen Preis
    to congratulate sb \on sth jdn zu etw dat gratulieren
    to frown \on sth etw missbilligen
    to have something/anything \on sb etw gegen jdn in der Hand haben
    do the police have anything \on you? hat die Polizei etwas Belastendes gegen dich in der Hand?
    11. (based on) auf + akk... hin
    he reacted \on a hunch er reagierte auf ein Ahnung hin
    he quit his job \on the principle that he did not want to work for an oil company er kündigte seine Stelle, weil er nicht für eine Ölgesellschaft arbeiten wollte
    \on account of wegen + gen
    they cancelled all flights \on account of the bad weather sie sagten alle Flüge wegen des schlechten Wetters ab
    \on purpose mit Absicht, absichtlich
    dependent/reliant \on sb/sth abhängig von jdm/etw
    to be based \on sth auf etw dat basieren
    to be based \on the ideas of freedom and equality auf den Ideen von Freiheit und Gleichheit basieren
    to rely \on sb sich akk auf jdn verlassen
    12. (as member of) in + dat
    how many people are \on your staff? wie viele Mitarbeiter haben Sie?
    have you ever served \on a jury? warst du schon einmal Mitglied in einer Jury?
    whose side are you \on in this argument? auf welcher Seite stehst du in diesem Streit?
    a writer \on a women's magazine eine Autorin bei einer Frauenzeitschrift
    13. (against) auf + akk
    the dog turned \on its own master der Hund ging auf seinen eigenes Herrchen los
    the gangsters pulled a gun \on him die Gangster zielten mit der Pistole auf ihn
    thousands were marching \on Cologne Tausenden marschierten auf Köln zu
    don't be so hard \on him! sei nicht so streng mit ihm!
    criticism has no effect \on him Kritik kann ihm nichts anhaben
    he didn't know it but the joke was \on him er wusste nicht, dass es ein Witz über ihn war
    two air raids \on Munich zwei Luftangriffe auf München
    they placed certain restrictions \on large companies großen Unternehmen wurden bestimmte Beschränkungen auferlegt
    there is a new ban \on the drug die Droge wurde erneut verboten
    to place a limit \on sth etw begrenzen
    to force one's will \on sb jdm seinen Willen aufzwingen
    to cheat \on sb jdn betrügen
    14. (through device of) an + dat
    he's \on the phone er ist am Telefon
    she weaved the cloth \on the loom sie webte das Tuch auf dem Webstuhl
    Chris is \on drums Chris ist am Schlagzeug
    we work \on flexitime wir arbeiten Gleitzeit
    \on the piano am Klavier
    15. (through medium of) auf + dat
    I'd like to see that offer \on paper ich hätte dieses Angebot gerne schriftlich
    I saw myself \on film ich sah mich selbst im Film
    what's \on TV tonight? was kommt heute Abend im Fernsehen?
    do you like the jazz \on radio? gefällt dir der Jazz im Radio?
    I heard the story \on the news today ich habe die Geschichte heute in den Nachrichten gehört
    a 10-part series \on Channel 3 eine zehnteilige Serie im 3. Programm
    to be available \on cassette auf Kassette erhältlich sein
    to store sth \on the computer etw im Computer speichern
    to put sth down \on paper etw aufschreiben [o BRD, ÖSTERR zu Papier bringen]
    to come out \on video als Video herauskommen
    16. (in the course of) auf + dat
    \on the way to town auf dem Weg in die Stadt
    17. (travelling with) in + dat
    , mit + dat
    I love travelling \on buses/trains ich fahre gerne mit Bussen/Zügen
    we went to France \on the ferry wir fuhren mit der Fähre nach Frankreich
    he got some sleep \on the plane er konnte im Flugzeug ein wenig schlafen
    \on foot/horseback zu Fuß/auf dem Pferd
    18. (on day of) an + dat
    many shops don't open \on Sundays viele Läden haben an Sonntagen geschlossen
    what are you doing \on Friday? was machst du am Freitag?
    we always go bowling \on Thursdays wir gehen donnerstags immer kegeln
    my birthday's \on the 30th of May ich habe am 30. Mai Geburtstag
    \on a very hot evening in July an einem sehr heißen Abend im Juli
    \on Saturday morning/Wednesday evening am Samstagvormittag/Mittwochabend
    19. (at time of) bei + dat
    \on his brother's death beim Tod seines Bruders
    \on the count of three, start running! bei drei lauft ihr los!
    trains to London leave \on the hour every hour die Züge nach London fahren jeweils zur vollen Stunde
    the professor entered the room at 1:00 \on the minute der Professor betrat den Raum auf die Minute genau um 13.00 Uhr
    \on receiving her letter als ich ihren Brief erhielt
    \on arriving at the station bei der Ankunft im Bahnhof
    \on arrival/departure bei der Ankunft/Abreise
    \on the dot [auf die Sekunde] pünktlich
    to be finished \on schedule planmäßig fertig werden
    20. (engaged in) bei + dat
    we were \on page 42 wir waren auf Seite 42
    he was out \on errands er machte ein paar Besorgungen
    we made a big profit \on that deal wir haben bei diesem Geschäft gut verdient
    \on business geschäftlich, beruflich
    to work \on sth an etw dat arbeiten
    21. (regularly taking)
    to be \on sth etw nehmen
    my doctor put me \on antibiotics mein Arzt setzte mich auf Antibiotika
    he lived \on berries and roots er lebte von Beeren und Wurzeln
    Richard lives \on a diet of junk food Richard ernährt sich ausschließlich von Junkfood
    to be \on drugs unter Drogen stehen, Drogen nehmen
    to be \on medication Medikamente einnehmen
    22. (paid by) auf + dat; BRIT
    she wants it done \on the National Health Service sie möchte, dass die gesetzliche Krankenkasse die Kosten übernimmt
    this meal is \on me das Essen bezahle ich
    the drinks are \on me die Getränke gebe ich aus
    to buy sth \on credit/hire purchase etw auf Kredit/Raten kaufen
    23. (sustained by) mit + dat
    , von + dat
    does this radio run \on batteries? läuft dieses Radio mit Batterien?
    I've only got £50 a week to live \on ich lebe von nur 50 Pfund pro Woche
    they are living \on their savings sie leben von ihren Ersparnissen
    to go \on the dole stempeln gehen
    to live \on welfare von Sozialhilfe leben
    24. (as payment for) für + akk
    I've wasted a lot of money \on this car ich habe für dieses Auto eine Menge Geld ausgegeben
    how much interest are you paying \on the loan? wie viel Zinsen zahlst du für diesen Kredit?
    25. (added to) zusätzlich zu + dat
    a few pence \on the electricity bill ein paar Pfennige mehr bei der Stromrechnung
    26. (connected to) an + dat
    dogs should be kept \on their leads Hunde sollten an der Leine geführt werden
    to be \on the phone AUS, BRIT ans Telefonnetz angeschlossen sein, telefonisch erreichbar sein
    we've just moved and we're not \on the phone yet wir sind gerade umgezogen und haben noch kein Telefon
    27. (according to) auf + dat
    \on the agenda/list auf der Tagesordnung/Liste
    \on the whole im Ganzen, insgesamt
    \on the whole, it was a good year alles in allem war es ein gutes Jahr
    28. (burdening) auf + dat
    it's been \on my mind ich muss immer daran denken
    she had something \on her heart sie hatte etwas auf dem Herzen
    that lie has been \on his conscience diese Lüge lastete auf seinem Gewissen
    this is \on your shoulders das liegt in deiner Hand, die Verantwortung liegt bei dir
    the future of the company is \on your shoulders du hast die Verantwortung für die Zukunft der Firma
    crime is \on the increase again die Verbrechen nehmen wieder zu
    I'll be away \on a training course ich mache demnächst einen Ausbildungslehrgang
    he's out \on a date with a woman er hat gerade eine Verabredung mit einer Frau
    I was \on a long journey ich habe eine lange Reise gemacht
    we're going \on vacation in two weeks wir fahren in zwei Wochen in Urlaub
    to set sth \on fire etw anzünden
    to be \on the go BRIT ( fig) auf Trab sein
    did you know that she's got a new book \on the go? hast du gewusst, dass sie gerade ein neues Buch schreibt?
    to be \on strike streiken
    I can't improve \on my final offer dieses Angebot ist mein letztes Wort
    sales are up \on last year der Umsatz ist höher als im letzten Jahr
    to have nothing [or not have anything] \on sth kein Vergleich mit etw dat sein
    my new bike has nothing \on the one that was stolen mein neues Fahrrad ist bei Weitem nicht so gut wie das, das mir gestohlen wurde
    31. (by chance)
    \on sb ohne jds Verschulden
    she was really worried when the phone went dead \on her sie machte sich richtig Sorgen, als das Telefon ausfiel, ohne dass sie etwas getan hatte
    the fire went out \on me das Feuer ist mir einfach ausgegangen
    to chance \on sb jdn [zufällig] treffen, jdm [zufällig] begegnen
    32. after n (following)
    the government suffered defeat \on defeat die Regierung erlitt eine Niederlage nach der anderen
    wave \on wave of refugees has crossed the border immer neue Flüchtlingswellen strömten über die Grenze
    33. AUS, BRIT SPORT (having points of)
    Clive's team is \on five points while Joan's is \on seven das Team von Clive hat fünf Punkte, das von Joan hat sieben
    to be \on sth BRIT, AUS etw verdienen
    \on the board in Planung
    to have time \on one's hands noch genug Zeit haben
    to be \on it AUS ( fam) sich akk volllaufen lassen fam, sich dat die Kanne geben BRD fam
    what are you \on? ( fam) bist du noch bei Sinnen? fam
    II. adv inv
    1. (in contact with) auf
    make sure the lid's \on properly pass auf, dass der Deckel richtig zu ist
    they sewed the man's ear back \on sie haben das Ohr des Mannes wieder angenäht
    to screw sth \on etw anschrauben
    I wish you wouldn't screw the lid \on so tightly schraube den Deckel bitte nicht immer so fest
    2. (on body) an
    put a jumper \on! zieh einen Pullover drüber!
    get your shoes \on! zieh dir die Schuhe an!
    to put clothes \on Kleider anziehen [o SCHWEIZ anlegen] fam
    to have/try sth \on etw anhaben/anprobieren
    with nothing \on nackt
    3. (indicating continuance) weiter
    to get \on with sth mit etw dat weitermachen
    to keep \on doing sth etw weitermachen
    if the phone's engaged, keep \on trying! wenn besetzt ist, probier es weiter!
    \on and \on immer weiter
    the noise just went \on and \on der Lärm hörte gar nicht mehr auf
    he talked \on and \on er redete pausenlos
    4. (in forward direction) vorwärts
    would you pass it \on to Paul? würdest du es an Paul weitergeben?
    time's getting \on die Zeit vergeht
    from that day \on von diesem Tag an
    they never spoke to each other from that day \on seit diesem Tag haben sie kein Wort mehr miteinander gewechselt
    later \on später
    what are you doing later \on? was hast du nachher vor?
    to move \on (move forward) weitergehen; (transfer to another place) umziehen
    to urge sb \on jdn anspornen
    I'd never have managed this if my friend hadn't urged me \on ich hätte das nie geschafft, wenn mein Freund mich nicht dazu gedrängt hätte
    5. (being shown)
    to be \on auf dem Programm stehen
    are there any good films \on at the cinema this week? laufen in dieser Woche irgendwelche guten Filme im Kino?
    what's \on at the festival? was ist für das Festival geplant?
    there's a good film \on this afternoon heute Nachmittag kommt ein guter Film
    6. (scheduled) geplant
    is the party still \on for tomorrow? ist die Party noch für morgen geplant?
    I've got nothing \on next week ich habe nächste Woche nichts vor
    I've got a lot \on this week ich habe mir für diese Woche eine Menge vorgenommen
    7. (functioning) an
    the brakes are \on die Bremsen sind angezogen
    is the central heating \on? ist die Zentralheizung an?
    to put the kettle \on das Wasser aufsetzen
    to leave the light \on das Licht anlassen
    to switch/turn sth \on etw einschalten
    could you switch \on the radio? könntest du das Radio anmachen?
    8. (aboard)
    the horse galloped off as soon as she was \on kaum war sie aufgesessen, da galoppierte das Pferd schon los
    to get \on bus, train einsteigen; horse aufsitzen
    9. (due to perform)
    you're \on! du bist dran!
    to be \on employee Dienst haben, im Dienst sein; actor auf der Bühne stehen, spielen
    11. AM (performing well)
    to be \on gut drauf sein fam
    to be \on about sth AUS, BRIT dauernd über etw akk reden
    what are you \on about? wovon redest du denn nun schon wieder?
    he knows what he's \on about er weiß, wovon er redet
    I never understand what she's \on about ich verstehe nie, wovon sie es hat fam
    to be [or get] \on at sb jdm in den Ohren liegen
    she's still \on at me to get my hair cut sie drängt mich dauernd, mir die Haare schneiden zu lassen
    to be \on AM aufpassen
    to hang \on warten
    head \on frontal
    that's not \on BRIT, AUS ( fam) das ist nicht in Ordnung
    \on and off, off and \on hin und wieder, ab und zu
    side [or sideways] \on AUS, BRIT seitlich
    the bike hit our car side \on das Rad prallte von der Seite auf unser Auto
    to be \on to something ( fam) etw spitzgekriegt haben fam
    to be \on to sb ( fam) jds Absichten durchschauen
    this way \on AUS, BRIT auf diese Weise
    to be well \on spät sein
    to be well \on in years nicht mehr der Jüngste sein
    you're \on! einverstanden!, abgemacht! fam
    III. adj inv, attr
    1. AM (good) gut
    this seems to be one of her \on days es scheint einer von ihren guten Tagen zu sein
    2. ELEC, TECH
    \on switch Einschalter m
    * * *
    When on is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg live on, lecture on, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg on the right, on request, on occasion, look up the other word.
    1) indicating place, position auf (+dat); (with vb of motion) auf (+acc); (on vertical surface, part of body) an (+dat); (with vb of motion) an (+acc)

    he hung it on the wall/nail — er hängte es an die Wand/den Nagel

    a house on the coast/main road — ein Haus am Meer/an der Hauptstraße

    he hit his head on the table/on the ground — er hat sich (dat) den Kopf am Tisch/auf dem or am Boden angeschlagen

    on TV/the radio — im Fernsehen/Radio


    = by means of, using we went on the train/bus — wir fuhren mit dem Zug/Bus

    on foot/horseback — zu Fuß/Pferd

    3) = about, concerning über (+acc)

    stars visible on clear nights — Sterne, die in klaren Nächten sichtbar sind


    = earning, getting I'm on £18,000 a year — ich bekomme £ 18.000 im Jahr

    6) = at the time of bei (+dat)

    on hearing this he left — als er das hörte, ging er

    7) = as a result of auf... (acc) hin

    he is on the committee/the board — er gehört dem Ausschuss/Vorstand an, er sitzt im Ausschuss/Vorstand

    he is on the "Evening News" — er ist bei der "Evening News"


    = doing to be on a course (Sch, Univ)an einem Kurs teilnehmen


    = at the expense of this round is on me — diese Runde geht auf meine Kosten

    have it on me — das spendiere ich (dir), ich gebe (dir) das aus

    11) = compared with im Vergleich zu

    prices are up on last year( 's) — im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr sind die Preise gestiegen


    = taking to be on drugs/the pill — Drogen/die Pille nehmen


    indicating repetition he made mistake on mistake — er machte einen Fehler nach dem anderen


    musical instrument he played (it) on the violin/trumpet — er spielte (es) auf der Geige/Trompete

    on drums/piano — am Schlagzeug/Klavier

    Roland Kirk on tenor sax — Roland Kirk, Tenorsaxofon

    15) = according to nach (+dat)

    on your theory — Ihrer Theorie nach or zufolge, nach Ihrer Theorie

    2. ADVERB

    = in place, covering he screwed the lid on — er schraubte den Deckel drauf

    she had nothing on —


    indicating position put it this way on — stellen/legen Sie es so herum (darauf)


    indicating forward movement move on! — gehen Sie weiter!, weitergehen!


    indicating time from now on — von jetzt an

    it was well on in the night — es war zu vorgerückter Stunde, es war spät in der Nacht


    indicating continuation to keep on talking — immer weiterreden, in einem fort reden


    set structures __diams; on and on they talked on and on — sie redeten und redeten, sie redeten unentwegt

    he's always on at me — er hackt dauernd auf mir herum, er meckert dauernd an mir herum (inf)

    he's always on at me to get my hair cut — er liegt mir dauernd in den Ohren, dass ich mir die Haare schneiden lassen soll

    what's he on about? —

    he knows what he's on about — er weiß, wovon er redet

    1) = switched on, functioning lights, TV, radio an; brake angezogen; electricity, gas an(gestellt)

    the "on" switch — der Einschalter

    in the "on" position —

    2) = in place lid, cover drauf

    his hat/tie was on crookedly — sein Hut saß/sein Schlips hing schief

    his hat/coat was already on — er hatte den Hut schon auf/den Mantel schon an


    = taking place there's a tennis match on at the moment — ein Tennismatch ist gerade im Gang

    what's on in London? —


    = being performed, performing to be on (in theatre, cinema) — gegeben or gezeigt werden; (on TV, radio) gesendet or gezeigt werden

    who's on tonight? (Theat, Film) — wer spielt heute Abend?, wer tritt heute Abend auf?; (TV) wer kommt heute Abend (im Fernsehen)?

    you're on now (Theat, Rad, TV) — Ihr Auftritt!, Sie sind (jetzt) dran (inf)

    tell me when the English team is on — sagen Sie mir, wenn die englische Mannschaft dran ist or drankommt


    indicating agreement, acceptability to be on (bet, agreement)gelten

    you're on! —

    are you on? ( inf = are you with us ) —,, machst du mit?

    you're/he's not on ( Brit inf )das ist nicht drin (inf)

    * * *
    on [ɒn; US auch ɑn]
    A präp
    1. meist auf (dat oder akk) ( siehe die mit on verbundenen Wörter)
    2. (getragen von) auf (dat), an (dat), in (dat):
    the scar on his face die Narbe in seinem Gesicht;
    a ring on one’s finger ein Ring am Finger;
    have you got a lighter on you? haben Sie ein Feuerzeug bei sich?;
    find sth on sb etwas bei jemandem finden
    4. (Richtung, Ziel) auf (akk) … (hin), an (akk), zu:
    a blow on the chin ein Schlag ans Kinn;
    drop sth on the floor etwas auf den Fußboden oder zu Boden fallen lassen;
    hang sth on a peg etwas an einen Haken hängen
    5. fig (auf der Grundlage von) auf (akk) … (hin):
    based on facts auf Tatsachen begründet;
    live on air von (der) Luft leben;
    this car runs on petrol dieser Wagen fährt mit Benzin;
    a scholar on a foundation ein Stipendiat (einer Stiftung);
    borrow on jewels sich auf Schmuck(stücke) Geld borgen;
    a duty on silk (ein) Zoll auf Seide;
    interest on one’s capital Zinsen auf sein Kapital
    6. (aufeinanderfolgend) auf (akk), über (akk), nach:
    loss on loss Verlust auf oder über Verlust, ein Verlust nach dem andern;
    be on one’s second glass bei seinem zweiten Glas sein
    7. (gehörig) zu, (beschäftigt) bei, in (dat), an (dat):
    be on a committee (the jury, the general staff) zu einem Ausschuss (zu den Geschworenen, zum Generalstab) gehören;
    be on the “Daily Mail” bei der „Daily Mail“ (beschäftigt) sein
    8. (Zustand) in (dat), auf (dat):
    be on sth etwas (ein Medikament etc) (ständig) nehmen;
    be on pills tablettenabhängig oder -süchtig sein
    9. (gerichtet) auf (akk):
    a joke on me ein Spaß auf meine Kosten;
    shut (open) the door on sb jemandem die Tür verschließen (öffnen);
    the strain tells severely on him die Anstrengung nimmt ihn sichtlich mit;
    it’s on me umg das geht auf meine Rechnung, das zahle ich, (im Lokal auch) du bist eingeladen;
    a) jemandem nichts voraus haben,
    b) jemandem nichts anhaben können;
    have sth on sb umg eine Handhabe gegen jemanden haben, etwas Belastendes über jemanden wissen
    10. (Thema) über (akk):
    an agreement (a lecture, an opinion) on sth;
    11. (Zeitpunkt) an (dat):
    on Sunday, on the 1st of April, on April 1st;
    on or after April 1st ab oder mit Wirkung vom 1. April;
    on or before April 1st bis zum oder bis spätestens am 1. April;
    on being asked als ich etc (danach) gefragt wurde
    12. nachdem:
    on leaving school, he … nachdem er die Schule verlassen hatte, …
    13. gegenüber, im Vergleich zu:
    losses were £100,000 down on the previous year
    B adv
    place ( screw, etc) on
    a) an…:
    b) auf…:
    keep one’s hat on
    talk ( walk, etc) on;
    and so on und so weiter;
    on and on immer weiter;
    a) ab und zu,
    b) ab und an, mit Unterbrechungen;
    from that day on von dem Tage an;
    on with the show! weiter im Programm!;
    on to … auf (akk) … (hinauf oder hinaus)
    C adj präd
    a) im Gange sein (Spiel etc), vor sich gehen:
    what’s on? was ist los?;
    what’s on in London? was ist in London los?, was tut sich in London?;
    have you anything on tomorrow? haben Sie morgen etwas vor?;
    that’s not on! das ist nicht drin! umg
    b) an sein umg (Licht, Radio, Wasser etc), an-, eingeschaltet sein, laufen, auf sein umg (Hahn):
    on - off TECH An - Aus;
    the light is on das Licht brennt oder ist an(geschaltet);
    the brakes are on die Bremsen sind angezogen;
    the race is on SPORT das Rennen ist gestartet;
    you are on! abgemacht!
    c) THEAT gegeben werden (Stück), laufen (Film), ( RADIO, TV) gesendet werden (Programm)
    d) d(a)ran (an der Reihe) sein
    e) (mit) dabei sein, mitmachen
    2. be on to umg etwas spitzgekriegt haben, über jemanden od etwas im Bilde sein
    3. umg be a bit on einen Schwips haben;
    be well on ganz schön blau sein
    4. he’s always on at me umg er bearbeitet mich ständig, er liegt mir dauernd in den Ohren ( beide:
    about wegen)
    * * *
    1) (position) auf (+ Dat.); (direction) auf (+ Akk.); (attached to) an (+ Dat./Akk.)

    on the bus/train — im Bus/Zug; (by bus/train) mit dem Bus/Zug

    be on the board/committee — im Vorstand/Ausschuss sein

    2) (with basis, motive, etc. of)

    on the assumption/hypothesis that... — angenommen,...

    3) in expressions of time an [einem Abend, Tag usw.]

    on [his] arrival — bei seiner Ankunft

    on entering the room... — beim Betreten des Zimmers...

    on time or schedule — pünktlich

    4) expr. state etc

    the drinks are on me(coll.) die Getränke gehen auf mich

    be on £20,000 a year — 20 000 Pfund im Jahr kriegen od. haben

    5) (concerning, about) über (+ Akk.)
    2. adverb

    with/without a hat/coat on — mit/ohne Hut/Mantel

    boil something with/without the lid on — etwas in geschlossenem/offenem Topf kochen

    the light/radio etc. is on — das Licht/Radio usw. ist an

    what's on at the cinema?was gibt es od. was läuft im Kino?

    come/be on — seinen Dienst antreten/Dienst haben


    something is on (feasible) /not on — etwas ist möglich/ausgeschlossen

    you're on!(coll.): (I agree) abgemacht!; (making bet) die Wette gilt!

    be on about somebody/something — (coll.) [dauernd] über jemanden/etwas sprechen

    what is he on about? — was will er [sagen]?

    be on at/keep on and on at somebody — (coll.) jemandem in den Ohren/dauernd in den Ohren liegen (ugs.)

    on to, onto — auf (+ Akk.)

    be on to something(have discovered something) etwas ausfindig gemacht haben. See also right 4. 4)

    * * *
    eingeschaltet adj.
    in adj. prep.
    an präp.
    auf präp.
    bei präp.
    über präp.

    English-german dictionary > on

  • 2 on

    [ɒn, Am ɑ:n] prep
    1) ( on top of) auf +dat with verbs of motion auf +akk;
    there are many books \on my desk auf meinem Tisch sind viele Bücher;
    he had to walk out \on the roof er musste auf das Dach raus;
    to get \on a horse auf ein Pferd aufsteigen [o aufsitzen];
    \on top of sth [ganz] oben auf etw dat;
    look at that cat \on the chair! schau dir die Katze auf dem Stuhl an!
    2) ( from) auf +dat with verbs of motion auf +akk;
    she hung their washing \on the line to dry sie hängte ihre Wäsche zum Trocknen auf die Leine;
    several bird houses hung \on the branches an den Ästen hingen mehrere Nistkästen;
    to hang a picture \on the wall ein Bild an die Wand hängen;
    a huge chandelier hung \on the ceiling ein großer Kronenleuchter hing von der Decke
    3) ( clothing) an +dat;
    with shoes \on your feet mit Schuhen an deinen Füßen;
    the wedding ring \on the ring finger der Hochzeitsring am Ringfinger
    4) ( in area of) an +dat, auf +dat;
    our house is \on Sturton Street unser Haus ist in der Sturton Street;
    \on the hill/ mountain auf dem Hügel/Berg;
    they lay \on the beach sie lagen am Strand;
    the town is \on the island die Stadt ist auf der Insel;
    her new house is \on the river ihr neues Haus liegt am Fluss;
    \on her estate auf ihrem Gut;
    on the border an der Grenze;
    \on the corner an der Ecke;
    they waited for their train \on platform three sie warteten auf Bahnsteig drei auf ihren Zug;
    \on track two an Gleis zwei;
    our house is the first \on the left unser Haus ist das erste auf der linken Seite;
    \on the balcony auf dem Balkon
    5) ( hurt by) an +dat;
    I hit my head \on the shelf ich stieß mir den Kopf am Regal an;
    she tripped \on the wire sie blieb an dem Kabel hängen;
    he cut his foot \on some glass er schnitt sich den Fuß an Glas auf
    6) ( supported by) auf +dat;
    to stand \on one's head auf dem Kopf stehen;
    he was lying \on his back er lag auf seinem Rücken
    7) ( in possession of) bei +dat;
    to have sth \on one etw bei sich dat haben;
    have you got a spare cigarette \on you? hast du noch eine Zigarette für mich?;
    I thought I had my driver's licence \on me ich dachte, ich hätte meinen Führerschein dabei
    8) ( marking surface of) auf +dat;
    how did you get that blood \on your shirt? wie kommt das Blut auf Ihr Hemd?;
    a scratch \on her arm ein Kratzer an ihrem Arm;
    a smile \on her face ein Lächeln in ihrem Gesicht
    9) ( about) über +akk;
    a debate \on the crisis eine Debatte über die Krise;
    to comment \on the allegations Vorwürfe kommentieren;
    he advised her \on her taxes er gab ihr Ratschläge für ihre Steuern;
    I'll say more \on that subject later ich werde später mehr dazu sagen after pron
    to have something/anything \on sb etw gegen jdn in der Hand haben;
    do the police have anything \on you? hat die Polizei etwas Belastendes gegen dich in der Hand? after n
    a documentary \on volcanoes ein Dokumentarfilm über Vulkane;
    he needs some advice \on how to dress er braucht ein paar Tipps, wie er sich anziehen soll;
    essays \on a wide range of issues Aufsätze zu einer Vielzahl von Themen
    10) ( based on) auf +akk... hin;
    he reacted \on a hunch er reagierte auf ein Ahnung hin;
    he swore \on his word er gab ihr sein Wort;
    \on account of sb/ sth wegen jdm/etw;
    they cancelled all flights \on account of the weather sie sagten alle Flüge wegen dem Wetter ab;
    \on purpose mit Absicht, absichtlich;
    dependent/reliant \on sb/ sth abhängig von jdm/etw;
    to be based \on sth auf etw dat basieren;
    to rely/depend \on sb sich akk auf jdn verlassen;
    he quit his job \on the principle that he did not want to work for an oil company er kündigte seine Stelle, weil er nicht für eine Ölgesellschaft arbeiten wollte;
    to be based \on the ideas of freedom and equality auf den Ideen von Freiheit und Gleichheit basieren
    11) ( as member of) in +dat;
    have you ever served \on a jury? warst du schon einmal Mitglied in einer Jury?;
    how many people are \on your staff? wie viele Mitarbeiter haben Sie?;
    whose side are you \on in this argument? auf welcher Seite stehst du in diesem Streit?;
    a writer \on a women's magazine eine Autorin bei einer Frauenzeitschrift;
    to work \on a farm auf einem Bauernhof arbeiten
    12) after vb ( against) auf +akk;
    the dog turned \on its own master der Hund ging auf seinen eigenes Herrchen los;
    the gangsters pulled a gun \on him die Gangster zielten mit der Pistole auf ihn;
    her eyes were fixed \on his dark profile sie fixiert mit ihren Augen sein düsteres Profil;
    to force one's will \on sb jdm seinen Willen aufzwingen after n
    the attack \on the village der Angriff auf das Dorf;
    they placed certain restrictions \on large companies großen Unternehmen wurden bestimmte Beschränkungen auferlegt;
    there is a new ban \on the drug die Droge wurde erneut verboten;
    to place a limit \on the number of items die Anzahl der Positionen begrenzen;
    he didn't know it but the joke was \on him er wusste nicht, dass es ein Witz über ihn war
    13) ( through device of) an +dat;
    he's \on the phone er ist am Telefon;
    they weaved the cloth \on the loom sie webte das Tuch auf dem Webstuhl;
    Chris is \on drums Chris ist am Schlagzeug;
    \on the piano auf dem [o am] Klavier;
    we work \on flexitime wir arbeiten Gleitzeit
    14) ( through medium of) auf +dat;
    which page is that curry recipe \on? auf welcher Seite ist das Curry-Rezept?;
    I'd like to see that offer \on paper ich hätte dieses Angebot gerne schriftlich;
    to edit sth \on the computer etw im [o auf dem] Computer bearbeiten;
    to be available \on cassette auf Kassette erhältlich sein;
    to come out \on video als Video herauskommen;
    I saw myself \on film ich sah mich selbst im Film;
    what's \on TV tonight? was kommt heute Abend im Fernsehen?;
    the jazz \on radio der Jazz im Radio;
    I heard the story \on the news today ich hörte die Geschichte heute in den Nachrichten
    15) ( during) auf +dat;
    \on the way to town auf dem Weg in die Stadt
    16) ( travelling with) in +dat;
    I love travelling \on buses/ trains ich reise gerne in Bussen/Zügen;
    we went to France \on the ferry wir fuhren auf der Fähre nach Frankreich;
    he got some sleep \on the plane er konnte im Flugzeug ein wenig schlafen;
    \on foot/ horseback zu Fuß/auf dem Pferd
    17) ( on day of) an +dat;
    many shops don't open \on Sundays viele Läden haben an Sonntagen geschlossen;
    what are you doing \on Friday? was machst du am Freitag?;
    we always go bowling \on Thursdays wir gehen donnerstags immer kegeln;
    my birthday's \on the 30th of May ich habe am 30. Mai Geburtstag;
    I'm free \on Saturday morning ich habe am Samstagvormittag nichts vor;
    I always go shopping \on Wednesday morning ich gehe jeden Mittwochvormittag einkaufen;
    \on a very hot evening in July an einem sehr heißen Abend im Juli
    18) ( at time of) bei +dat;
    \on his mother's death beim Tod seiner Mutter;
    \on your arrival/ departure bei Ihrer Ankunft/Abreise;
    \on the count of three, start running! bei drei lauft ihr los!;
    trains to London leave \on the hour every hour die Züge nach London fahren jeweils zur vollen Stunde;
    the professor entered the room at 1:00 \on the minute der Professor betrat den Raum auf die Minute genau um 13.00 Uhr;
    \on the dot [auf die Sekunde] pünktlich;
    \on receiving her letter als ich ihren Brief erhielt;
    \on arriving at the station bei der Ankunft im Bahnhof
    19) ( engaged in) bei +dat;
    we were on page 42 wir waren auf Seite 42;
    he was out \on errands er machte ein paar Besorgungen;
    \on business geschäftlich, beruflich;
    to work \on sth an etw dat arbeiten
    to be \on sth etw nehmen;
    to be \on drugs unter Drogen stehen, Drogen nehmen;
    my doctor put me \on antibiotics mein Arzt setzte mich auf Antibiotika;
    to be \on medication Medikamente einnehmen
    21) ( paid by) auf +dat;
    they bought that TV \on credit sie kauften diesen Fernseher auf Kredit;
    we bought the furniture \on time wir kauften die Möbel auf Raten;
    ( Brit)
    she wants it done \on the National Health Service sie möchte, das der National Health Service die Kosten übernimmt ( fam);
    this meal is \on me das Essen bezahle ich;
    the drinks are \on me die Getränke gehen auf meine Rechnung
    22) ( added to) zusätzlich zu +dat;
    a few pence \on the electricity bill ein paar Pfennige mehr bei der Stromrechnung
    23) ( connected to) an +dat;
    dogs should be kept \on their leads Hunde sollten an der Leine geführt werden;
    \on the phone (Aus, Brit) telefonisch [o am Telefon] erreichbar;
    we've just moved and we're not \on the phone yet wir sind gerade umgezogen und haben noch kein Telefon
    24) ( according to) auf +dat;
    \on the list auf der Liste;
    a point \on the agenda ein Punkt auf der Tagesordnung;
    to be finished \on schedule planmäßig fertig werden;
    \on the whole im Ganzen, insgesamt;
    \on the whole, it was a good year alles in allem war es ein gutes Jahr
    25) ( burdening) auf +dat;
    it's been \on my mind ich muss immer daran denken;
    she had something \on her heart sie hatte etwas auf dem Herzen;
    that lie has been \on his conscience er hatte wegen dieser Lüge ein schlechtes Gewissen
    26) ( sustained by) mit +dat, von +dat;
    does this radio run \on batteries? läuft dieses Radio mit Batterien?;
    what do mice live \on? wovon leben Mäuse?;
    he lived \on berries and roots er lebte von Beeren und Wurzeln;
    I've only got £50 a week to live \on ich lebe von nur 50 Pfund pro Woche;
    people \on average salaries Menschen mit Durchschnittseinkommen;
    they are living \on their savings sie leben von ihren Ersparnissen;
    to live \on welfare von Sozialhilfe leben;
    to go \on the dole stempeln gehen;
    to be \on sth (Brit, Aus) etw verdienen
    to go \on strike streiken;
    to set sth \on fire etw anzünden;
    crime is \on the increase again die Verbrechen nehmen wieder zu;
    to be \on sth ( undertake) etw machen;
    I'll be away \on a training course ich mache einen Ausbildungslehrgang;
    he's out \on a date with a woman er hat gerade eine Verabredung mit einer Frau;
    we're going \on vacation in two weeks wir gehen in zwei Wochen in Urlaub;
    I was \on a long journey ich habe eine lange Reise gemacht;
    to be \on the go ( Brit) ( fig) auf Trab sein;
    did you know that she's got a new book \on the go? hast du gewusst, dass sie gerade ein neues Buch schreibt?
    I can't improve \on my final offer dieses Angebot ist mein letztes Wort;
    the productivity figures are down \on last week's die Produktivitätszahlen sind dieselben wie letzte Woche;
    to have nothing [or not have anything] \on sth kein Vergleich mit etw dat sein;
    my new bike has nothing \on the one that was stolen mein neues Fahrrad ist bei weitem nicht so gut wie das, das mir gestohlen wurde
    to frown \on sth etw missbilligen;
    they settled \on a price sie einigten sich auf einen Preis;
    to congratulate sb \on sth jdn zu etw dat gratulieren;
    he cheated \on her twice er betrog sie zweimal after adj
    she was bent \on getting the job sie war entschlossen, die Stelle zu bekommen;
    don't be so hard \on him! sei nicht so streng mit ihm! after n
    criticism has no effect \on him Kritik kann ihm nichts anhaben
    30) after vb ( as payment for) für +akk;
    I've wasted a lot of money \on this car ich habe für dieses Auto eine Menge Geld ausgegeben after n
    we made a big profit \on that deal wir haben bei diesem Geschäft gut verdient;
    how much interest are you paying \on the loan? wie viel Zinsen zahlst du für diesen Kredit?
    this is \on your shoulders das liegt in deiner Hand, die Verantwortung liegt bei dir;
    the future of the company is \on your shoulders du hast die Verantwortung für die Zukunft der Firma
    \on sb ohne jds Verschulden;
    she was really worried when the phone went dead \on her sie machte sich richtig Sorgen, als das Telefon ausfiel, ohne dass sie etwas getan hatte;
    the fire went out \on me das Feuer ging ohne ihr Zutun aus
    to stumble \on sth über etw akk stolpern;
    to chance \on sb jdn [zufällig] treffen, jdm [zufällig] begegnen
    the government suffered defeat \on defeat die Regierung erlitt eine Niederlage nach der anderen;
    wave \on wave of refugees has crossed the border in Wellen überquerten die Flüchtlinge die Grenze
    35) (Aus, Brit) sports ( having points of)
    Clive's team is \on five points while Joan's is \on seven das Team von Clive hat fünf Punkte, das von Joan hat sieben
    to have blood \on one's hands Blut an den Händen haben;
    \on the board in Planung;
    to be \on sb's case [to do sth] (Am) jdn nerven [, damit er/sie etw tut] ( fam)
    \on the fly schnell;
    to be out \on a limb alleine dastehen;
    \on the shelf auf der langen Bank ( fig)
    we've had to put that project \on the shelf wir mussten das Projekt auf die lange Bank schieben ( fig)
    \on side loyal;
    to have time \on one's hands noch genug Zeit haben;
    \on a whim spontan, aus einer Laune heraus;
    to border \on sth an etw akk grenzen;
    to be \on it ( Aus) ( fam) sich akk volllaufen lassen ( fam), sich dat die Kanne geben;
    what are you \on? ( fam) bist du noch ganz dicht? ( fam) adv
    1) ( in contact with) auf;
    make sure the top's \on properly pass auf, dass der Deckel richtig zu ist;
    they sewed the man's ear back \on sie haben das Ohr des Mannes wieder angenäht;
    to screw sth \on etw anschrauben;
    I wish you wouldn't screw the lid \on so tightly schraube den Deckel bitte nicht immer so fest
    2) ( on body) an;
    put a jumper \on! zieh einen Pullover drüber!;
    with nothing \on nackt;
    to put clothes \on Kleider anziehen;
    to have/try sth \on etw anhaben/anprobieren
    to get \on with sth mit etw dat weitermachen;
    to keep \on doing sth etw weitermachen;
    if the phone's engaged, keep \on trying! wenn besetzt ist, probier es weiter!;
    \on and \on immer weiter;
    the noise just went \on and \on der Lärm hörte gar nicht mehr auf;
    we talked \on and \on wir redeten pausenlos
    4) ( in forward direction) vorwärts;
    would you pass it \on to Paul? würdest du es an Paul weitergeben?;
    time's getting \on die Zeit vergeht;
    from that day \on von diesem Tag an;
    they never spoke to each other from that day \on seit diesem Tag haben sie kein Wort mehr miteinander gewechselt;
    later \on später;
    what are you doing later \on? was hast du nachher vor?;
    to move \on ( move forward) weitergehen;
    to urge sb \on jdn anspornen;
    I'd never have managed this if my friend hadn't urged me \on ich hätte das nie geschafft, wenn mein Freund mich nicht dazu gedrängt hätte
    to be \on auf dem Programm stehen;
    are there any good films \on at the cinema this week? laufen in dieser Woche irgendwelche guten Filme im Kino?;
    what's \on at the festival? was ist für das Festival geplant?;
    there's a good film \on this afternoon heute Nachmittag kommt ein guter Film
    6) ( scheduled) geplant;
    is the party still \on for tomorrow? ist die Party noch für morgen geplant?;
    I've got nothing \on next week ich habe nächste Woche nichts vor;
    I've got a lot \on this week ich habe mir für diese Woche eine Menge vorgenommen
    7) ( functioning) an;
    the brakes are \on die Bremsen sind angezogen;
    is the central heating \on? ist die Zentralheizung an?;
    to put the kettle \on das Wasser aufsetzen;
    to leave the light \on das Licht anlassen;
    the \on switch der Einschalter;
    to switch/turn sth \on etw einschalten;
    could you switch \on the radio? könntest du das Radio anmachen?
    8) ( aboard)
    the horse galloped off as soon as she was \on das Pferd galoppierte davon, sobald sie darauf saß;
    to get \on bus, train einsteigen; horse aufsitzen
    you're \on! du bist dran!
    to be \on Dienst haben, im Dienst sein
    to be \on gut drauf sein ( fam)
    head \on frontal;
    side \on (Aus, Brit) seitlich;
    the bike hit our car side \on das Rad prallte von der Seite auf unser Auto;
    this way \on (Aus, Brit) auf diese Weise;
    it might fit better if you put it this way \on es passt vielleicht besser, wenn du es so anziehst;
    to be well \on in years nicht mehr der Jüngste sein;
    to be not \on (Brit, Aus) ( fam) nicht in Ordnung sein;
    \on and off;
    off and \on hin und wieder, ab und zu;
    sideways \on (Aus, Brit) seitlich;
    to be well \on spät sein;
    to be \on (Am) aufpassen;
    to hang \on warten;
    to be \on about sth (Aus, Brit) dauernd über etw akk reden;
    I never understand what she's \on about ich verstehe nicht, wovon sie es dauernd hat ( fam)
    to be [or get] \on at sb jdm in den Ohren liegen;
    she's still \on at me to get my hair cut sie drängt mich dauernd, mir die Haare schneiden zu lassen;
    to be \on to sb ( fam) jds Absichten durchschauen;
    to be \on to something ( fam) etw spitz gekriegt haben ( fam)
    you're \on! einverstanden!, abgemacht! ( fam) adj
    inv, attr (Am) ( good) gut;
    this seems to be one of her \on days es scheint einer von ihren guten Tagen zu sein

    English-German students dictionary > on

  • 3 unter Einbeziehung sämtlicher Gesichtspunkte

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > unter Einbeziehung sämtlicher Gesichtspunkte

  • 4 कृत _kṛta

    कृत p. p. [कृ-क्त]
    1 Done, performed, made, effected accomplished, manufactured &c.; (p. p. of कृ 8. U. q. v.) ते करान् संप्रयच्छन्तु सुवर्णं च कृताकृतम् Mb.3.255.17; दिव्याः प्रसन्ना विविधाः सुराः कृतसुरा अपि Rām.5.11.22; natural and manufactured wines.
    -2 Wounded, hurt; सिद्ध्येत ते कृतमनोभवधर्षितायाः Bhāg.3.23.11.
    -3 Acquired, bought (a kind of son); Mb.13.49.4.
    -4 Cultivated; अकृतं च कृतात्क्षेत्राद् गौरजाविकमेव च Ms.1.114.
    -5 Appointed (as a duty); सो$पि यत्नेन संरक्ष्यो धर्मो राजकृतश्च यः Y.2.186.
    -6 Relating to, referring to; पतनीयकृते क्षेपे Y.2.21.
    -तम् 1 Work, deed, action; कृतं न वेत्ति Pt.1.424; un- grateful; Ms.7.197.
    -2 Service, benefit.
    -3 Conse- quence, result.
    -4 Aim, object.
    -5 N. of that side of a die which is marked with four points; this is lucky; cf. Vāj.3.18.
    -6 N. of the first of the four Yugas of the world extending over 1728 years of men (see Ms.1.69 and Kull. thereon).
    -7 The number '4'.
    -8 A stake at a game.
    -9 Prize or booty gained in a battle.
    -1 An offering.
    -11 Magic sorcery.
    -Comp. -अकृत a. done and not done; i. e. done in part but not completed; कृताकृतस्यैव च काञ्चनस्य Bu. Ch.2.2; that which is done and that which is not done (Dvandva Comp.) मा त्वा ताप्तां कृताकृते Mbh. on P.II.2.29; कृताकृतप्रसङ्गि नित्यम्. (
    -तः) the Supreme Being.
    -अङ्क a.
    1 marked, branded; कठ्यां कृताङ्को निर्वास्यः Ms.8.281.
    -2 numbered. (ङ्कः) that side of a die which is marked with four points.
    -अञ्जलि a. folding the hands in supplication; प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं कृताञ्जलिरभाषत Bg.11.14,35; Ms.4.154.
    -अनुकर a. following another's example, subservient.
    -अनुसारः custom, usage.
    -अन्त a. bringing to an end, termi- nating.
    (-तः) 1 Yama, the god of death; कृतान्त आसीत्समरो देवानां सह दानवैः Bhāg.9.6.13; द्वितीयं कृतान्त- मिवाटन्तं व्याधमपश्यत् H.1.
    -2 fate, destiny; कृतान्त एव सौमित्रे द्रष्टव्यो मत्प्रवासने Rām.2.22.15; क्रूरस्तस्मिन्नपि न सहते संगमं नौ कृतान्तः Me.17.
    -3 a demonstrated con- clusion, dogma, a proved doctrine; दैवं पुरुषकारश्च कृतान्ते- नोपपद्यते Mb.12.153.5; यथा लौकिकेषु वैदिकेषु च कृतान्तेषु Mbh. on P.I.1.1,56; साङ्ख्ये कृतान्ते प्रोक्तानि Bg.18.13.
    -4 a sinful or inauspicious action.
    -5 an epithet of Saturn.
    -6 Saturday.
    -7 the inevitable result of former actions.
    -8 the second lunar mansion.
    -9 the number 'two'. ˚कुशल an astrologer; आधिराज्ये$भिषेको मे ब्राह्मणैः पतिना सह । कृतान्त- कुशलैरुक्तं तत्सर्वं वितथीकृतम् Rām.6.48.14. ˚जनकः the sun.
    -अन्नम् 1 cooked food. कृतान्नमुदकं स्त्रियः Ms.9.219;11.3.
    -2 digested food.
    -3 excrement.
    -अपराध a. guilty, offender, criminal.
    - अभय a. saved from fear or danger.
    -अभिषेक a. crowned, inaugurated. (
    -कः) a prince.
    -अभ्यास a. practised.
    -अयः the die called कृत marked with four points.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 having gained one's object, successful; एकः कृतार्थो भवते वीतशोकः Śwet. Up.2.14.
    -2 satisfied; happy, contented; वयं कृतार्था इत्यभिमन्यन्ति बालाः Muṇḍ.1.2.9; कृतः कृतार्थो$स्मि निबर्हितांहसा Śi.1.29; R.8.3; Ki.4.9; Ś.2.1; Pt.1.194.
    -3 clever.
    -4 that which has served its purpose (and hence in- capable of yielding any further sense or serving any other purpose); पुरुषे यागं श्रावयित्वा कृतार्थः शब्द एकस्य द्वयोर्बहूनां वा यागं न वारयति । ŚB. on MS.6.2.3. सकृत् कृत्वा कृतार्थः शब्दः न नियमः पौनःपुन्ये । ŚB. on MS.6.2.27; सा चाकाङ्क्षा एकेनापि कृतार्था भवतीत्युक्तम् । ŚB. on MS.11.1.13. (कृतार्थीकृ
    1 to render fruitful or successful; कृतार्थीकृत्य तं विप्रम् Ks.74.125.
    -2 to make good; कान्तं प्रत्युपचारतश्चतुरया कोपः कृतार्थीकृतः Amaru.15; so कृतार्थयति to make fruitful; Māl.3.6.)
    -अवधान a. careful, attentive.
    -अवधि a.
    1 fixed, appointed.
    -2 bounded, limited.
    -अवमर्ष a.
    1 effacing from recollection.
    -2 intolerant.
    -अवस्थ a.
    1 summoned, caused to be present; Ms.8.6.
    -2 fixed, settled.
    -अस्त्र a.
    1 armed.
    -2 trained in the science of arms or missiles; पित्रा संवर्धितो नित्यं कृतास्त्रः सांपरा- यिकः R.17.62.
    - अहक a. having performed the daily ceremonies.
    - आगम a. advanced, proficient, skilled. (-m.) the Supreme soul.
    -आगस् a. guilty, offending, criminal, sinful; अध्ने प्र शिरो जहि ब्रह्मजस्य कृतागसः Av.12.5.6; कृतागाः कौटिल्यो मुजग इव निर्याय नगरात् Mu.3.11.
    -आत्मन् a.
    1 having control over oneself, self-possessed, of a selfgoverned spirit; कृतात्मा ब्रह्मलोकमभिसंभवामि Ch. Up.8.13.1; कृतात्मानो वीतरागाः प्रशान्ताः Muṇḍ. Up.3.2.5; Rām.5.61.6; ऐहिष्ट तं कारयितुं कृतात्मा Bk.1.11.
    -2 purified in mind; magnanimous; तमरिघ्रं कृतात्मानं क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि राघवम् Rām.5.39.48.
    - आभरण a. adorned.
    -आयास a. labouring, suffering.
    - आलय a. one who has taken up his abode in any place; यत्र ते दयिता भार्या तनयाश्च कृतालयाः Rām. (
    -यः) a frog; dog ? M. W.
    -आवास a lodging.
    -आस्पद a.
    1 governed; ruled.
    -2 supporting, resting on.
    -3 residing in.
    -आहार a. having taken one's meals.
    -आह्वान a. challenged.
    -उत्साह a. diligent, making effort, striving.
    - उदक a. one who had performed his ablutions; Mb.3.
    -उद्वाह a.
    1 married.
    -2 practising penance by standing with up-lifted hands.
    -उपकार a.
    1 favoured, befriended, assisted; अज्ञातभर्तृव्यसना मुहूर्तं कृतोपकारेव रतिर्बभूव Ku.3.73.
    -2 friendly.
    -उपभोग a. used, enjoyed.
    -कर, -कारिन् a. Enjoining what is already known or done; कृतकरो हि विधिरनर्थकः स्यात् ŚB. on MS.1.5.58; कृतकरं शास्त्रमनर्थकं स्यात् ŚB. on MS.1.7.25; कृतकारि खलु शास्त्रं पर्जन्यवत् Mbh. on P.I.2.9.
    -कर्मन् a.
    1 one who has done his work; R.9.3.
    -2 skilful, clever. (-m.)
    1 the Supreme spirit.
    -2 a Saṁnyāsin.
    -काम a. one whose desires are fulfilled.
    -कार्य a.
    1 one who has done his work or obtained his object.
    -2 having no need of another's aid.
    -काल a.
    1 fixed or settled as to time.
    -2 who has waited a certain time. (
    -लः) appointed time; कृतशिल्पो$पि निवसेत्कृतकालं गुरोर्गृहे Y.2.184.
    -कृत्य, -क्रिय a.
    1 who has accomplished his object; Bg.15.2.
    -2 satisfied, contented; Śānti.3.19; Māl.4.3.
    -3 clever.
    -4 having done his duty; कृतकृत्यो विधिर्मन्ये न वर्धयति तस्य ताम् Śi.2.32.
    -क्रयः a purchaser.
    -क्रियः 1 one who has accomplished any act.
    -2 one who has fulfilled his duty.
    -3 one who has performed a religious cere- mony; Ms.5.99.
    -क्षण a.
    1 waiting impatiently for the exact moment; कृतक्षणाहं भद्रं ते गमनं प्रति राघव Rām.2.29.15; वयं सर्वे सोत्सुकाः कृतक्षणास्तिष्ठामः Pt.1.
    -2 one who has got an opportunity.
    -घ्न a.
    1 ungrateful; Ms.4.214;8.89.
    -2 defeating all previous measures.
    -चूडः a boy on whom the ceremony of tonsure has been performed; Ms.5.58,67; नृणामकृतचूडानां विशुद्धिर्नौशिकी स्मृता.
    -जन्मन् a. planted; Ku.5.6.
    -ज्ञ a.
    1 grateful; Ms.7.29,21; Y.1.38.
    -2 correct in conduct; कृतज्ञतामस्य वदन्ति सम्पदः Ki.
    (-ज्ञः) 1 a dog.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -तीर्थ a.
    1 one who has visited or frequented holy places.
    -2 one who studies with a professional teacher.
    -3 fertile in means or expedients.
    -4 a guide.
    -5 rendered accessible or easy; Ki.2.3.
    -दार a. married.
    -दासः a servant hired for a stated period, a hired servant.
    -दूषणम् spoiling what is done; उद्धतायाः पुनरुद्धनने न हि किञ्चित्कार्यमस्ति । केवलं कृतदूषणं भवेत् । ृŚB. on MS.12.2.16. (see कृतदूषा)
    -दूषा f. a blemish or vitiating factor for what is done; अकर्म वा कृतदूषा स्यात् MS.12.1.1. (कृतायाः दूषणम् ŚB).
    -धी a.
    1 prudent, considerate.
    -2 learned, educated, wise; पुत्रेभ्यः कृतवेदिनां कृतधियां येषां न भिन्ना वयम् Mu.5.2; Bg.2.54; Śi.2.79.
    -नामधेय a. named, called as; Ś6.
    -निर्णेजनः a penitent. -a. one who has performed penance; कृतनिर्णेजनांश्चैव न जुगुप्सेत कर्हिचित् Ms.11.189.
    -निश्चय a.
    1 resolute, resolved; युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः Bg.2.37.
    -2 confident, sure.
    -पुङ्ख a. skilled in archery.
    -पूर्व a. done formerly.
    -प्रतिकृतम् assault and counter-assault, attack and resistance; R.12.94.
    -प्रतिज्ञ a.
    1 one who has made an agreement or engagement.
    -2 one who has fulfilled his promise.
    -प्रयोजन a. one who has attained his object; Ks.13.158.
    -फल n. successful. (
    -लम्) result, consequence.
    -बुद्धि a.
    1 learned, educated, wise; विद्वत्सु कृतबुद्धयः (श्रेष्ठाः) Ms.1.97, 7.3.
    -2 a man of resolute character.
    -3 informed of one's duty.
    -ब्रह्मन् a. Ved. one who has per- formed his devotions; कृतब्रह्मा शूशुवद् रातहव्य इत् Rv.2. 25.1.
    -मङ्गल a. blessed, consecrated.
    -मति a. firm, resolute.
    -मन्यु a. indignant.
    -मालः, -लकः 1 a kind of cassia.
    -2 the spotted antelope.
    -मुख a. learned, clever, wise.
    -युगम् the first (golden) of the four ages.
    -रूप one who knows the customary rites (कृतकल्प); Rām.2.1.2.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 stamped, marked.
    -2 branded; ज्ञातिसम्बन्धिभिस्त्वेतास्त्यक्तव्याः कृत- लक्षणाः Ms.9.239.
    -3 excellent, amiable.
    -4 defined, dis- criminated.
    -वर्मन् m. N. of a warrior on the side of the Kauravas who with Kṛipa and Aśvatthāman survived the general havoc of the great Bhārata war. He was afterwards slain by Sātyaki.
    -वापः a penitent who has shaven his head and chin; Ms.11.18.
    -विद् a. grateful; तस्यापवर्ग्यशरणं तव पादमूलं विस्मर्यते कृतविदा कथमार्तबन्धो Bhāg.4.9.8.
    -विद्य a. learned, educated; शूरो$सि कृत- विद्यो$सि Pt.4.43; सुवर्णपुष्पितां पृथ्वीं विचिन्वन्ति त्रयो जनाः । शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च यश्च जानाति सेवितुम् ॥ Pt.1.45.
    -वीर्य a. being strong or powerful; Av.17.1.27. (
    -र्यः) N. of the father of Sahasrārjuna.
    -वेतन a. hired, paid (as a servant); प्रमादमृतनष्टांश्च प्रदाप्यः कृतवेतनः Y.2.164.
    -वेदिन् a.
    1 grateful; न तथा कृतवेदिनां करिष्यन्प्रियतामेति यथा कृता- वदानः Ki.13.32; see कृतज्ञ.
    -2 observant of propriety.
    -वेश a. attired, decorated; गतवति कृतवेशे केशवे कुञ्जशय्याम् Gīt.11.
    -व्यावृत्ति a. dislodged or dismissed from office, set aside; Ku.2.27.
    -शिल्प a. skilled in art or trade; कृतशिल्पो$पि निवसेत्कृतकालं गुरोर्गृहे Y.2.184.
    -शोभ a.
    1 splendid.
    -2 beautiful.
    -3 handy, dexterous.
    -शौच a. purified; पुण़्डरीकमवाप्नोति कृतशौचो भवेच्च सः Mb.3.83.21.
    -श्मश्रुः one who is shaven; न हि कृतश्मश्रुः पुनः श्मश्रूणि कार- यति Mbh. on P.I.2.9.
    -श्रमः, -परिश्रमः one who has studied; कृतपरिश्रमो$स्मि ज्योतिःशास्त्रे Mu.1; I have devoted my time to (spent my labours on) the science of astro- nomy.
    -संकल्प a. resolved, determined.
    -संकेत a. making an appointment; नामसमेतं कृतसंकेतं वादयते मृदु वेणुम् Gīt.5.
    -संज्ञ a.
    1 having presence of mind... स्थापयेद् दासान् कृत- संज्ञान् समन्ततः Ms.
    -2 restored to consciousness or senses.
    -3 aroused.
    -4 one to whom sign has been given; Rāj. T.4.221.
    -संनाह a. clad in armour, accoutred.
    -संस्कार a.
    1 one who has performed all purificatory rites, ini- tiated; वैश्यस्तु कृतसंस्कारः Ms.9.326; R.1.78.
    -2 Pre- pared, adorned.
    -सापत्निका, -सापत्नी, सापत्नीका, -सापत्नका, सपत्निका a woman whose husband has mar- ried another wife, a married woman having a co-wife or a superseded wife.
    -हस्त, -हस्तक a.
    1 dexterous, clever, skilful, handy.
    -2 skilled in archery.
    -हस्तता 1 skill, dexterity;... संनिपाते । सुमहति कृतहस्ताः सैनिकास्तं ररक्षुः ॥ Śiva. B.13.3.47.
    -2 skill in archery or generally in handling arms; कौरव्ये कृतहस्तता पुनरियं देवे यथा सीरिणि Ve.6.13; Mv.6.41.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > कृत _kṛta

  • 5 अष्टन् _aṣṭan

    अष्टन् num. a. [अश-व्याप्तौ कनिन् तुट् च Uṇ.1.154.] (nom., acc. अष्ट-ष्टौ) Eight. It often occurs in comp. as अष्टा with numerals and some other nouns; as अष्टादशन्, अष्टाविंशतिः, अष्टापद &c. [cf. L. octo; Gr. okto; Zend astani Pers. hasht.].
    -Comp. -अक्षर a. consisting of eight letters or parts; अष्टाक्षरं ह वा एकं गायत्र्यै पदम् Bṛi. Up.5.14.1. (
    -रः) N. of a metre.
    -अङ्ग a. consisting of eight parts or members.
    (-ङ्गम्) 1 the eight parts of the body with which a very low obeisance is performed; ˚पातः, -प्रणामः, साष्टाङ्गनमस्कारः a respectful obeisance made by the prostration of the eight limbs of the body; साष्टाङ्गपातं प्रणनाम fell prostrate on the ground in reverence; (जानुभ्यां च तथा पद्भ्यां पाणिभ्यामुरसा धिया । शिरसा वचसा दृष्टया प्रणामो$- ष्टाङ्ग ईरितः). cf. also उरसा शिरसा दृष्टया वचसा मनसा तथा । पद्भ्यां कराभ्यां जानुभ्यां प्रणामो$ष्टाङ्ग उच्यते ॥ The eight limbs of the body in नमस्कार.
    -2 the 8 parts of yoga or concen- tration; यमो नियमश्चासनं च प्राणायामस्ततः परम् । प्रत्याहारो धारणा च घ्यानं सार्धं समाधिना । अष्टाङ्गान्याहुरेतानि योगिनां योगसिद्धये ॥
    -3 materials of worship taken collectively, namely, water, milk, ghee, curds, दर्भ, rice, barley, mustard seed.
    -4 the eight parts of every medical science; (they are:-- शल्यम्, शालाक्यम्, कायचिकित्सा, भूतविद्या, कौमारभृत्यम्, अगदतन्त्रम्, रसायनतन्त्रम्, and वाजीकरणतन्त्रम्.)
    -5 the eight parts of a court; 1 the law, 2 the judge, 3 assessors, 4 scribe, 5 astrologer, 6 gold, 7 fire, and 8 water.
    -6 any whole consisting of eight parts.
    -7 a die, dice.
    -8 The eight functions of intellect (बुद्धि) are शुश्रूषा, श्रवण, ग्रहण, धारणा, चिन्तन, ऊहापोह, अर्थविज्ञान and तत्त्वज्ञान; बुद्धया ह्यष्टाङ्गया युक्तं त्वमेवार्हसि भाषितुम् Rām.6.113.24. ˚अर्घ्यम् an offering of eight articles. ˚धूपः a sort of medical incense removing fever. ˚मैथुनम् sexual enjoyment of 8 kinds'; the eight stages in the progress of a love suit; स्मरणं कीर्तनं केलिः प्रेक्षणं गुह्यभाषणम् । संकल्पो$ध्यवसायश्च क्रियानिष्पत्तिरेव च ॥
    ˚वैद्यकम् It is constituted of द्रव्याभिधान, गदनिश्चय, काय- सौख्य, शल्यादि, भूतनिग्रह, विषनिग्रह, बालवैद्यक, and रसायन. ˚हृदयम् N. of a medical work.
    -अधिकाराः जलाधिकारः, स्थलाधिकारः, ग्रामाधिकारः, कुललेखनम्, ब्रह्मासनम्, दण़्डविनि- योगः, पौरोहित्यम्.
    -अध्यायी N. of Pāṇinī's gramma- tical work consisting of 8 Adhyāyas or chapters.
    -अन्नानि The eight types of food भोज्य, पेय, चोष्य, लेह्य, खाद्य, चर्व्य, निःपेय, भक्ष्य.
    -अर a. having a wheel with 8 spokes.
    -अस्रम् an octagon.
    -अस्रः A kind of single-storeyed building octangular in plan.
    -अस्रिय a. octangular.
    -अह् (न्) a. lasting for 8 days.
    -आदिशाब्दिकाः the first eight expounders of the science of words (grammar); इन्द्रश्चन्द्रः काशकृत्स्नापिशली शाकटायनः । पाणिन्यमरजैनेन्द्रा जयन्त्यष्टादिशाब्दिकाः ॥
    -आपाद्य Multiplied by eight. अष्टापाद्यं तु शूद्रस्य स्तेये भवति किल्बिषम् । Ms.8.337.
    -उपद्वीपानि स्वर्णप्रस्थ, चन्द्राशुक्ल, आवर्तन, रमणक, मन्दरहरिण, पाञ्चजन्य, सिंहल, and लङ्का.
    -कपाल a. (˚ष्टा˚) prepared or offered in 'eight' pans. (
    -लः) a sacrifice in which ghee is offered in eight pans.
    -कर्ण a. one who has the number eight as a mark burnt in his ears (P.VI.3.115). (
    -र्णः) eight- eared, an epithet of Brahmā. (
    -कर्मन् m.),
    -गतिकः a king who has 8 duties to perform; (they are:-- आदाने च विसर्गे च तथा प्रैषनिषेधयोः । पञ्चमे चार्थवचने व्यवहारस्य चेक्षणे ॥ दण्डशुद्धयोः सदा रक्तस्तेनाष्टगतिको नृपः ।
    -कुलम् (Probably) Village jury. (Bh. List No. 1267).
    -कुलाचलाः Eight principal mountains; नील, निषध, विन्ध्याचल, माल्यवान्, मलय, गंधमादन, हेमकूट, and हिमालय. (
    -मर्यादागिरयः) हिमालय, हेमकूट, निषध, गन्धमादन, नील, श्वेत, शृङ्गवार and माल्यवान्.
    -कृत्वस् ind. eight times. चतु- र्नमो अष्टकृत्वो भवाय Av.11.2.9.
    -कोणः 1 an octagon.
    -2 a kind of machine.
    -खण्डः a title of a collection of several sections of the Ṛigveda.
    -गन्धाः Eight fragrant substances (Mar. चन्दन, अगरु, देवदार, कोळिंजन, कुसुम, शैलज, जटामांसी, सुर-गोरोचन).
    -गवम् [अष्टानां गवां समाहारः] a flock of 8 cows.
    -गाढ् m.
    1 a fabulous animal supposed to have eight legs.
    -2 a spider.
    -गुण a. eightfold; अन्नादष्टगुणं चूर्णम्; दाप्यो$ष्टगुणमत्ययम् Ms.8.4. (
    -णम्) the eight qualities which a Brāhmaṇa should possess; दया सर्वभूतेषु, क्षान्तिः, अनसूया, शौचम्, अनायासः, मङ्गलम्, अकार्पण्यम्, अस्पृहा चेति ॥ Gautamasūtra. ˚आश्रय a. endowed with these eight qualities.
    -ष्ट (˚ष्टा˚) चत्वारिंशत् a. forty-eight.
    -तय a. eight-fold.
    -तारिणी the eight forms of the goddess तारिणी; तारा- चोग्रा महोग्रा च वज्रा काली सरस्वती । कावेश्वरी च चामुण्डा इत्यष्टौ तारिण्यो मताः ॥.
    -तालम् A kind of sculptural measure- ment in which the whole height of an idol is generally eight times that of the face.
    -त्रिंशत् -(˚ष्टा˚) a. thirty-eight.
    -त्रिकम् [अष्टावृत्तम् त्रिकम्] the number 24.
    -दलम् 1 a lotus having eight petals.
    -2 an octagon.
    -दशन् (˚ष्टा˚) see above after अष्टातय.
    -दिश् f. [कर्म˚ स. संज्ञात्वान्न द्विगुः दिक् सङ्ख्ये संज्ञायाम् P.II.1.5.] the eight cardinal points; पूर्वाग्नेयी दक्षिणा च नैर्ऋती पश्चिमा तथा । वायवी चोत्तरैशानी दिशा अष्टाविमाः स्मृताः ॥. ˚करिण्यः the eight female elephants living in the eight points; करिण्यो$भ्रमुकपिलापिङ्गलानुपमाः क्रमात् । ताम्रकर्णी शुभ्रदन्ती चाङ्गना चाञ्जनावती ॥ Ak. ˚पालाः the eight regents of the cardinal points; इन्द्रो वह्निः पितृपतिः (यमः) नैर्ऋतो वरुणो मरुत् (वायुः) । कुबेरे ईशः पतयः पूर्वादीनां दिशां क्रमात् ॥ Ak. ˚गजाः the eight elephants guarding the 8 quarters; ऐरावतः पुण्डरीको वामनः कुमुदो$ञ्जनः । पुष्पदन्तः सार्वभौमः सुप्रतीकश्च दिग्गजाः ॥ Ak.
    -देहाः (पिण्डब्रह्माण्डात्मकाः) Gross and subtle bodies; स्थूल, सूक्ष्म, कारण, महाकारण, विराट्, हिरण्य, अव्याकृत, मूलप्रकृति.
    -द्रव्यम् the eight materials of a sacrifice; अश्वत्थोदुम्बुरप्लक्षन्यग्रोधसमिधस्तिलाः । सिद्धार्थपायसाज्यानि द्रव्याण्यष्टौ विदुर्बुधाः ॥
    -धातुः the eight metals taken collectively; स्वर्णं रूप्यं च ताम्रं च रङ्गं यशदमेव च । शीसं लौहं रसश्चेति धातवो$ष्टौ प्रकीर्किताः ॥
    -नागाः (Serpents) अनन्त, वासुकि, तक्षक, कर्कोटक, शङ्ख, कुलिक, पद्म, and महापद्म.
    -नायिकाः (of श्रीकृष्ण) रुक्मिणी, सत्यभामा, जाम्बवती, कालिन्दी, मित्रवृन्दा, याज्ञजिती, भद्रा, and लक्ष्मणा. (of इन्द्र) उर्वशी, मेनका, रम्भा, पूर्वचिती, स्वयंप्रभा, भिन्नकेशी जनवल्लभा and घृताची (तिलोत्तमा). (In Erotics) वासकसज्जा, विरहोत्कण्ठिता, स्वाधीनभर्तृका, कलहान्तरिता, खण्डिता, विप्रलब्धा, प्रोषितभर्तृका, and अभिसारिका.
    -पक्ष a. Having eight side- pillars; अष्टपक्षां दशपक्षां शालाम् Av.9.3.21.
    -पद, -द् (˚ष्ट˚ or ˚ष्टा˚) a.
    1 eight-footed.
    -2 a term for a pregnant animal.
    -पदः (˚ष्ट˚)
    1 a spider.
    -2 a fabulous animal called Śarabha.
    -3 a worm.
    -4 a wild sort of jasmin.
    -5 a pin or bolt.
    -6 the mountain Kailāsa (the abode of Kubera). (
    -दः, -दम्) [अष्टसु धातुषु पदं प्रतिष्ठा यस्य Malli.]
    1 gold; आवर्जिताष्टापदकुम्भतोयैः Ku.7.1; Śi.3.28.
    -2 a kind of chequered cloth or a board for drafts, dice-board (Mar. पट); ˚परिचयचतुराभिः K.196. ˚पत्रम् a sheet of gold.
    -प (पा)दिका N. of a plant.
    -पदी (˚ष्ट-ष्टा˚)
    1 wild sort of jasmin (Mar. वेलमोगरी); श्यामान्वारणपुष्पांश्च तथा$- ष्टपदिका लताः Mb.13.54.6.
    -2 a variety of metre, often used in Jayadeva's Gītagovinda.
    -पलम् a kind of medicinal preparation of ghee.
    -पाद्य a. (˚ष्टा˚) eight-fold.
    -पुत्र a. Having eight sons; अष्टयोनिरदितिरष्ट- पुत्रा Av.8.9.21.
    -(देह)-प्रकृतयः पञ्चमहाभूतानि, मनः, बुद्धिः and अहङ्कारः.
    -प्रधानाः, वैद्य, उपाध्याय, सचिव, मन्त्री, प्रतिनिधि, राजाध्यक्ष, प्रधान and अमात्य. (of शिवाजी) प्रधान, अमात्य, सचिव, मन्त्री, डबीर, न्यायाधीश, न्यायशास्त्री and सेनापति.
    -भावाः (a) स्तम्भ, स्वेद, रोमाञ्च, वैस्वर्य, कम्प, वैवर्ण्य, अश्रुपात, and प्रलय (b) कम्प, रोमाञ्च, स्फुरण, प्रेमाश्रु, स्वेद, हास्य, लास्य, and गायन.
    -भैरवाः (शिवगणाः) असिताङ्ग, संहार, रुरु, काल, क्रोध, ताम्रचूड, चन्द्रचूड and महाभैरव, (इतरे- कपाल, रुद्र, भीषण उन्मत्त, कुपित इत्यादयः).
    -भोगाः अन्न, उदक, ताम्बूल, पुष्प, चन्दन, वसन, शय्या, and अलंकार.
    -मङ्गलः a horse with a white face, tail, mane, breast and hoofs. (
    -लम्) [अष्ट- गुणितं मङ्गलं शा. क. त.] a collection of eight lucky things; according to some they are:-- मृगराजो वृषो नागः कलशो व्यञ्जनं तथा । वैजयन्ती तथा भेरी दीप इत्यष्टमङ्गलम् ॥ according to others लोके$स्मिन्मङ्गलान्यष्टौ ब्राह्मणो गौर्हुताशनः । हिरण्यं सर्पि- रादित्य आपो राजा तथाष्टमः ॥
    -मङ्गलघृत Ghee mixed with Orris-root (Mar. वेखंड), Costus Arabicus (कोष्ट), ब्राह्मी Siphonanthus Indica, mustard, सैन्धव, पिप्पली, and (Mar. उपळसरी).
    -मधु Eight Kinds of honey माक्षिक, भ्रामर, क्षौद्र, पोतिका, छात्रक, अर्घ्य, औदाल, दाल.
    -महारसाः Eight रसs in Āyurveda, namely वैक्रान्तमणि, हिंगूळ, पारा, हलाहल, कान्तलोह, अभ्रक, स्वर्णमाक्षी, रौप्यमाक्षी.
    -महारोगाः वातव्याधि, अश्मरी, कुष्ट, मेह, उदक, भगन्दर, अर्श, and संग्रहणी.
    -महासिद्धयः (n.) अणिमा, महिमा, लघिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाश्य, ईशिता, वशिता, and प्राकाम्य. (b) अणिमा, महिमा, मघिमा, गरिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाम्य, ईशिता and वशिता.
    -मातृकाः ब्राह्मी, माहेश्वरी, कौमारी, वैष्णवी, वाराही, इन्द्राणी, कौबेरी, and चामुण्डा.
    -मुद्राः सुरभी, चक्र, ध्यान, योनि, कूर्म, पङ्कज, लिङ्ग and निर्याण.
    -मानम् one kuḍava.
    -मासिक a. occurring once in 8 months.
    -मुष्टिः a. measure called कुञ्चि; अष्टमुष्टिर्भवेत् कुञ्चिः कुञ्चयो$ष्टौ च पुष्कलः । हेमाद्रिः
    -मूत्राणि Urines of a cow, a sheep, a goat, a buffallo, a horse, an elephant, a camel, an ass.
    -मूर्तिः the 'eight-formed', an epithet of Śiva; the 8 forms being, the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether), the Sun and the Moon and the sacrificing priest; cf. Ś.1.1 -या सृष्टिः स्रष्टुराद्या वहति विधिहुतं या हविर्या च होत्री । ये द्वे कालं विधत्तः श्रुतिविषयगुणा या स्थिता व्याप्य विश्वम् । यामाहुः सर्वभूत- प्रकृतिरिति यया प्राणिनः प्राणवन्तः । प्रत्यक्षाभिः प्रपन्नस्तनुभिरवतु वस्ताभिरष्टाभिरीशः ॥; or briefly expressed, the names in Sanskrit (in the above order) are:-- जलं वह्निस्तथा यष्टा सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ तथा । आकाशं वायुरवनी मूर्तयो$ष्टौ पिनाकिनः ॥. ˚धरः 'having 8 forms', Śiva.
    -मूर्तयः Eight kinds of idols शैली, दारुमयी, लौही, लेप्या, लेख्या, सैकती, मनोमयी, and मणिमयी
    -योगिन्यः (Friends of पार्वती) (a) मङ्गला, पिङ्गला, धन्या, भ्रामरी, भद्रिका, उल्का, सिद्धा, and सङ्कटा. (b) मार्जनी, कर्पूर- तिलका, मलयगन्धिनी, कौमुदिका, भेरुण्डा, मातालि, नायकी and जया (शुभाचारा) (sometimes सुलक्षणा and सुनन्दा).
    -रत्नम् the eight jewels taken collectively; the title of a collection of 8 Ślokas on morality.
    -रसाः the 8 sentiments in dramas &c.; शृङ्गारहास्यकरुणरौद्रवीरभयानकाः । बीभत्साद्भुतसंज्ञौ चेत्यष्टौ नाटये रसाः स्मृताः ॥ K. P.4 (to which is sometimes added a 9th Rasa called शान्त; निर्वेदस्थायिभावो$स्ति शान्तो$पि नवमो रसः ibid.); ˚आश्रय a. embodying or representing the eight sentiments; V.2.18.
    -लवणानि अजमोदा, आम्लवेतस, एलची (cardamom), Black salt (Mar. पादेलोण), Garcinia Mangostona (Mar. आमसोल), Cinnamo- mum aromaticum (Mar. दालचिनी), Black peppar (Mar. मिरीं).
    -लोहकम् a class of 8 metals; सुवर्णं रजतं ताम्रं सीसकं कान्तिकं तथा । वङ्गं लौहं तीक्ष्णलौहं लौहान्यष्टाविमानि तु ॥
    -वर्गः 1 a sort of diagram (चक्र) showing the good or bad stars of a person.
    -2 the 8 classes of letters; (अवर्ग, क˚, च˚, ट˚, त˚, प˚, य˚, श˚,).
    -3 a class of three principal medicaments, Namely ऋषभ, जीवक, मेद, महामेद, ऋद्धि, वृद्धि, काकोली, and क्षीरकाकोली cf. जीवकर्षभकौ मेदौ काकोल्यावृद्धिवृद्धिकी.
    -वक्रः (ष्टा) See below.
    -वर्ष a. Eight years old; त्र्यष्टवर्षो$ष्टवर्षां वा धर्मे सीदति सत्वरः Ms.9.94.
    -वसु The eight वसुs in the present मन्वन्तर are (a) धर, ध्रुव, सोम, आप, अनिल, अनल, प्रत्यूष, प्रभास. (b) द्रोण, प्राण, ध्रुव, अर्क, अग्नि, दोष, वसु, विभावसु.
    -वायनानि हरिद्रा, पूगीफल, दक्षिणा, शूर्प, कङ्कण, काचमणि, धान्य, वस्त्र (Mar. खण).
    -विना- यकाः The eight Gaṇapatis at मोरगांव (Dist. Poona), पाली (Dist. कुलाबा), भढ (near Karjat, dist. कुलाब), थेऊर (near लोणी, dist. Poona), जुन्नर (dist. Poona), ओझर (near जुन्नर, Dist. Poona). रांजणगांव (Poona- Nagar Road). सिद्धटेक (near दौंड, Dist. Ahmednagar).
    -विवाहाः बाह्य, दैव, आर्ष, गान्धर्व, राक्षस, प्राजापत्य, आसुर, पैशाच.
    -विध a. [अष्टाविधाः प्रकाराः अस्य] eight-fold, of eight kinds.
    -विंशतिः f. (˚ष्टा˚) [अष्टाधिका विंशतिः शाक. त.] the number twentyeight.
    -शतम् 1 One hundred and eight.
    -2 eight hundred.
    -श्रवणः, -श्रवस् N. of Brahmā (having 8 ears or four heads.)
    -समाधयः यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान, and समाधि.
    -सिद्धयः (See --महा- सिद्धयः).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अष्टन् _aṣṭan

  • 6 οκριόεντ'

    ὀκριόεντα, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: neut nom /voc /acc pl
    ὀκριόεντα, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: masc acc sg
    ὀκριόεντι, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: masc /neut dat sg
    ὀκριόεντε, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: masc /neut nom /voc /acc dual

    Morphologia Graeca > οκριόεντ'

  • 7 ὀκριόεντ'

    ὀκριόεντα, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: neut nom /voc /acc pl
    ὀκριόεντα, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: masc acc sg
    ὀκριόεντι, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: masc /neut dat sg
    ὀκριόεντε, ὀκριόεις
    having many points: masc /neut nom /voc /acc dual

    Morphologia Graeca > ὀκριόεντ'

  • 8 Verlustpunkt

    1. WIRTS., Börse: 300 Verlustpunkte stehen zu Buche bei 13.000 a loss of 300 points on a value of 13,000
    2. SPORT: das Team ohne Verlustpunkt the team that has not lost ( oder dropped) any points, the team with a maximum number of points; einen Verlustpunkt vom nächsten Team getrennt separated from the next team by only one point; mit nur einem Verlustpunkt having lost ( oder dropped) only one point
    * * *
    300 Verlustpunkte stehen zu Buche bei 13.000 a loss of 300 points on a value of 13,000
    2. SPORT:
    das Team ohne Verlustpunkt the team that has not lost ( oder dropped) any points, the team with a maximum number of points;
    einen Verlustpunkt vom nächsten Team getrennt separated from the next team by only one point;
    mit nur einem Verlustpunkt having lost ( oder dropped) only one point

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Verlustpunkt

  • 9 contrario

    1 contrary, opposite, adverse, opposed.
    2 contrary, negative, antagonistic, antipathetic.
    1 opposite, antithesis, reverse, converse.
    2 opponent, adversary, enemy, rival.
    * * *
    1 (opuesto) contrary, opposite
    2 (perjudicial) harmful (a, to), bad (a, for)
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 opponent, adversary, rival
    al contrario on the contrary
    de lo contrario otherwise
    en dirección contraria in the wrong direction
    llevar la contraria a alguien to oppose somebody
    por el contrario on the contrary
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite
    la parte contraria DERECHO the opponent 2 (en deportes) the opposing team
    * * *
    (f. - contraria)
    contrary, opposite
    * * *
    contrario, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=rival) [partido, equipo] opposing
    2) (=opuesto) [extremo, efecto, significado, sexo] opposite

    se mostraron contrarios al acuerdo — they came out against the agreement, they were opposed to the agreement

    dirección contraria, tomamos la dirección contraria — we went in the opposite direction

    intereses contrarios — conflicting o opposing interests

    pie contrario, se puso el zapato en el pie contrario — she put her shoe on the wrong foot

    sentido contrario, un coche que venía en sentido contrario — a car coming in the opposite direction

    viento contrario — headwind

    caso 1), b)
    3) [en locuciones]

    al contrario — on the contrary, quite the opposite

    no me disgusta la idea, al contrario, me encanta — I don't dislike the idea, on the contrary o quite the opposite, I think it would be wonderful

    -¿te aburres? -¡que va, al contrario! — "are you bored?" - "no way, quite the opposite!"

    antes al contrario, muy al contrario — frm on the contrary

    al contrario de, todo salió al contrario de lo previsto — everything turned out the opposite of what we expected

    al contrario de lo que creíamos, hizo muy buen tiempo — contrary to what we thought, the weather turned out very nice

    siempre va al contrario de todo el mundo — she always has to be different to everyone else, she always does the opposite to everyone else

    al contrario que o de ella, yo no estoy dispuesto a aguantar — unlike her, I'm not willing to put up with it

    lo contrario, ¿qué es lo contrario de alto? — what is the opposite of tall?

    soy inocente, hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario — I am innocent until proven otherwise

    de lo contrario — otherwise, or else

    salga o, de lo contrario, llamaré a la policía — please leave, otherwise o or else I'll call the police

    por el contrario, los inviernos, por el contrario, son muy fríos — the winters, on the other hand o on the contrary, are very cold

    parece ir todo bien, y por el contrario, la situación es muy complicada — it all appears to be going well, when in fact the situation is rather difficult

    todo lo contrario — quite the opposite, quite the reverse

    -¿es feo? -no, todo lo contrario — "is he ugly?" - "no, quite the opposite o reverse"

    no hay descenso de precios, sino todo lo contrario — prices are not going down, quite the opposite o reverse, in fact

    SM / F opponent
    SM (=opuesto) opposite

    ¿cuál es el contrario del negro? — what is the opposite of black?


    llevar la contraria —

    ¿por qué siempre tienes que llevar la contraria? — why do you always have to be so contrary?

    * * *
    - ria adjetivo
    1) ( opuesto) <opiniones/intereses> conflicting; < dirección> opposite

    contrario a algo: mi opinión es contraria a la suya I feel very differently to you; soy contrario al uso de la violencia I am against the use of violence; se manifestó contrario a la idea she expressed her opposition to the idea; sería contrario a mis intereses it would be against o (frml) contrary to my interests; contrario a lo que se esperaba... contrary to expectations,...; en sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj counterclockwise (AmE), anticlockwise (BrE); el coche venía en sentido contrario — ( por el otro carril) the car was coming in the opposite direction; ( por el mismo carril) the car was coming straight at us

    2) ( adversario) < equipo> opposing; < bando> opposite

    la parte contraria — (Der) the opposing party

    al contrario de: al contrario de su hermano... unlike his brother,...; al contrario de lo que esperábamos,... contrary to (our) expectations,...; todo salió al contrario de como lo planearon it turned out just the opposite to what they had planned; de lo contrario or else, otherwise; por el contrario: en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate; pensé que era rico - por el contrario, no tiene un peso I thought he was rich - on the contrary o far from it, he doesn't have a penny; todo lo contrario quite the opposite; llevar la contraria: él siempre tiene que llevar la contraria he always has to take the opposite view; llevarle la contraria a alguien — to contradict somebody

    - ria masculino, femenino opponent
    * * *
    = contrary, opposing, inimical, antipathetic, opposite, competing, opposed, adversarial, aversive, reverse, objector.
    Ex. Perhaps there has been a contrary reaction by British academic librarians to conserve their collections.
    Ex. When it is clear that material is biased or misrepresents a group, librarians should correct the situation, either by refusing the material or by giving equal representation to opposing points of view.
    Ex. Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex. In some respects, TREC in its present form is antipathetic to interactive information retrieval.
    Ex. Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Free Trade and Protection', 'Protection' See 'Free Trade and Protection''.
    Ex. This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    Ex. Librarianship is faced with the problem of the reconciliation of opposed objectives -- the arrest of deterioration in books versus the idea that books are meant to be used, becoming ultimately worn with use.
    Ex. The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex. In fact, weeding aversive staff tend to spend a lot more time complaining about having nothing on the shelves.
    Ex. He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.
    Ex. Objectors to a major wind farm plan say developers have exaggerated its green benefits.
    * al contrario = vice versa, to the contrary, contrariwise, quite the opposite, quite the contrary.
    * de lo contrario = if not, otherwise.
    * demostrar lo contrario = prove + differently.
    * en sentido contrario = to the contrary.
    * en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj = counterclockwise, anti-clockwise.
    * hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario = until proven otherwise.
    * inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario = innocent until proven guilty.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * justo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * muy por el contrario = in marked contrast.
    * por el contrario = by contrast, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, by way of contrast, to the contrary, quite the opposite, by comparison, contrariwise, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * ser contrario a = be contrary to, be hostile to.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * viento contrario = headwind.
    * * *
    - ria adjetivo
    1) ( opuesto) <opiniones/intereses> conflicting; < dirección> opposite

    contrario a algo: mi opinión es contraria a la suya I feel very differently to you; soy contrario al uso de la violencia I am against the use of violence; se manifestó contrario a la idea she expressed her opposition to the idea; sería contrario a mis intereses it would be against o (frml) contrary to my interests; contrario a lo que se esperaba... contrary to expectations,...; en sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj counterclockwise (AmE), anticlockwise (BrE); el coche venía en sentido contrario — ( por el otro carril) the car was coming in the opposite direction; ( por el mismo carril) the car was coming straight at us

    2) ( adversario) < equipo> opposing; < bando> opposite

    la parte contraria — (Der) the opposing party

    al contrario de: al contrario de su hermano... unlike his brother,...; al contrario de lo que esperábamos,... contrary to (our) expectations,...; todo salió al contrario de como lo planearon it turned out just the opposite to what they had planned; de lo contrario or else, otherwise; por el contrario: en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate; pensé que era rico - por el contrario, no tiene un peso I thought he was rich - on the contrary o far from it, he doesn't have a penny; todo lo contrario quite the opposite; llevar la contraria: él siempre tiene que llevar la contraria he always has to take the opposite view; llevarle la contraria a alguien — to contradict somebody

    - ria masculino, femenino opponent
    * * *
    = contrary, opposing, inimical, antipathetic, opposite, competing, opposed, adversarial, aversive, reverse, objector.

    Ex: Perhaps there has been a contrary reaction by British academic librarians to conserve their collections.

    Ex: When it is clear that material is biased or misrepresents a group, librarians should correct the situation, either by refusing the material or by giving equal representation to opposing points of view.
    Ex: Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex: In some respects, TREC in its present form is antipathetic to interactive information retrieval.
    Ex: Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Free Trade and Protection', 'Protection' See 'Free Trade and Protection''.
    Ex: This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    Ex: Librarianship is faced with the problem of the reconciliation of opposed objectives -- the arrest of deterioration in books versus the idea that books are meant to be used, becoming ultimately worn with use.
    Ex: The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex: In fact, weeding aversive staff tend to spend a lot more time complaining about having nothing on the shelves.
    Ex: He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.
    Ex: Objectors to a major wind farm plan say developers have exaggerated its green benefits.
    * al contrario = vice versa, to the contrary, contrariwise, quite the opposite, quite the contrary.
    * de lo contrario = if not, otherwise.
    * demostrar lo contrario = prove + differently.
    * en sentido contrario = to the contrary.
    * en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj = counterclockwise, anti-clockwise.
    * hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario = until proven otherwise.
    * inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario = innocent until proven guilty.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * justo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * muy por el contrario = in marked contrast.
    * por el contrario = by contrast, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, by way of contrast, to the contrary, quite the opposite, by comparison, contrariwise, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * ser contrario a = be contrary to, be hostile to.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * viento contrario = headwind.

    * * *
    A (opuesto) ‹opiniones/intereses› conflicting; ‹sentido/dirección› opposite
    palabras de significado contrario words with opposite meanings
    los vehículos iban en direcciones contrarias the vehicles were traveling in opposite directions
    mientras no se demuestre lo contrario, es inocente she is innocent until proven guilty
    contrario A algo:
    mi opinión es contraria a la suya I feel very differently to you, my opinion is quite the converse of yours ( frml)
    soy contrario al uso de la violencia I am opposed to o I am against the use of violence
    se manifestó contrario a la idea she expressed her opposition to the idea
    la propuesta es contraria a los intereses de la compañía the proposal is against o ( frml) contrary to the company's interests
    contrario a lo que se esperaba la operación fue un éxito contrary to expectations, the operation was a success
    en sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj counterclockwise ( AmE), anticlockwise ( BrE)
    B (adversario) ‹equipo› opposing; ‹bando› opposite
    pasarse al bando contrario to change sides, join the opposition
    el defensa del equipo contrario estaba en fuera de juego the opposing team's o the other team's back was offside
    la parte contraria ( Der) the opponent
    C ( en locs):
    al contrario: no me opongo a que venga; al contrario, me parece una idea excelente I don't mind if he comes; on the contrary o quite the opposite o far from it, I think it's an excellent idea
    al contrario de su hermano, es negado para los deportes unlike his brother, he's useless at sport
    al contrario de lo que habíamos pensado, resultó ser agradabilísimo contrary to (our) expectations, he turned out to be very nice
    de lo contrario or else, otherwise
    por el contrario: en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate
    pensé que era rico — por el contrario, no tiene un peso I thought he was rich — on the contrary o far from it o quite the opposite, he doesn't have a penny
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite o reverse
    ¿te resultó aburrido? — todo lo contrario, lo encontré fascinante did you find it boring? — quite the opposite o quite the reverse o on the contrary, I found it fascinating
    ella es muy tímida pero el hermano es todo lo contrario she's very shy but her brother's quite the opposite o the complete opposite
    llevar la contraria: seguro que se opone, porque él siempre tiene que llevar la contraria he's sure to object, because he always has to take the opposite view
    le molesta sobremanera que le lleven la contraria she hates being o to be contradicted
    masculine, feminine
    * * *


    Del verbo contrariar: ( conjugate contrariar)

    contrarío es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    contrarió es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    contrariar ( conjugate contrariar) verbo transitivo ( disgustar) to upset;
    ( enojar) to annoy
    ◊ - ria adjetivo

    1 ( opuesto) ‹opiniones/intereses conflicting;
    dirección/lado opposite;
    equipo opposing;
    bando opposite;

    mientras no se demuestre lo contrario until proven otherwise;
    sería contrario a mis intereses it would be against o (frml) contrary to my interests;
    See Also→ sentido 2 4
    2 ( en locs)

    al contrario de su hermano … unlike his brother, …;
    de lo contrario or else, otherwise;
    por el contrario on the contrary;
    en el sur, por el contrario, el clima es seco the south, on the other hand, has a dry climate;
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite;
    llevarle la contraria a algn to contradict sb
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    contrariar verbo transitivo
    1 (disgustar) to upset
    2 (contradecir) to go against
    I adjetivo
    1 opposite: otro coche venía en sentido contrario, another car was coming in the other direction
    no me cae mal, más bien todo lo contrario, I don't dislike him, quite the contrary
    2 (negativo, nocivo) contrary [a, to]
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino rival
    ♦ Locuciones: siempre lleva la contraria, he always argues
    al contrario/por el contrario, on the contrary
    de lo contrario, otherwise
    ' contrario' also found in these entries:
    - contraria
    - decir
    - estar
    - irse
    - mientras
    - nunca
    - pequeña
    - pequeño
    - pulverizar
    - revés
    - soler
    - Tiro
    - campo
    - contramano
    - oponer
    - sentido
    - against
    - agree
    - aloud
    - anticlimax
    - anticlockwise
    - antisocial
    - camp
    - contrary
    - counterclockwise
    - direction
    - headwind
    - lick
    - opposing
    - opposite
    - otherwise
    - perverse
    - reverse
    - unprofessional
    - wrong
    - counter
    - incline
    - irregular
    - quite
    * * *
    contrario, -a
    1. [opuesto] [dirección, sentido, idea] opposite;
    [opinión] contrary;
    soy contrario a las corridas de toros I'm opposed to bullfighting;
    mientras no se demuestre lo contrario, es inocente she's innocent until proved otherwise;
    de lo contrario otherwise;
    respeta a tu madre o de lo contrario tendrás que marcharte show your mother some respect, otherwise you'll have to go;
    todo lo contrario quite the contrary;
    ¿estás enfadado con él? – todo lo contrario, nos llevamos de maravilla are you angry with him? – quite the contrary o not at all, we get on extremely well;
    ella es muy tímida, yo soy todo lo contrario she's very shy, whereas I'm the total opposite
    2. [desfavorable, perjudicial]
    es contrario a nuestros intereses it goes against our interests;
    el abuso de la bebida es contrario a la salud drinking is bad for your health
    3. [rival] opposing;
    el equipo contrario no opuso resistencia the opposing team o opposition didn't put up much of a fight;
    el diputado se pasó al bando contrario the MP left his party and joined their political opponents, Br the MP crossed the floor of the House
    [rival] opponent
    [opuesto] opposite;
    gordo es el contrario de flaco fat is the opposite of thin
    al contrario loc adv
    on the contrary;
    al contrario de lo que le dijo a usted contrary to what he told you;
    no me disgusta, al contrario, me encanta I don't dislike it, quite the contrary in fact, I like it;
    al contrario de mi casa, la suya tiene calefacción central unlike my house, hers has central heating;
    no me importa, antes al contrario, estaré encantado de poder ayudar I don't mind, on the contrary o indeed I'll be delighted to be able to help
    por el contrario loc adv
    no queremos que se vaya, por el contrario, queremos que se quede we don't want her to go, on the contrary, we want her to stay;
    este modelo, por el contrario, consume muy poco this model, by contrast, uses very little;
    este año, por el contrario, no hemos tenido pérdidas this year, on the other hand, we haven't suffered any losses
    * * *
    I adj
    1 contrary; sentido opposite;
    al contrario, por el contrario on the contrary;
    todo lo contrario just the opposite;
    de lo contrario otherwise;
    ser contrario a algo be opposed to sth;
    2 equipo opposing
    II m, contraria f adversary, opponent
    * * *
    contrario, - ria adj
    1) : contrary, opposite
    al contrario: on the contrary
    2) : conflicting, opposed
    * * *
    contrario1 adj
    1. (equipo) opposing
    2. (dirección) opposite
    3. (persona) opposed
    1. (persona) opponent
    2. (palabra) opposite
    "alto" es el contrario de "bajo" "tall" is the opposite of "short"
    al contrario / por el contrario on the contrary

    Spanish-English dictionary > contrario

  • 10 point

    point [pwɛ̃]
    1. <
       a. point
       b. ( = endroit) place ; (Astronomy, mathematics) point
       c. ( = position) (Aviation, nautical) position
    et maintenant, le point sur la grève des transports and now, the latest on the transport strike
       d. ( = marque) (Mus, morse, sur i) dot ; ( = ponctuation) full stop (Brit), period (US) ; ( = petite tache) spot
    point, à la ligne new paragraph ; (figurative) full stop (Brit) period (US)
    tu n'iras pas, un point c'est tout you're not going and that's all there is to it
       f. [de couture, tricot] stitch
    faire le point de la situation ( = examiner) to take stock of the situation ; ( = faire un compte rendu) to sum up the situation à point [fruit] just ripe ; [fromage] just right for eating ; [viande] medium
    est-il possible d'être bête à ce point ! how stupid can you get? (inf)
    elles se ressemblent à tel point or à ce point qu'on pourrait les confondre they look so alike that you could easily mistake one for the other au point [photo] in focus ; [affaire] completely settled ; [technique, machine] perfected
    en être arrivé au point où... to have reached the point where...
    on continue ? -- au point où on en est ! shall we go on? -- we've got this far so we might as well! au plus haut point [détester, admirer] intensely
    se méfier au plus haut point de qch to be highly sceptical about sth mettre au point [+ photo, caméra] to focus ; [+ stratégie, technique] to perfect ; [+ médicament, invention, système] to develop ; [+ projet] to finalize
    mettre une affaire au point avec qn to finalize all the details of a matter with sb mise au point [d'appareil photo, caméra] focusing ; [de stratégie, technique] perfecting ; [de médicament, invention, système] development ; [de moteur] tuning ; [d'affaire, projet] finalizing ; ( = explication, correction) clarification
    2. <
    point d'appui [de levier] fulcrum ; [de personne] support
    vous avez un point de chute à Rome ? do you have somewhere to stay in Rome? point commun
    point culminant [de montagne] peak ; [de carrière] height
    point d'eau ( = source) watering place ; [de camping] water point
    au point mort [voiture] in neutral ; [de négociations, affaires] at a standstill point mousse garter stitch
    point noir ( = comédon) blackhead ; ( = problème) problem
    points de retraite points based on social security contributions that count towards one's pension
    points de suspension suspension points ; (en dictant) dot, dot, dot
    quel est votre point de vue sur ce sujet ? what's your point of view on this matter?
    * * *
    nom masculin
    1) ( endroit) point
    2) ( situation) point; Nautisme position

    être sur le point de faire — to be just about to do, to be on the point of doing

    j'en suis toujours au même point (qu'hier/qu'il y a un an) — I'm still exactly where I was (yesterday/last year)

    au point où j'en suis, ça n'a pas d'importance! — I've reached the point where it doesn't matter any more!

    faire le pointNautisme to take bearings; fig to take stock of the situation

    3) ( degré)

    ‘j'en aurais pleuré’ - ‘ah bon, à ce point?’ — ‘I could have cried’ - ‘really? it was that bad?’

    il est têtu à un point! — (colloq) he's so incredibly stubborn!

    jusqu'à un certain point — up to a (certain) point, to a certain extent

    4) ( question particulière) point; ( dans un ordre du jour) item, point

    en tout point, en tous points — in every respect ou way

    5) ( marque visible) dot
    6) Jeux, Sport point

    marquer/perdre des points — lit, fig to score/to lose points

    7) ( pour évaluer) mark GB, point US

    avoir sept points d'avance/de retard — to be seven marks ahead/behind

    obtenir or avoir 27 points sur 40 — to get 27 out of 40

    être un mauvais point pour quelqu'un/quelque chose — to be a black mark against somebody/something

    le permis à pointssystem whereby driving offender gets penalty points

    9) Mathématique point
    10) Linguistique ( en ponctuation) full stop GB, period US

    point à la ligne — ( dans une dictée) full stop, new paragraph

    point final — ( dans une dictée) full stop

    mettre un point final à quelque chosefig to put a stop ou an end to something

    je n'irai pas, point final! — (colloq) I'm not going, full stop GB ou period US!

    tu vas te coucher un point c'est tout! — (colloq) you're going to bed and that's final!

    11) Musique dot
    12) ( en typographie) point
    13) Médecine ( douleur) pain
    14) (en couture, tricot) stitch

    (dated) adverbe not

    à point locution adverbiale
    1) ( en temps voulu) just in time

    au point locution

    être au point[système, machine] to be well designed; [spectacle] to be well put together

    mettre au point — ( élaborer) to perfect [système]; to work out, to devise [accord, plan]; to develop [vaccin, appareil]; ( régler) to adjust

    mise au point — ( de système) perfecting; ( de vaccin) development; ( réglage) adjusting; Photographie focus; fig ( déclaration) clarifying statement

    faire la mise au pointPhotographie to focus

    faire une mise au pointfig to set the record straight ( sur about)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    1. nm
    1) (= marque, signe) dot
    2) [ponctuation] full stop Grande-Bretagne period USA
    3) (= moment) point

    Nous en sommes au même point. — We have reached the same point.

    J'étais sur le point de te téléphoner. — I was just about to phone you.

    4) (= degré)

    à ce point abîmé que... — so damaged that...

    au point que; à tel point que — so much so that

    5) (au score) point
    6) (= aspect) point

    Je ne suis pas d'accord sur ce point. — I don't agree on this point.

    7) (= endroit) spot, point, (en géométrie) point
    8) COUTURE, TRICOT stitch

    point mousse — garter stitch, plain

    à point (= bien mûr) — just right, (viande) medium

    "Comment voulez-vous votre steak?" — "À point." — "How would you like your steak?" — "Medium."

    faire le point NAVIGATION — to take a bearing, figto take stock

    faire le point sur — to review, to take stock of

    mettre au point [mécanisme, procédé] — to develop, [appareil-photo] to focus

    2. adv
    lit (= pas) not

    point n'est besoin de... — there is no need to...

    point de... — no...

    3. vb
    * * *
    A nm
    1 ( endroit) point; un point précis du globe/sur une carte a particular point on the earth/on a map; un point de ravitaillement/ralliement a staging/rallying point; un point de rencontre a meeting point; point de vente (sales) outlet; serrure 3 points 3 point lock;
    2 ( situation) point; Naut position; être sur le point de faire to be just about to do, to be on the point of doing; j'étais sur le point de leur dire/d'abandonner/de partir I was just about to tell them/to give up/to leave, I was on the point of telling them/giving up/leaving; j'en suis toujours au même point (qu'hier/qu'il y a un an) I'm still exactly where I was (yesterday/last year); au point où j'en suis, ça n'a pas d'importance! I've reached the point where it doesn't matter any more!; il en est au point où il allume une cigarette en se levant he's got GB ou gotten US to the stage ou point where he lights a cigarette as soon as he gets up; faire le point Naut to take bearings; fig to take stock of the situation; faire le point sur la situation économique/sur la recherche scientifique fig to take stock of the economic situation/of scientific research; faire le point sur la circulation (routière)/l'actualité to give an up-to-the-minute report on the traffic news/current situation;
    3 ( degré) il m'agace/m'inquiète au plus haut point he annoys me/worries me intensely; la circulation était à ce point bloquée que j'ai dû laisser ma voiture au bord de la route the traffic was so bad that I had to leave my car on the side of the road; je ne le pensais pas bête/coléreux à ce point I didn't think he was that stupid/quick-tempered; ‘j'en aurais pleuré’-‘ah bon, à ce point?’ ‘I could have cried’-‘really? it was that bad?’; je sais à quel point elle est triste/sensible I know how sad/sensitive she is; si tu savais à quel point il m'agace! if you only knew how much he annoys me!; au point que to the extent that; à tel point que to such an extent that…; douloureux/endommagé à (un) tel or au point que so painful/badly damaged that; la situation s'est aggravée au point qu'ils ont dû appeler la police the situation became so bad that the police had to be called in; le temps s'est rafraîchi au point qu'il a fallu remettre le chauffage the weather got so cold that the heating had to be put back on; il est têtu à un point! he's so incredibly stubborn!; jusqu'à un certain point up to a (certain) point, to a certain extent;
    4 ( question particulière) point; ( dans un ordre du jour) item, point; un programme en trois points a three-point plan; un point fondamental/de détail (d'un texte) a basic/minor point (in a text); sur ce point on this point; j'aimerais revenir sur ce dernier point I would like to come back to that last point; un point de désaccord/litige a point of disagreement/contention; reprendre un texte point par point to go over a text point by point; en tout point, en tous points in every respect ou way; une politique en tous points désastreuse a policy that is disastrous in every respect; les deux modèles sont semblables en tous points the two models are alike in every respect;
    5 ( marque visible) gén dot; les villes sont marquées par un point towns are marked by a dot; il y a un point sur le i et le j there's a dot on the i and the j; un point lumineux/rouge dans le lointain a light/a red dot in the distance; bientôt, le navire ne fut qu'un point à l'horizon soon, the ship was a mere dot ou speck on the horizon; un point de colle a spot of glue; un point de rouille a speck of rust; points de graissage lubricating points; ⇒ i;
    6 Jeux, Sport point; marquer/perdre des points lit, fig to score/lose points; compter les points to keep (the) score; un point partout! one all!; battre son adversaire aux points to beat one's opponent on points; remporter une victoire aux points to win on points;
    7 ( pour évaluer) mark GB, point US; avoir sept points d'avance to be seven marks ahead; avoir dix points de retard to be ten marks behind; il m'a manqué trois points pour réussir I failed by three marks; enlever un point par faute to take a mark off for each mistake; obtenir or avoir 27 points sur 40 to get 27 out of 40; être un bon point pour to be a plus point for; être un mauvais point pour qn/qch to be a black mark against sb/sth;
    8 ( dans un système de calcul) point; la livre a perdu trois points the pound lost three points; le taux de chômage a augmenté de 0,8 points the unemployment rate rose by 0.8 points; le permis à points system whereby driving offender gets penalty points; il a perdu sept points dans les sondages he's gone down seven points in the polls;
    9 Math point; point d'intersection/d'inflexion point of intersection/of inflection;
    10 Ling ( en ponctuation) full stop GB, period US; mettre un point to put a full stop; point à la ligne ( dans une dictée) full stop, new paragraph; point final ( dans une dictée) full stop; mettre un point final à qch fig to put a stop ou an end to sth; je n'irai pas, point final! I'm not going, full stop GB ou period US!; tu vas te coucher un point c'est tout! you're going to bed and that's final!;
    11 Mus dot;
    12 Imprim point;
    13 Méd ( douleur) pain; avoir un point à la poitrine/à l'aine to have a pain in the chest/in the groin;
    14 (en couture, tricot) stitch; faire un point à qch to put a few stitches in sth; dentelle au point de Venise Venetian lace.
    B adv not; tu ne tueras point Bible thou shalt not kill; je n'en ai point I don't have any; ‘tu es fâché?’-‘non point!’ ‘are you angry?’-‘not at all’.
    C à point loc adv venir/arriver à point to come/arrive just in time; venir/arriver or tomber à point nommé to come/arrive just at the right moment; faire cuire à point to cook [sth] medium rare [viande]; bifteck (cuit) à point medium rare steak; le camembert est à point the camembert is ready to eat.
    D au point loc adv, loc adj être au point [système, méthode, machine] to be well designed; [spectacle, émission] to be well put together; leur système/machine/spectacle n'est pas encore très au point their system/machine/show still needs some working on; le nouveau modèle est très au point the new model is very well designed; le spectacle n'était pas du tout au point the show wasn't up to scratch; le prototype n'est pas encore au point the prototype isn't quite ready yet; ça fait des semaines qu'ils répètent mais leur numéro n'est pas encore au point they've been rehearsing for weeks but they still haven't got GB ou gotten US it quite right; je ne suis pas au point pour les examens I'm not ready for the exams; mettre [qch] au point ( inventer) to perfect [théorie, système, méthode, technique]; to work out, to devise [accord, plan de paix, stratégie]; to develop [vaccin, médicament, appareil]; ( régler) to adjust [machine, mécanisme]; il leur reste deux semaines pour finir de mettre leur spectacle au point they've got two more weeks to put the finishing touches to their show; mettre au point sur qch Phot to focus on sth; mise au point Phot focus; fig ( déclaration) clarifying statement; la mise au point est automatique sur mon appareil my camera has automatic focus; faire la mise au point Phot to focus (sur on); faire une mise au point fig to set the record straight (sur about); mise au point ( invention) (de théorie, système, méthode, technique) perfecting; (de médicament, vaccin) development; ( réglage) (de machine, mécanisme) adjusting; Phot focus.
    point d'acupuncture Méd acupuncture point; point d'ancrage Aut anchor; fig base; point d'appui Mil base of operations; Phys fulcrum; gén support; les piliers servent de point d'appui à la charpente the roof structure is supported by the pillars; trouver un point d'appui à une échelle to find a support for a ladder; point arrière Cout back stitch; point d'attache base; point de bâti Cout tacking stitch; point blanc whitehead; point de blé ( en tricot) double moss stitch; point de boutonnière Cout buttonhole stitch; point cardinal Phys, Géog compass ou cardinal point; point de chaînette ( en broderie) chain stitch; point de chausson ( en broderie) herringbone stitch; point chaud trouble ou hot spot; les points chauds du globe the world's trouble spots; point de chute fig port of call; point commun mutual interest; nous avons beaucoup de points communs we have a lot in common; ils n'ont aucun point commun they have nothing in common; point de congestion Méd slight congestion of the lung; point de côtes ( en tricot) rib; point de côté ( douleur) stitch; ( en couture) slip stitch; avoir un point de côté to have a stitch in one's side; point de croix ( en broderie) cross stitch; point de départ lit, fig starting point; nous revoilà à notre point de départ fig we're back to square one; point de devant Cout running stitch; point d'eau ( naturel) watering place; ( robinet) water tap GB ou faucet US; point d'ébullition boiling point; point d'épine ( en broderie) featherstitch; point d'exclamation Ling exclamation mark; point faible weak point; point de feston ( en broderie) blanket stitch; point fort strong point; point de fuite Art, Archit vanishing point; point de fusion melting point; point G G-spot; point d'interrogation Ling question mark; point de jersey ( en tricot) stocking stitch; point du jour daybreak; au point du jour at daybreak; point de liquéfaction liquefaction point; point de mire Mil target; fig focal point; point mousse ( en tricot) garter stitch; point mort Aut neutral; se mettre or passer/être au point mort Aut to put the car into/to be in neutral; être au point mort fig [affaires, consommation] to be at a standstill; [négociations] to be in a state of deadlock; point noir ( comédon) blackhead; ( problème) problem; ( sur la route) blackspot; l'inflation reste le seul point noir inflation is the only problem; point de non-retour point of no return; point d'orgue Mus pause sign; fig culmination; point d'ourlet Cout hemstitch; point de penalty penalty spot; point de piqûre Cout back stitch; point de presse Journ press briefing; point de repère ( spatial) landmark; (temporel, personnel) point of reference; point de reprise Cout darning stitch; point de retraite Prot Soc point which counts towards a retirement pension scheme; point de riz ( en tricot) moss stitch; point de surfil Cout whipstitch; point de suture Méd stitch; point de tige ( en broderie) stem stitch; point de torsade ( en tricot) cable stitch; point de vue ( paysage) viewpoint; ( opinion) point of view; du point de vue de la direction from the management's point of view; du point de vue de l'efficacité/du sens as far as efficiency/meaning is concerned; d'un point de vue économique c'est rentable/intéressant from a financial point of view it's profitable/attractive; points de suspension suspension points.
    être mal en point to be in a bad way.
    [pwɛ̃] adverbe
    1. [en corrélation avec 'ne']
    2. [employé seul]
    du vin il y en avait, mais de champagne point there was wine, but no champagne ou not a drop of champagne
    il eut beau chercher, point de John he searched in vain, John was nowhere to be found
    3. [en réponse négative]
    point du tout! not at all!, not in the least!
    [pwɛ̃] nom masculin
    1. [marque] point, dot, spot
    [sur un dé, un domino] pip, spot
    point lumineux spot ou point of light
    point de rouille speck ou spot of rust
    2. [petite quantité] spot, dab, blob
    un point de soudure a spot ou blob of solder
    3. [symbole graphique - en fin de phrase] full stop (UK), period (US) ; [ - sur un i ou un j] dot ; [ - en morse, en musique] dot
    point d'interrogation (sens propre & figuré) question mark
    points de suspension ellipsis, suspension points (US)
    j'ai dit non, point final ou un point c'est tout! (figuré) I said no and that's that ou that's final ou there's an end to it!
    mettre un point final à une discussion to terminate a discussion, to bring a discussion to an end
    point, à la ligne! (sens propre) new paragraph!
    il a fait une bêtise, point à la ligne! (figuré) he did something stupid, let's leave it at that!
    4. AÉRONAUTIQUE & NAUTIQUE [position] position
    point estimé/observé estimated/observed position
    a. NAUTIQUE to take a bearing, to plot one's position
    à 40 ans, on s'arrête et on fait le point when you reach 40, you stand back and take stock of your life
    et maintenant, le point sur la circulation and now, the latest traffic news
    point d'intersection/de tangence intersection/tangential point
    6. [endroit] point, spot, place
    7. [douleur] twinge, sharp pain
    8. [moment, stade] point, stage
    9. [degré] point
    point de saturation (sens propre & figuré) saturation point
    10. [élément - d'un texte, d'une théorie] point ; [ - d'un raisonnement] point, item ; [ - d'une description] feature, trait
    point d'entente/de désaccord point of agreement/of disagreement
    11. [unité de valeur - dans un sondage, à la Bourse] point ; [ - de retraite] unit ; [ - du salaire de base] (grading) point
    ÉDUCATION mark (UK), point
    JEUX & SPORT point
    sa cote de popularité a gagné/perdu trois points his popularity rating has gone up/down by three points
    b. [appréciation] mark (for good behaviour)
    un bon point pour toi! (figuré & humoristique) good on (UK) ou for you!, you get a brownie point!
    marquer un point (sens propre & figuré) to score a point
    faire un point à to put a stitch ou a few stitches in
    point de couture/crochet/tricot sewing/crochet/knitting stitch
    13. INFORMATIQUE [unité graphique] dot
    point d'accès/de retour entry/reentry point
    14. ART & JOAILLERIE point
    à ce point, à un tel point locution adverbiale
    [tellement] so, that
    à ce point que, à (un) tel point que locution conjonctive
    so much so that, to such a point that
    les choses en étaient arrivées à un tel point que... things had reached such a pitch that...
    elle est déprimée, à ce point qu'elle ne veut plus voir personne she's so depressed that she won't see anyone anymore
    à point locution adjectivale
    [steak] medium
    [fromage] ripe, just right
    [poire] just ou nicely ripe
    ton bonhomme est à point, tu n'as plus qu'à enregistrer ses aveux (familier & figuré) your man's nice and ready now, all you've got to do is get the confession down on tape
    à point locution adverbiale
    2. [au bon moment]
    b. [arrivée, décision] to be very timely
    à point nommé locution adverbiale
    arriver à point nommé to arrive (just) at the right moment ou when needed, to arrive in the nick of time
    au plus haut point locution adverbiale
    [énervé, généreux, irrespectueux] extremely, most
    [méfiant] highly, extremely
    je le déteste au plus haut point I can't tell you how much I hate him, I absolutely loathe him
    au point locution adjectivale
    [moteur] tuned
    [technique] perfected
    [discours, plaidoyer] finalized
    [spectacle, artiste] ready
    le son/l'image n'est pas au point the sound/the image isn't right
    au point locution adverbiale
    a. [texte à imprimer] to edit
    b. [discours, projet, rapport] to finalize, to put the finishing touches to
    c. [spectacle] to perfect
    d. [moteur] to tune
    e. [appareil photo] to (bring into) focus
    f. [affaire] to settle, to finalize
    mettre les choses au point to put ou set the record straight
    mettons les choses au point: je refuse de travailler le dimanche let's get this ou things straight: I refuse to work Sundays
    après cette discussion, j'ai tenu à mettre les choses au point following that discussion, I insisted on putting ou setting the record straight
    au point de locution prépositionnelle
    au point du jour locution adverbiale
    (littéraire) at dawn ou daybreak
    au point où locution conjonctive
    nous sommes arrivés au point où... we've reached the point ou stage where...
    au point où j'en suis, autant que je continue having got this far, I might as well carry on
    au point où en sont les choses as things stand, the way things are (now)
    au point que locution conjonctive
    so much that, so... that
    il était très effrayé, au point qu'il a essayé de se sauver he was so frightened that he tried to run away
    point par point locution adverbiale
    sur le point de locution prépositionnelle
    être sur le point de faire quelque chose to be about to do ou on the point of doing ou on the verge of doing something
    point d'ancrage nom masculin
    point d'appui nom masculin
    1. [d'un levier] fulcrum
    3. (figuré) [soutien] support
    point de chute nom masculin
    point culminant nom masculin
    GÉOGRAPHIE peak, summit, highest point, (figuré) acme, apex
    point de départ nom masculin
    point faible nom masculin
    son point faible, c'est sa susceptibilité his touchiness is his weak spot ou point
    point fort nom masculin
    [d'une personne, d'une entreprise] strong point
    [d'un joueur de tennis] best shot
    les maths n'ont jamais été mon point fort I was never any good at maths, maths was never my strong point
    point mort nom masculin
    point noir nom masculin
    2. [difficulté] difficulty, headache (figuré)
    b. [dangereux] an accident blackspot
    point sensible nom masculin
    1. [endroit douloureux] tender ou sore spot
    2. MILITAIRE key ou strategic target
    a. [chez quelqu'un] to touch on a sore spot
    b. [dans un problème] to touch on a sensitive area

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > point

  • 11 punto

    1 spot, dot (marca).
    recorte por la línea de puntos cut along the dotted line
    2 full stop (British), period (United States).
    dos puntos (sobre i, j, en dirección de correo electrónico) colon
    punto y aparte full stop o (British) period, new paragraph (United States)
    punto y coma semicolon
    puntos suspensivos (no new paragraph) dots, suspension points
    3 point.
    ganar/perder por seis puntos to win/lose by six points
    4 point (asunto).
    punto débil/fuerte weak/strong point
    puntos a tratar matters to be discussed
    punto de vista point of view, viewpoint
    5 spot, place (place).
    este es el punto exacto donde ocurrió todo this is the exact spot where it all happened
    punto de apoyo fulcrum; (en palanca) backup, support (figurative)
    punto de contacto point of contact
    punto de encuentro meeting point
    6 point, moment (momento).
    llegar a un punto en que… to reach the stage where…
    estando las cosas en este punto things being as they are
    punto culminante high point
    punto de ebullición/fusión boiling/melting point
    punto de inflexión turning point
    punto de partida starting point
    7 stitch (puntada).
    punto de cruz cross-stitch
    8 knitting.
    hacer punto to knit
    un jersey de punto a knitted jumper
    9 period, full stop.
    10 guy.
    11 pixel.
    12 punctus, punctum.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: puntar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) point
    2 (marca) dot
    3 (tanto) point
    5 (lugar) spot
    ¿en qué punto de la carretera se encuentran? exactly where on the road are they?
    6 (tema) point
    7 (tejido) knitwear
    8 (en costura, sutura) stitch
    9 (de libro) bookmark
    10 (en la media) ladder, US run
    a punto de caramelo (en repostería) caramelized 2 (en su punto) just right, perfect
    coger un punto familiar to get tipsy, get merry
    dar en el punto to hit the nail on the head
    de todo punto absolutely
    en punto sharp, on the dot
    estar a punto to be ready
    estar a punto de to be about to, be on the point of
    estar en su punto (comida) to be cooked to perfection
    ganar puntos to win points
    ganar por puntos to win on points
    hacer punto to knit
    hasta cierto punto up to a certain point
    hasta tal punto que... to such an extent that...
    llegar a punto to arrive on time
    perder puntos (gen) to lose points 2 (alumno) to lose marks
    poner los puntos sobre las íes to dot one's i's and cross one's t's
    poner punto final a algo to put an end to something
    ¡punto en boca! mum's the word!
    punto por punto in detail
    dos puntos colon
    punto cadena chain stitch
    punto cardinal cardinal point
    punto de apoyo (en palanca) fulcrum 2 (base) cornerstone
    punto de break break point
    punto de congelación freezing point
    punto de contacto point of contact
    punto de cruz cross-stitch
    punto de ebullición boiling point
    punto de encuentro meeting point
    punto de fusión melting point
    punto de libro bookmark
    punto de media stocking stitch
    punto de mira (objetivo) target 2 (en rifle) sight, front sight 3 (punto de vista) viewpoint
    punto de partida starting point
    punto de partido match point
    punto de referencia point of reference
    punto de ruptura break point
    punto de servicio service point
    punto de set set point
    punto de venta sales outlet
    punto de vista point of view
    punto débil weak point
    punto decimal decimal point
    punto del revés purl stitch
    punto final (en dictado) full stop, US period
    punto flaco weak point
    punto fuerte strong point
    punto muerto (en un coche) neutral 2 (en una negociación) standstill, stalemate, deadlock
    punto neurálgico nerve centre
    punto y aparte (en ortografía) full stop, new paragraph, US period, new paragraph
    punto y coma semicolon
    punto y seguido full stop, new sentence, US period, new sentence
    * * *
    noun m.
    2) dot
    - punto final
    - punto y coma
    * * *
    1) (=topo) [en un diseño] dot, spot; [en plumaje] spot, speckle; [en carta, dominó] spot, pip

    punto negro(=espinilla) blackhead

    2) (=signo) [en la i] dot; [de puntuación] full stop, period (EEUU)

    dos puntos — colon

    le puso los puntos sobre las íes — she corrected him, she drew attention to his inaccuracies

    y punto —

    ¡lo digo yo y punto! — I'm telling you so and that's that!

    punto acápite LAm [en dictado] full stop, new paragraph, period, new paragraph (EEUU)

    punto final — full stop, period (EEUU); (fig) end

    poner punto final a la discusión — to put an end to the argument, draw a line under the argument

    puntos suspensivos[gen] suspension points; [en dictado] dot, dot, dot

    punto y aparte[en dictado] full stop, new paragraph, period, new paragraph (EEUU)

    punto y seguido[en dictado] full stop (no new paragraph), period (no new paragraph) (EEUU)

    3) (Dep) point

    ganar o vencer por puntos — to win on points

    - perder muchos puntos

    ¡qué punto te has marcado con lo que has dicho! — * what you said was spot-on *

    4) (=tema) [gen] point; [en programa de actividades] item

    los puntos en el orden del día son... — the items on the agenda are...

    5) (=labor) knitting; (=tejido) knitted fabric, knit

    hacer punto — to knit

    6) (Cos, Med) (=puntada) stitch; [de media] loose stitch

    punto de costado(=dolor) stitch

    tengo un punto de costado — I've got a stitch, I've got a pain in my side

    7) (=lugar) [gen] spot, place; (Geog, Mat) point; [de proceso] point, stage; [en el tiempo] point, moment

    punto ciego — (Anat) blind spot

    punto de asistencia — (Aut) checkpoint

    punto de equilibrio — (Com) break-even point

    punto de mira[de rifle] sight; (=objetivo) aim, objective; (=punto de vista) point of view

    estar en el punto de mira de algn —

    punto de taxis — taxi stand, cab rank

    está presente en 3.000 puntos de venta — it's available at 3,000 outlets

    punto de vista — point of view, viewpoint

    él lo mira desde otro punto de vista — he sees it differently, he looks at it from another point of view

    punto flaco — weak point, weak spot

    punto muerto — (Mec) dead centre; (Aut) neutral (gear); (=estancamiento) deadlock, stalemate

    las negociaciones están en un punto muerto — the negotiations are deadlocked, the talks have reached a stalemate

    punto negro — (Aut) (accident) black spot; (fig) blemish

    punto neurálgico — (Anat) nerve centre o (EEUU) center; (fig) key point

    punto neutro — (Mec) dead centre; (Aut) neutral (gear)

    8) [otras locuciones]

    a punto — ready

    al punto — at once, immediately

    estar al punto LAm * to be high **

    bajar de punto — to decline, fall off, fall away

    a punto de, a punto de caramelo — caramelized

    estar a punto de hacer algo — to be on the point of doing sth, be about to do sth

    en punto, a las siete en punto — at seven o'clock sharp o on the dot

    en su punto — [carne] done to a turn; [fruta] just ripe

    hasta cierto punto — up to a point, to some extent

    hasta tal punto que... — to such an extent that...

    la tensión había llegado hasta tal punto que... — the tension had reached such a pitch that...

    subir de punto — (=aumentar) to grow, increase; (=empeorar) to get worse

    si me da el punto, voy — if I feel like it, I'll go

    9) Esp * (=hombre) guy *; pey rogue

    ¡vaya un punto!, ¡está hecho un punto filipino! — he's a right rogue! *

    10) (=agujero) hole
    11) (Inform) pixel
    * * *
    a) (señal, trazo) dot

    un punto en el horizontea dot o speck on the horizon

    b) (Ling) (sobre la `i', la `j') dot; ( signo de puntuación) period (AmE), full stop (BrE)

    a punto fijo — exactly, for certain

    ... y punto: lo harás y punto you'll do it and that's that; poner los puntos sobre las íes — ( aclarar algo) to make something crystal clear; ( detallar algo) to dot the i's and cross the t's; dos I

    a) (momento, lugar) point

    el punto donde ocurrió el accidentethe spot o place where the accident happened

    b) ( en geometría) point
    3) ( grado) point, extent

    hasta cierto punto tiene razón — she's right, up to a point

    hasta tal punto que... — so much so that...

    4) (asunto, aspecto) point

    los puntos a tratar en la reuniónthe matters o items on the agenda for the meeting

    a punto — ( a tiempo) just in time

    a punto DE + INF: estábamos a punto de cenar we were about to have dinner; estuvo a punto de caerse he almost fell over; a punto de llorar on the verge of tears; en su punto just right; al punto (Esp) at once; en punto: te espero a las 12 en punto I'll expect you at 12 o'clock sharp; son las tres en punto it's exactly three o'clock; llegaron en punto they arrived exactly on time; de todo punto — absolutely, totally

    a) (en costura, labores) stitch

    hacer punto — (Esp) to knit

    punto en boca — (fam)

    tú punto en bocakeep your mouth shut

    b) ( en cirugía) tb
    7) (Dep, Jueg) point; (Educ) point, mark; (Fin) point

    tiene dos punto de ventaja sobre Clark — he is two points ahead of Clark, he has a two point advantage over Clark

    matarle el punto a alguien — (CS fam) to go one better than somebody

    8) (Per, RPl arg) ( tonto) idiot

    agarrar or tomar a alguien de punto — (Per, RPl arg)

    lo agarraron de punto — ( burlándose de él) they made him the butt of their jokes; ( aprovechándose de él) they took him for a ride

    * * *
    a) (señal, trazo) dot

    un punto en el horizontea dot o speck on the horizon

    b) (Ling) (sobre la `i', la `j') dot; ( signo de puntuación) period (AmE), full stop (BrE)

    a punto fijo — exactly, for certain

    ... y punto: lo harás y punto you'll do it and that's that; poner los puntos sobre las íes — ( aclarar algo) to make something crystal clear; ( detallar algo) to dot the i's and cross the t's; dos I

    a) (momento, lugar) point

    el punto donde ocurrió el accidentethe spot o place where the accident happened

    b) ( en geometría) point
    3) ( grado) point, extent

    hasta cierto punto tiene razón — she's right, up to a point

    hasta tal punto que... — so much so that...

    4) (asunto, aspecto) point

    los puntos a tratar en la reuniónthe matters o items on the agenda for the meeting

    a punto — ( a tiempo) just in time

    a punto DE + INF: estábamos a punto de cenar we were about to have dinner; estuvo a punto de caerse he almost fell over; a punto de llorar on the verge of tears; en su punto just right; al punto (Esp) at once; en punto: te espero a las 12 en punto I'll expect you at 12 o'clock sharp; son las tres en punto it's exactly three o'clock; llegaron en punto they arrived exactly on time; de todo punto — absolutely, totally

    a) (en costura, labores) stitch

    hacer punto — (Esp) to knit

    punto en boca — (fam)

    tú punto en bocakeep your mouth shut

    b) ( en cirugía) tb
    7) (Dep, Jueg) point; (Educ) point, mark; (Fin) point

    tiene dos punto de ventaja sobre Clark — he is two points ahead of Clark, he has a two point advantage over Clark

    matarle el punto a alguien — (CS fam) to go one better than somebody

    8) (Per, RPl arg) ( tonto) idiot

    agarrar or tomar a alguien de punto — (Per, RPl arg)

    lo agarraron de punto — ( burlándose de él) they made him the butt of their jokes; ( aprovechándose de él) they took him for a ride

    * * *
    1 = point, pointer.

    Ex: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.

    Ex: Seven pointers follow which are useful for discriminating between documents to be abstracted and those not worth abstracting.
    * aclarar un punto = clarify + point.
    * adoptar un punto de vista = embrace + view.
    * analizar desde un punto de vista crítico = cast + a critical eye over.
    * argumento que presenta los dos puntos de vista = two-sided argument.
    * argumento que presenta sólo un punto de vista = one-sided argument.
    * comprender un punto de vista = take + point.
    * desde cualquier punto de vista = by any standard(s).
    * desde el punto de vista de la nutrición = in terms of, from the vantage of, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, mitotically, nutritionally speaking, nutritionally.
    * desde el punto de vista del trabajador = in the trenches.
    * desde el punto de vista de la archivística = archivally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la calidad = on quality grounds.
    * desde el punto de vista de la competitividad = competitively.
    * desde el punto de vista de la conservación = preservationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidad = functionally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la informática = computationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la logística = logistically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la medicina = medically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la música = musically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la notación = notationally.
    * desde el punto de vista de la química = chemically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la realidad = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista de las matemáticas = mathematically.
    * desde el punto de vista de la tonalidad = tonally.
    * desde el punto de vista del contexto = contextually.
    * desde el punto de vista del estilo = stylistically.
    * desde el punto de vista del funcionamiento = operationally.
    * desde el punto de vista del + Nombre = as seen through the eyes of + Nombre.
    * desde el punto de vista de los hechos = factually.
    * desde el punto de vista del uso = in terms of use.
    * desde el punto de vista de + Nombre = in + Nombre + eyes.
    * desde el punto de vista judicial = judicially.
    * desde el punto de vista lingüístico = linguistically.
    * desde el punto de vista político = politically.
    * desde el punto de vista profesional = career-wise [careerwise].
    * desde este punto de vista = viewed in this light.
    * desde mi punto de vista = in my opinion, in my view, in my books.
    * desde + punto de vista = against + backdrop.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desde un punto de vista académico = academically.
    * desde un punto de vista antropológico = anthropologically.
    * desde un punto de vista clínico = medically, clinically.
    * desde un punto de vista crítico = judgmentally [judgementally], with a critical eye, critically.
    * desde un punto de vista cultural = culturally.
    * desde un punto de vista económico = economically, monetarily.
    * desde un punto de vista estético = aesthetically [esthetically, -USA].
    * desde un punto de vista estrictamente técnico = technically speaking.
    * desde un punto de vista étnico = ethnically.
    * desde un punto de vista filosófico = philosophically.
    * desde un punto de vista general = in a broad sense.
    * desde un punto de vista histórico = historically.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista médico = medically.
    * desde un punto de vista medioambiental = environmentally.
    * desde un punto de vista morfológico = morphologically.
    * desde un punto de vista operativo = operationally.
    * desde un punto de vista racista = racially + Adjetivo.
    * desde un punto de vista religioso = religiously.
    * desde un punto de vista socioeconómico = socioeconomically.
    * desde un punto de vista técnico = technically.
    * fiel desde el punto de vista de la historia = historically accurate.
    * manifestar un punto de vista = air + view.
    * mencionar un punto = touch on + a point.
    * mi punto de vista = in my view.
    * neutral desde el punto de vista de la raza = race-neutral.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * probar un punto = prove + point.
    * promover un punto de vista = promote + view.
    * punto a favor = asset.
    * punto conflictivo = hot spot.
    * punto de la agenda = agenda item.
    * punto del orden del día = agenda item.
    * punto de una agenda = item of business.
    * punto de vista = angle, point of view, side, stance, standpoint, view, viewpoint, outlook, eye, world view [worldview/world-view], bent of mind.
    * punto principal = main point.
    * puntos a favor y puntos en contra = pros and cons.
    * puntos comunes = common ground.
    * puntos principales = key issues.
    * puntos secundarios = secondary points.
    * que consta de tres puntos = three-point.
    * sostener un punto de vista = assert + view, hold + point of view.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = contemplate + view.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint.
    * tocar un punto = touch on + a point.
    * ver Algo desde el punto de vista + Adjetivo = view + Nombre + through + Adjetivo + eyes.


    Ex: Readers like bullet points because they are visually appealing and make it easy to quickly find pertinent information.

    * alcanzar el punto crítico = come to + a head.
    * alcanzar el punto culminante = climax.
    * alcanzar el punto más álgido = peak, come into + full bloom.
    * alcanzar + Posesivo + punto álgido = reach + Posesivo + peak.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * encontrar el punto medio = strike + the right note.
    * en qué punto = at what point.
    * en su punto = ripe [riper -comp., ripest -sup.].
    * en su punto más álgido = at its height.
    * en su punto más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en un punto bajo = at a low ebb.
    * estar a punto de = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to.
    * estar a punto de cascarlas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * estar a punto de + Infinitivo = be about + Infinitivo.
    * fichero de punto de acceso = access-point file.
    * hasta cierto punto = up to a point, to some degree, to some extent.
    * hasta el punto de = to the point of, up to the point of.
    * hasta el punto que = up to the point where, to the point where.
    * hasta qué punto = how far, the extent to which, to what extent.
    * hasta tal punto + Adjetivo = such a + Nombre.
    * hasta tal punto que = to a point where.
    * hasta un punto limitado = to a limited extent.
    * las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida = the wheel + turn + full circle.
    * llegado este punto = at this juncture.
    * llegado un punto = beyond a certain point, beyond a point.
    * llegar al punto álgido = reach + a head.
    * llegar al punto crítico = come to + a head.
    * llegar al punto de = be at the point of.
    * llegar al punto de + Infinitivo = go + (as/so) far as + Infinitivo.
    * llegar a un punto crítico = reach + turning point.
    * no tener ni punto de comparación = be in a different league.
    * pasado un punto = beyond a certain point, beyond a point.
    * poner a punto = overhaul, hone, fine tune [fine-tune], tune-up.
    * primer punto de contacto = port of first call.
    * primer punto de contacto, el = first port of call, the.
    * puesta a punto = fine tuning [fine-tuning], tuning, tune-up.
    * punto álgido = peak.
    * punto a punto = point-to-point.
    * punto central = focal point.
    * punto ciego = blind spot.
    * punto clave = key point, watershed, tipping point.
    * punto crítico = turning point, Posesivo + road to Damascus.
    * punto culminante = zenith, climax, peak, capstone.
    * punto de acceso = access point, entry point, entry term, index entry, retrieval access, search key, access point, service point, point of access, entrance point.
    * punto de apoyo = foothold.
    * punto débil = downside, weak point, weak link.
    * punto débil, el = chink in the armour, the.
    * punto débl = blind spot.
    * punto de contacto = point of contact, interface, contact point.
    * punto de convergencia = junction point, similarity.
    * punto de discusión = bone of contention.
    * punto de distribución = outlet.
    * punto de divergencia = stepping-off point.
    * punto de división = break.
    * punto de encuentro = meeting point.
    * punto de entrada = entry point, entrance point, point of entry.
    * punto de equilibrio = break-even, break-even point.
    * punto de información = information kiosk.
    * punto de interés = point of interest.
    * punto de llegada = point of arrival.
    * punto de luz = power point, electrical outlet, socket outlet, outlet.
    * punto de partida = point of departure, starting point, take-off point, baseline [base line], beginning point.
    * punto de penalti, el = penalty mark, the.
    * punto de recepción y envío = shipping point.
    * punto de recogida = pick-up point, drop-off point.
    * punto de referencia = benchmark, frame of reference, signpost, signposting, point of reference, anchor, anchor point, referral point, switching point, reference point, reference point.
    * punto de referencia común = common framework.
    * punto de ruptura = breaking point.
    * punto de separación = cut-off point, stepping-off point, cut off [cutoff].
    * punto de servicio = service point.
    * punto de una lista = bullet point.
    * punto de venta = outlet, point of sale.
    * punto esencial = essential point.
    * punto final = end point [endpoint].
    * punto flaco = foible, weak point, blind spot, weak link.
    * punto flaco, el = chink in the armour, the.
    * punto fuerte = strength, upside, forte, strong point.
    * punto g, el = G-spot, the.
    * punto intermedio = middle ground.
    * punto medio = happy medium, mid-point.
    * punto muerto = dead end, impasse, stalemate, dead end street, deadlock, standoff.
    * punto negro = blackhead.
    * punto positivo = asset.
    * puntos de acceso = entry vocabulary.
    * punto silla = saddle point.
    * ser el punto de partida de = form + the basis of.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * servir de punto de partida = point + the way to.
    * tomar como punto de partida = build on/upon.
    * volver al punto de partida = come + full circle, bring + Pronombre + full-circle, go back to + square one, be back to square one.

    3 = dot, full stop (.), period, stop.

    Ex: Braille is the term used to refer to material intended for the visually impaired and using embossed characters formed by raised dots in six-dot cells.

    Ex: You have observed the correct use of the facet indicators. (full stop) for S and ' (single inverted comma) for T.
    Ex: For instance, to delete the period where the cursor is located, press the < Del> key.
    Ex: Such as categorisation may depend rather arbitrarily upon whether stops have been used between letters or not.
    * arco de medio punto = round arch.
    * arco de punto rebajado = segmental arch.
    * dos puntos (:) = colon (:).
    * dpi (puntos por pulgada) = dpi (dots per inch).
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en + Posesivo + punto de mira = in + Posesivo + sights.
    * línea de puntos = dotted line.
    * matriz de puntos de impacto = impact dot matrix.
    * nube de puntos = scatterplot, cloud of points.
    * poner punto final a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, close + the book on.
    * poner punto y final a = put + a stop to, sound + the death knell for.
    * punto (.) = point (.).
    * puntos por pulgada = dots per inch.
    * punto y coma (;) = semi-colon (;).
    * subrayar con puntos = underdot.

    4 = point.

    Ex: Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.

    * alcanzar el punto de ebullición = reach + boiling point.
    * punto de ebullición = boiling point.
    * punto de fundición = melting point.
    * punto de fusión = melting point, fusion point.
    * punto de saturación = saturation point.
    * punto porcentual = percentage point.
    * sistema de deducción de puntos = points system.

    5 = stitch.

    Ex: It may be seen that one or more pairs of leaves, joined to each other at the back, are held in place by a double stitch of thread running up the fold.

    * aguja de hacer punto = knitting needle.
    * géneros de punto = knitwear.
    * hacer punto = knitting.
    * patrón de hacer punto = knitting pattern.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!.
    * ¡punto en boca! = not a word to anyone!, shut your mouth!, shut your face!.

    * * *
    1 (señal, trazo) dot
    desde el avión la ciudad se veía como un conjunto de puntos luminosos from the plane the city looked like a cluster of pinpoints of light o of bright dots
    el barco no era más que un punto en el horizonte the boat was no more than a dot o speck on the horizon
    2 ( Ling) (sobre la `i', la `j') dot; (signo de puntuación) period ( AmE), full stop ( BrE)
    a punto fijo exactly, for certain
    no le sabría decir a punto fijo cuándo llegan I couldn't tell you exactly o for certain when they will be arriving
    … y punto: si te parece mal se lo dices y punto if you don't like it you just tell him, that's all there is to it
    lo harás como yo digo y punto you'll do it the way I tell you and that's that, you'll do it the way I tell you, period ( AmE) o ( BrE) full stop
    poner los puntos sobre las íes (dejar algo en claro) to make sth crystal clear; (terminar algo con mucho cuidado) to dot the i's and cross the t's
    sin faltar un punto ni una coma down to the last detail
    dos1 (↑ dos (1))
    [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] decimal point
    period ( AmE), full stop ( BrE)
    decidió poner punto final a sus relaciones he decided to end their relationship
    mpl ellipsis ( tech), suspension points (pl) ( AmE), dot, dot, dot
    period, new paragraph ( AmE), full stop, new paragraph ( BrE)
    period ( AmE), full stop ( BrE) ( no new paragraph)
    1 (momento) point
    en ese punto de la conversación at that point in the conversation
    su popularidad alcanzó su punto más bajo his popularity reached its lowest ebb o point
    2 (lugar) point; (en geometría) point
    fijó la mirada en un punto lejano del horizonte she fixed her gaze on a distant point on the horizon
    están buscando un local en un punto céntrico they are looking for premises somewhere central
    en el punto en que la carretera se divide at the point where the road divides
    el punto donde ocurrió el accidente the spot o place where the accident happened
    ( Esp) ( Aviac) air mile
    crucial moment o point
    cardinal point
    blind spot
    critical point
    high point
    no hay ningún punto de apoyo para la escalera there is nowhere to lean the ladder
    constituía el punto de apoyo de su defensa it formed the cornerstone of his defense
    weak point
    a punto de caramelo ‹almíbar› caramelized
    (en su mejor momento) ( fam): este queso está a punto de caramelo this cheese is just right (for eating)
    yo no lo encuentro viejo, para mí está a punto de caramelo I don't think he's old, if you ask me he's in his prime o he's just right
    la situación está a punto de caramelo para otro golpe militar the situation is ripe for another military coup
    freezing point
    point of contact
    el movimiento tiene muchos puntos de contacto con el surrealismo the movement has a lot in common with surrealism
    boiling point
    vanishing point
    melting point
    point of inflexion ( on a curve)
    ( Inf) breakpoint
    ( Esp) bookmark
    (de un rifle) front sight; (blanco) target; (objetivo) aim, objective; (punto de vista) point of view
    batir las claras a punto de nieve beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks
    point of no return
    (sitio) starting point; (de un proceso, razonamiento) starting point
    esta dramática escalada tiene un claro punto de partida en los sucesos del mes pasado this dramatic escalation clearly has its origins in the events of last month
    punto de penalty or penalti
    penalty spot
    reference point
    meeting place, assembly point
    point of sale, outlet, sales outlet
    unique selling point
    (perspectiva) viewpoint, point of view; (opinión) views (pl)
    desde un punto de vista técnico from a technical viewpoint, from a technical point of view
    todos conocen mi punto de vista sobre este asunto you all know my views on this matter
    está en punto fijo toda la noche he is on guard duty all night
    weak point
    habrá que esperar a que las cosas lleguen a su punto medio we'll have to wait until things sort themselves out
    hay que buscar el punto medio entre las dos cosas you have to strike a balance between the two things
    ( Auto) neutral; ( Fin) break even point; (en negociaciones) deadlock
    las conversaciones han llegado a un punto muerto the talks have reached deadlock o stalemate
    el proceso está en punto muerto the process is deadlocked
    (en la carretera) black spot; (en la piel) blackhead
    ( Anat) nerve center*; (de una organización, un sistema) nerve center*
    un accidente en uno de los puntos neurálgicos de la ciudad an accident at one of the busiest spots o points in the city
    uno de los puntos neurálgicos de la economía one of the key elements of the economy
    C (grado) point, extent
    hasta cierto punto tiene razón she's right, up to a point
    hasta cierto punto me alegro de que se vaya to a certain extent o in a way I'm glad she's going
    claro que fue atento y amable, hasta tal punto que llegó a resultarnos pesado of course he was attentive and kind, so much so that it got a bit much for us
    D (asunto, aspecto) point
    en ese punto no estoy de acuerdo contigo I don't agree with you on that point
    los puntos a tratar en la reunión de hoy the matters o items on the agenda for today's meeting
    hay algunos puntos de coincidencia entre los dos enfoques the two approaches have some points in common
    analizamos la propuesta punto por punto we analyzed the proposal point by point
    E ( en locs):
    a punto (a tiempo) just in time
    has llegado a punto para ayudarme you've arrived just in time to help me
    a punto DE + INF:
    estábamos a punto de cenar cuando llamaste we were about to have dinner when you phoned
    estuvo a punto de matarse en el accidente he was nearly killed in the accident, he came within an inch of being killed in the accident
    estaba a punto de decírmelo cuando tú entraste she was on the point of telling me o she was about to tell me when you came in
    se notaba que estaba a punto de llorar you could see she was on the verge of tears
    en su punto just right
    el arroz está en su punto the rice is just right
    la carne estaba en su punto the meat was done to a turn
    al punto ( Esp); right away, at once, straightaway ( BrE)
    en punto: te espero a las 12 en punto I'll expect you at 12 o'clock sharp
    son las tres en punto it's exactly three o'clock
    llegaron en punto they arrived exactly on time, they arrived on the dot o dead on time ( colloq)
    de todo punto absolutely, totally
    eso es de todo punto inaceptable that is totally o completely unacceptable
    se negaba de todo punto a hacerlo she absolutely o flatly refused to do it
    1 (en costura) stitch
    punto en boca ( fam): y ya saben, diga lo que diga él, nosotros punto en boca and remember, whatever he says, we keep our mouths shut
    le tuvieron que poner puntos she had to have stitches
    3 (en labores) stitch
    se me ha escapado un punto I've dropped a stitch
    hacer punto ( Esp); to knit
    chain stitch
    herringbone stitch
    herringbone stitch
    plain stitch
    purl stitch
    stocking stitch
    rib, ribbing
    stocking stitch
    garter stitch
    shadow stitch
    1 (unidad) ( Dep, Jueg) point; ( Educ) point, mark
    venció por puntos he won on points
    tiene dos punto de ventaja sobre Clark he is two points ahead of Clark, he has a two point advantage over Clark
    pierdes dos puntos por cada falta de ortografía you lose two marks o points for every spelling mistake
    anotarse/marcarse un punto ( fam): la paella está exquisita, te has anotado un punto ten out of ten o ( BrE) full marks for the paella, it's delicious
    matarle el punto a algn (CS fam); to go one better than sb
    subir de punto «ira/admiración» to grow;
    «discusión» to heat up, grow heated
    2 ( Fin) point
    punto de or para partido
    match point
    break point
    punto de or para set
    set point
    percentage point
    (poco, pizca): es orgulloso, con un punto de bravuconería he's proud, with just a touch o hint of boastfulness about him
    1 (Per, RPl arg) (tonto) idiot
    agarrar or tomar a algn de punto (Per, RPl arg): lo han agarrado de punto (burlándose de él) they've made him the butt of their jokes; (aprovechándose de él) they've taken him for a ride ( colloq)
    la profesora me ha agarrado de punto the teacher has it in for me ( colloq)
    2 ( RPl arg) (tipo) guy ( colloq)
    * * *


    punto sustantivo masculino
    a) (señal, marca) dot

    b) (Ling) (sobre la `i', la `j') dot;

    ( signo de puntuación) period (AmE), full stop (BrE);

    punto final period (AmE), full stop (BrE);
    puntos suspensivos ellipsis (tech), suspension points (pl) (AmE), dot, dot, dot;
    punto y aparte period (AmE) o (BrE) full stop, new paragraph;
    punto y coma semicolon;
    punto com (Com, Inf) dot.com;
    a punto fijo exactly, for certain;
    … y punto … and that's that, … period (AmE);
    See Also→ dos
    a) (momento, lugar) point;

    el punto donde ocurrió el accidente the spot o place where the accident happened;
    punto cardinal cardinal point ;
    punto ciego blind spot;
    punto de apoyo ( de palanca) fulcrum;
    no hay ningún punto de apoyo para la escalera there is nowhere to lean the ladder;
    punto de vista ( perspectiva) viewpoint, point of view;

    ( opinión) views;
    punto flaco/fuerte weak/strong point;

    punto muerto (Auto) neutral;

    ( en negociaciones) deadlock

    3 ( grado) point, extent;
    hasta cierto punto tiene razón she's right, up to a point;

    hasta tal punto que … so much so that …
    4 (asunto, aspecto) point;

    los puntos a tratar en la reunión the matters o items on the agenda for the meeting
    5 ( en locs)

    estábamos a punto de cenar we were about to have dinner;
    estuvo a punto de caerse he almost fell over;
    batir las claras a punto de nieve beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks;
    en su punto just right;
    en punto: a las 12 en punto at 12 o'clock sharp;
    son las tres en punto it's exactly three o'clock;
    llegaron en punto they arrived exactly on time
    a) (en costura, labores) stitch;

    hacer punto (Esp) to knit;
    punto (de) cruz cross-stitch
    b) ( en cirugía) tb

    7 ( unidad)
    a) Dep, Jueg) point;

    punto para partido/set (Méx) match/set point

    b) (Educ) point, mark;

    (Fin) point
    punto sustantivo masculino
    1 point
    punto de vista, point of view
    punto flaco, weak point
    punto muerto, (situación sin salida) deadlock, Auto neutral
    2 (lugar) place, point: está perdido en algún punto de Marruecos, it's way out somewhere in Morocco
    3 (pintado, dibujado) dot
    línea de puntos, dotted line
    4 (en una competición) point: le dieron tres puntos a Irlanda, Ireland scored three points
    5 (en un examen) mark: la pregunta vale dos puntos, the question is worth two marks
    6 Cost Med stitch: se le infectó un punto, one of the stitches became infected
    7 (grado, medida) point: hasta cierto punto, to a certain extent
    8 Ling full stop
    dos puntos, colon
    punto y aparte, full stop, new paragraph
    punto y coma, semicolon
    puntos suspensivos, dots
    ♦ Locuciones: hacer punto, to knit
    a punto, ready
    a punto de, on the point of
    en punto, sharp, on the dot: a las seis en punto, at six o'clock sharp
    Culin en su punto, just right
    ' punto' also found in these entries:
    - álgido
    - aparte
    - borde
    - cadeneta
    - caer
    - caramelo
    - cardinal
    - cerca
    - cierta
    - cierto
    - coincidir
    - coma
    - concretar
    - culminante
    - cúspide
    - débil
    - desde
    - distanciarse
    - ebullición
    - Ecuador
    - este
    - extrema
    - extremo
    - flaca
    - flaco
    - fuerte
    - luminosa
    - luminoso
    - mareada
    - mareado
    - media
    - medio
    - muerta
    - muerto
    - nivel
    - novedosa
    - novedoso
    - para
    - puesta
    - referencia
    - regresar
    - relativamente
    - respetable
    - sazón
    - sesgar
    - talón
    - tanta
    - tanto
    - tomate
    - angle
    - aspect
    - bankrupt
    - benchmark
    - blackhead
    - boiling point
    - cardigan
    - certain
    - chink
    - circle
    - climax
    - close
    - cluster
    - coast
    - conclude
    - contention
    - cottage industry
    - crop up
    - cross-stitch
    - crossroads
    - crunch
    - culmination
    - cut-off
    - deadlock
    - degree
    - dot
    - essential
    - extent
    - eye
    - failing
    - feature
    - focal point
    - follow through
    - foothold
    - forthcoming
    - freezing point
    - full stop
    - head
    - height
    - high
    - impasse
    - interface
    - item
    - just
    - knit
    - knitting
    - knitting needle
    - knitwear
    - labour
    * * *
    1. [marca] dot, spot;
    [en geometría] point;
    recorte por la línea de puntos cut along the dotted line
    punto de fuga vanishing point
    2. [signo ortográfico] [al final de frase] Br full stop, US period;
    [sobre i, j, en dirección de correo electrónico] dot;
    dos puntos colon;
    no vas a ir, y punto you're not going, and that's that;
    poner los puntos sobre las íes to dot the i's and cross the t's
    Bol, Perú punto acápite semicolon;
    punto y aparte Br full stop o US period, new paragraph;
    punto y coma semicolon;
    punto final Br full stop, US period;
    poner punto final a algo to bring sth to an end;
    punto y seguido Br full stop, US period [no new paragraph];
    puntos suspensivos suspension points
    3. [unidad] [en juegos, competiciones, exámenes, bolsa] point;
    ganar/perder por seis puntos to win/lose by six points;
    ganar por puntos [en boxeo] to win on points;
    el índice Dow Jones ha subido seis puntos the Dow Jones index is up six points;
    los tipos de interés bajarán un punto interest rates will go down by one (percentage) point
    punto de break break point;
    punto de juego game point;
    punto de partido match point;
    punto porcentual percentage point;
    punto de set set point
    4. [asunto, parte] point;
    pasemos al siguiente punto let's move on to the next point;
    te lo explicaré punto por punto I'll explain it to you point by point;
    tenemos los siguientes puntos a tratar we have the following items on the agenda
    punto débil weak point;
    punto fuerte strong point
    5. [lugar] spot, place;
    éste es el punto exacto donde ocurrió todo this is the exact spot where it all happened;
    hay retenciones en varios puntos de la provincia there are delays at several different points across the province
    punto de apoyo [en palanca] fulcrum; Ling punto de articulación point of articulation;
    los puntos cardinales the points of the compass, Espec the cardinal points;
    punto ciego [en el ojo] blind spot;
    punto de encuentro meeting point;
    Dep punto fatídico penalty spot;
    punto G g-spot;
    punto de inflexión tipping point;
    punto de mira [en armas] sight;
    está en mi punto de mira [es mi objetivo] I have it in my sights;
    punto negro [en la piel] blackhead;
    [en carretera] accident Br blackspot o US hot spot;
    punto neurálgico [de ser vivo, organismo] nerve centre;
    la plaza mayor es el punto neurálgico de la ciudad the main square is the town's busiest crossroads;
    éste es el punto neurálgico de la negociación this is the central issue at stake in the negotiations;
    punto de partida starting point;
    punto de penalti o penalty penalty spot;
    punto de referencia point of reference;
    punto de reunión meeting point;
    Com punto de venta:
    en el punto de venta at the point of sale;
    tenemos puntos de venta en todo el país we have (sales) outlets across the country;
    punto de venta autorizado authorized dealer;
    punto de venta electrónico electronic point of sale;
    punto de vista point of view, viewpoint;
    bajo mi punto de vista… in my view…;
    desde el punto de vista del dinero… in terms of money…
    6. [momento] point, moment;
    lo dejamos en este punto del debate y seguimos tras la publicidad we'll have to leave the discussion here for the moment, we'll be back after the break;
    al punto at once, there and then;
    en punto exactly, on the dot;
    a las seis en punto at six o'clock on the dot, at six o'clock sharp;
    son las seis en punto it's (exactly) six o'clock;
    estar a punto to be ready;
    estuve a punto de cancelar el viaje I was on the point of cancelling the trip;
    estamos a punto de firmar un importante contrato we are on the verge o point of signing an important contract;
    estaba a punto de salir cuando… I was about to leave when…;
    estuvo a punto de morir ahogada she almost drowned;
    llegar a punto (para hacer algo) to arrive just in time (to do sth)
    punto crítico critical moment o point; [de reactor] critical point;
    alcanzar el punto crítico [reactor] to go critical
    7. [estado, fase] state, condition;
    estando las cosas en este punto things being as they are;
    llegar a un punto en que… to reach the stage where…;
    estar en su punto to be just right;
    ¿cómo quiere el filete? – a punto o [m5] al punto how would you like your steak? – medium, please;
    poner a punto [motor] to tune;
    Fig [sistema, método] to fine-tune punto de congelación freezing point;
    punto culminante high point;
    punto de ebullición boiling point;
    punto de fusión melting point;
    punto muerto [en automóviles] neutral;
    Fig [en negociaciones] deadlock;
    estar en un punto muerto [negociaciones] to be deadlocked;
    ir en punto muerto [automóvil] to freewheel;
    punto de nieve: [m5] batir a punto de nieve to beat until stiff
    8. [grado] degree;
    de todo punto [completamente] absolutely;
    hasta cierto punto to some extent, up to a point;
    el ruido era infernal, hasta el punto de no oír nada o [m5] de que no se oía nada the noise was so bad that you couldn't hear a thing;
    hasta tal punto que to such an extent that
    9. [cláusula] clause
    10. [puntada] [en costura, en cirugía] stitch;
    [en unas medias] hole;
    tienes o [m5] se te ha escapado un punto en el jersey you've pulled a stitch out of your jumper, you've got a loose stitch on your jumper;
    le dieron diez puntos en la frente he had to have ten stitches to his forehead;
    coger puntos to pick up stitches
    punto atrás backstitch;
    punto de cadeneta chain stitch;
    punto de cruz cross-stitch;
    Med punto de sutura suture
    11. [estilo de tejer] knitting;
    un jersey de punto a knitted sweater;
    prendas de punto knitwear;
    hacer punto to knit
    punto de ganchillo crochet
    12. [pizca, toque] touch;
    son comentarios un punto racistas they are somewhat racist remarks
    13. Arquit
    de medio punto [arco, bóveda] semicircular
    14. Esp Fam [borrachera ligera]
    cogerse/tener un punto to get/be merry
    15. Esp Fam [reacción, estado de ánimo]
    le dan unos puntos muy raros he can be really weird sometimes;
    le dio el punto generoso he had a fit of generosity
    16. Esp Fam [cosa estupenda]
    ¡qué punto! that's great o fantastic!
    17. Comp
    RP Fam
    agarrar a alguien de punto to tease sb, Br to take the mickey out of sb
    punto com nf
    [empresa] dotcom
    * * *
    1 point;
    punto por punto point by point;
    ganar por puntos win on points
    2 señal dot;
    en punto on the dot;
    a las tres en punto at three sharp, at three on the dot
    3 signo de punctuación period, Br
    full stop;
    dos puntos colon;
    punto y coma semicolon;
    con puntos y comas fig in full detail;
    poner punto final a algo fig end sth, put an end to sth;
    y punto period;
    poner los puntos sobre las íes fam make things crystal clear;
    empresa punto.com dot.com (company)
    4 en costura, sutura stitch;
    de punto knitted
    a punto ( listo) ready; (a tiempo) in time llegar a punto para … arrive just in time to …;
    estar a punto be ready;
    estar a punto de be about to;
    el arroz está en su punto the rice is ready;
    hasta cierto punto up to a point;
    hasta qué punto to what extent;
    me pregunto hasta qué punto lo que dice es verdad o una exageración I wonder how much of what he says is true and how much is exaggeration;
    hasta tal punto que to such an extent that
    batir las claras a punto de nieve beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks
    * * *
    punto nm
    1) : dot, point
    2) : period (in punctuation)
    3) : item, question
    4) : spot, place
    5) : moment, stage, degree
    6) : point (in a score)
    7) : stitch
    en punto : on the dot, sharp
    a las dos en punto: at two o'clock sharp
    al punto : at once
    a punto fijo : exactly, certainly
    dos puntos : colon
    hasta cierto punto : up to a point
    punto decimal : decimal point
    punto de vista : point of view
    punto y coma : semicolon
    y punto : period
    es el mejor que hay y punto: it's the best there is, period
    puntos cardinales : points of the compass
    * * *
    1. (en general) point
    2. (señal) dot
    3. (lugar) spot / place
    ¿en qué punto de la ciudad? where exactly in the city?
    4. (puntada) stitch

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto

  • 12 opuesto

    opposed, conflicting, contrary, opposite.
    opposite, antithesis, converse, antipode.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: oponer.
    * * *
    1→ link=oponer oponer
    1 (contrario) contrary, opposed
    2 (de enfrente) opposite
    * * *
    (f. - opuesta)
    * * *
    PP de oponer
    2. ADJ
    1) [ángulo, lado] opposite
    2) (Dep) [equipo] opposing
    3) [intereses, versiones] conflicting
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo <versiones/opiniones> conflicting; <extremos/polos> opposite

    es opuesto a todo cambiohe is opposed to o he is against any change

    * * *
    = antithetical, conflicting, contrary, differing, inverse, opposing, inimical, argumentative, opposite, counterpoint, competing, opposed, adversarial, aversive, contrasting, averse, reverse, resistant, refractory.
    Ex. Production quotas, I believe, are antithetical to careful, thoughtful cataloging.
    Ex. As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.
    Ex. Perhaps there has been a contrary reaction by British academic librarians to conserve their collections.
    Ex. Different devices for the organisation of knowledge place differing emphasis on the relative importance of these two objectives.
    Ex. Most relationships should be shown in both their direct and inverse forms.
    Ex. When it is clear that material is biased or misrepresents a group, librarians should correct the situation, either by refusing the material or by giving equal representation to opposing points of view.
    Ex. Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex. 'I don't know about that one,' Bogardus said, politely argumentative.
    Ex. Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Free Trade and Protection', 'Protection' See 'Free Trade and Protection''.
    Ex. The point and counterpoint nature of the talks specifically concerned with AACR reflects the official roles the speakers have with respect to that draft.
    Ex. This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    Ex. Librarianship is faced with the problem of the reconciliation of opposed objectives -- the arrest of deterioration in books versus the idea that books are meant to be used, becoming ultimately worn with use.
    Ex. The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex. In fact, weeding aversive staff tend to spend a lot more time complaining about having nothing on the shelves.
    Ex. The author describes 2 contrasting Florida libraries on the Gulf of Mexico, how they serve and are served by the community.
    Ex. The advantage of an acoustic pulse as the averse stimulus is discussed.
    Ex. He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.
    Ex. After a number of years in office, however, they became increasingly abrasive, remote, contemptuous of criticism, and resistant to any change that might reduce their authority.
    Ex. However, these mushy words do little to reveal the refractory person uttering them.
    * como algo opuesto a = as against.
    * como opuesto a = as distinct from, as opposed to.
    * continuar opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * diametralmente opuesto a = diametrically opposed to, diametrically opposite to.
    * diametralmente opuestos = worlds apart.
    * mundos opuestos = like oil and water.
    * opiniones opuestas = contrasting opinions.
    * opuesto a = versus (vs - abreviatura), antagonistic to, at odds with.
    * opuesto, el = reverse, the.
    * opuesto, lo = converse, the.
    * polos opuestos = polar types, worlds apart, like oil and water, like chalk and cheese, like apples and oranges.
    * reacciones opuestas = mixed reactions.
    * seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * sexo opuesto = opposite sex.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo <versiones/opiniones> conflicting; <extremos/polos> opposite

    es opuesto a todo cambiohe is opposed to o he is against any change

    * * *
    el opuesto
    = reverse, the

    Ex: The final order on the shelves is the reverse of this, so that an order of increasing speciality is achieved.

    = antithetical, conflicting, contrary, differing, inverse, opposing, inimical, argumentative, opposite, counterpoint, competing, opposed, adversarial, aversive, contrasting, averse, reverse, resistant, refractory.

    Ex: Production quotas, I believe, are antithetical to careful, thoughtful cataloging.

    Ex: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.
    Ex: Perhaps there has been a contrary reaction by British academic librarians to conserve their collections.
    Ex: Different devices for the organisation of knowledge place differing emphasis on the relative importance of these two objectives.
    Ex: Most relationships should be shown in both their direct and inverse forms.
    Ex: When it is clear that material is biased or misrepresents a group, librarians should correct the situation, either by refusing the material or by giving equal representation to opposing points of view.
    Ex: Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex: 'I don't know about that one,' Bogardus said, politely argumentative.
    Ex: Cutter instructs that 'of two subjects exactly opposite choose one and refer from the other, e.g. 'Free Trade and Protection', 'Protection' See 'Free Trade and Protection''.
    Ex: The point and counterpoint nature of the talks specifically concerned with AACR reflects the official roles the speakers have with respect to that draft.
    Ex: This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    Ex: Librarianship is faced with the problem of the reconciliation of opposed objectives -- the arrest of deterioration in books versus the idea that books are meant to be used, becoming ultimately worn with use.
    Ex: The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex: In fact, weeding aversive staff tend to spend a lot more time complaining about having nothing on the shelves.
    Ex: The author describes 2 contrasting Florida libraries on the Gulf of Mexico, how they serve and are served by the community.
    Ex: The advantage of an acoustic pulse as the averse stimulus is discussed.
    Ex: He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.
    Ex: After a number of years in office, however, they became increasingly abrasive, remote, contemptuous of criticism, and resistant to any change that might reduce their authority.
    Ex: However, these mushy words do little to reveal the refractory person uttering them.
    * como algo opuesto a = as against.
    * como opuesto a = as distinct from, as opposed to.
    * continuar opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * diametralmente opuesto a = diametrically opposed to, diametrically opposite to.
    * diametralmente opuestos = worlds apart.
    * mundos opuestos = like oil and water.
    * opiniones opuestas = contrasting opinions.
    * opuesto a = versus (vs - abreviatura), antagonistic to, at odds with.
    * opuesto, el = reverse, the.
    * opuesto, lo = converse, the.
    * polos opuestos = polar types, worlds apart, like oil and water, like chalk and cheese, like apples and oranges.
    * reacciones opuestas = mixed reactions.
    * seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * sexo opuesto = opposite sex.

    * * *
    opuesto -ta
    ‹versiones/opiniones› conflicting; ‹extremos/polos› opposite
    tienen caracteres opuestos they have very different personalities
    venía en dirección opuesta she was coming the other way o from the opposite direction
    opuesto A algo:
    el lado opuesto a éste the opposite side to this one
    es opuesto a todo cambio he is opposed to o he is against any change
    * * *


    Del verbo oponer: ( conjugate oponer)

    opuesto es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    oponer ( conjugate oponer) verbo transitivo resistencia to offer, put up;
    objeción to raise
    oponerse verbo pronominal ( ser contrario) to object;
    opuestose A algo to oppose sth;

    opuesto -ta adjetivo ‹versiones/opiniones conflicting;

    extremo/polo/lado opposite;

    venía en dirección opuesta he was coming from the opposite direction
    oponer verbo transitivo
    1 to put up: no opuso resistencia, he put up no resistance
    2 (un argumento, razón) to put forward
    opuesto,-a adjetivo
    1 (versión, opinión, etc) opposite: tenían intereses opuestos, they had conflicting interests
    2 (posición) opposite: estaba en la acera opuesta, he was on the opposite sidewalk
    en direcciones opuestas, in opposite directions

    ' opuesto' also found in these entries:
    - fondo
    - negación
    - opuesta
    - provincia
    - antidemocrático
    - contra
    - contrario
    - ligar
    - pinchar
    - contrasting
    - opposed
    - opposite
    - sex
    - sublime
    - conflicting
    * * *
    opuesto, -a
    ver oponer
    1. [contrario] opposed, contrary (a to);
    los dos hermanos son opuestos en todo the two brothers are completely different;
    opiniones opuestas contrary o opposing opinions;
    ser opuesto a algo to be opposed o contrary to sth
    2. [del otro lado] opposite;
    el extremo opuesto a éste the opposite end to this;
    el coche venía en dirección opuesta the car was coming the other way o in the opposite direction;
    son dos polos opuestos [personas] they are complete o polar opposites
    * * *
    I partoponer
    II adj
    1 en el espacio opposite
    2 opinión contrary
    * * *
    opuesto adj
    1) : opposite, contrary
    2) : opposed
    * * *
    opuesto adj
    1. (enfrentado) opposing / conflicting
    2. (contrario) opposite

    Spanish-English dictionary > opuesto

  • 13 पञ्चन् _pañcan

    पञ्चन् num. a. (Always pl., nom. and acc. पञ्च) Five. (As the first member of comp. पञ्चन् drops its final न्). [cf. Gr. pente.]
    -Comp. -अंशः the fifth part, a fifth.
    -अग्निः 1 an aggregate of five sacred fires; i. e. (अन्वाहार्यपचन or दक्षिण, गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय, सभ्य, and आव- सथ्य).
    -2 a householder who maintains the five sacred fires; पञ्चाग्नयो धृतव्रताः Māl.1; Ms.3.185.
    -3 five mystic fires supposed to exist in the body; तेजो ह्यग्निस्तथा क्रोधश्चक्षुरूष्मा तथैव च । अग्निर्जरयते यच्च पञ्चाग्नेयाः शरीरिणः ॥ Mb.12.184.21.
    -4 one who is acquainted with the doctrine of these fires. ˚साधनम् four fires on four sides and the sun above the head. This is a form of penance.
    -अङ्ग a. five-membered, having five parts or divi- sions as in पञ्चाङ्गः प्रणामः (i. e. बाहुभ्यां चैव जानुभ्यां शिरसा वक्षसा दृशा); कृतपञ्चाङ्गविनिर्णयो नयः Ki.2.12. (see Malli. and Kāmandaka quoted by him); पञ्चाङ्गमभिनयमुपदिश्य M.1; चित्ताक्षिभ्रूहस्तपादैरङ्गैश्चेष्टादिसाम्यतः । पात्राद्यवस्थाकरणं पञ्चाङ्गे$भिनयो मतः ॥
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a tortoise or turtle.
    -2 a kind of horse with five spots in different parts of his body. (
    -ङ्गी) a bit for horses.
    -(ङ्गम्) 1 collection or aggregate of five parts.
    -2 five modes of devotion (silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols and feeding Brāhmaṇas)
    -3 the five parts of a tree; त्वक्पत्रकुसुमं मूलफलमेकस्य शाखिनः । एकत्र मिलितं चैतत् पञ्चाङ्ग- मिति संज्ञितम् ॥
    -4 a calendar or almanac, so called be- cause it treats of five things:-- (तिथिर्वारश्च नक्षत्रं योगः करणमेव च); चतुरङ्गबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चा- ङ्गबलवानाकाशं वशमानये ॥ Shbhāṣ. ˚गुप्तः a turtle. ˚पत्रम् a calendar. ˚विनिर्णयः the five rules are as follows; सहायाः साधनोपाया विभागो देशकालयोः । विनिपातप्रतीकारः सिद्धिः पञ्चाङ्ग- मिष्यते ॥ Kāmandak; cf. Ki.2.12. ˚शुद्धिः f. the propiti- ousness or favourable state of five important points; i. e. तिथि, वार, नक्षत्र, योग and करण (in astrology).
    -अङ्गिक a. five-membered.
    -अङ्गुल a. (
    -ला or
    -ली f.) measuring five fingers. (
    -लः) the castor-oil plant.
    -अ(आ)जम् the five products of the goat; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अतिग a. liberated (मुक्त); सो$पि पञ्चातिगो$भवत् Mb. 12.59.9.
    -अप्सरस् n. N. of a lake, said to have been created by the sage Mandakarni; cf. R.13.38.
    -अमरा The five plants i. e. (Mar. भांग, दूर्वा, बेल, निर्गुडी and तुळस.
    -अमृत a. consisting of 5 ingredients.
    -(तम्) 1 the aggregate of five drugs; dry ginger, a species of Moonseed (Cocculus cordifolius, Mar. गुळवेल), Asparagus recemosus (Mar. शतावरी), Hypoxis brevifolia (Mar. मुसळी), गोक्षुरक (Mar. गोखरूं).
    -2 the collection of five sweet things used in worshipping deities; (दुग्धं च शर्करा चैव घृतं दधि तथा मधु).
    -3 the five elements; Māl.5.2.
    -अम्लम् the aggregate of five acid plants (the jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron).
    -अर्चिस् m. the planet Mercury.
    - अवयव a. five-membered (as a syllogism, the five members being, प्रतिज्ञा, हेतु, उदाहरण, उपनय and निगमन q. v.).
    -अवस्थः a corpse (so called because it is resolved into the five elements) cf. पञ्चत्व below.
    -अविकम् the five products of the sheep; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-five.
    -अहः a period of five days.
    - आतप a. doing penance with five fires. (i. e. with four fires and the sun); cf. R.13.41.
    -आत्मक a. consisting of five elements (as body).
    -आननः, -आस्यः, -मुखः, -वक्त्रः 1 epithets of Śiva.
    -2 a lion (so called because its mouth is generally wide open; पञ्चम् आननं यस्य), (often used at the end of names of learned men to express great learning or respect; न्याय˚, तर्क˚ &c. e. g. जगन्नाथतर्कपञ्चानन); see पञ्च a.
    -3 the sign Leo of the zodiac. (
    -नी) an epithet of Durgā.
    -आम्नायाः m. (pl.) five Śāstras supposed to have proceeded from the five mouths of Śiva.
    -आयतनी, -नम् a group of five deities like गणपति, विष्णु, शंकर, देवी and सूर्य.
    -इन्द्रियम् an aggregate of the five organs (of sense or actions; see इन्द्रियम्).
    -इषुः, -बाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; (so called because he has five arrows; their names are:-- अरविन्दमशोकं च चूतं च नवमल्लिका । नीलोत्पलं च पञ्चैते पञ्चबाणस्य सायकाः ॥ the five arrows are also thus named:-- संमोहनोन्मादनौ च शोषणस्तापनस्तथा । स्तम्भनश्चेति कामस्य पञ्चबाणाः प्रकीर्तिताः ॥).
    -उपचारः the five articles of worship i. e. (गन्ध, पुष्प, धूप, दीप and नैवेद्य).
    -उष्मन् m. (pl.) the five digestive fires supposed to be in the body.
    -कपाल a. prepared or offered in five cups.
    -कर्ण a. branded in the ear with the number 'five' (as cattle &c.); cf. P.VI.3.115.
    -कर्मन् n. (in medicine) the five kinds of treatment; i. e. 1 वमन 'giving emetics'; 2 रेचन 'purging'; 3 नस्य 'giving stre- nutatories'; 4 अनुवासन 'administering an enema which is oily', and 5 निरूह 'administering an enema which is not oily. वमनं रेचनं नस्यं निरूहश्चानुवासनम् । पञ्चकर्मेदमन्यश्च ज्ञेयमुत्क्षेपणादिकम् ॥
    -कल्याणकः a horse with white feet and a white mouth.
    -कषाय a decoction from the fruits of five plants (जम्बु, शाल्मलि, वाट्याल, बकुल and बदर).
    -कृत्यम् the five actions by which the Supreme Power manifests itself (सृष्टि, स्थिति, संहार, तिरोभाव and अनुग्रह- करण).
    -कृत्वस् ind. five times.
    -कृष्णः A kind of game. (
    -ष्णाः) The five deities of Mahānubhāva sect namely चक्रवर्ती कृष्ण, Datta of Mātāpura, Gundam Raul of ऋद्धिपुर, चांगदेव राऊळ of द्वारावती and चांगदेव राऊळ of प्रतिष्ठान.
    -कोणः a pentagon.
    -कोलम् the five spices taken collec- tively; पिप्पली पिप्पलीमूलं चव्यचित्रकनागरम् । पञ्चकोलं......... (Mar. पिंपळी, पिंपळमूळ, चवक, चित्रक व सुंठ).
    -कोषाः m. (pl.) the five vestures or wrappers supposed to invest the soul; they are:-- अन्नमयकोष or the earthly body (स्थूलशरीर); प्राणमयकोष the vesture of the vital airs; मनो- मयकोष the sensorial vesture; विज्ञानमयकोष the cognitional vesture (these three form the लिङ्गशरीर); and आनन्द- मयकोष the last vesture, that of beatitude. कोषैरन्नमयाद्यैः पञ्चभिरात्मा न संवृतो भाति । निजशक्तिसमुप्तन्नैः शैवालप़टलैरिवाम्बु वापीस्थम् ॥ Vivekachūdāmaṇi.
    -क्रोशी 1 a distance of five Kroṣas.
    -2 N. of the city, Banares.
    -खट्वम्, -खट्वी a collection of five beds.
    -गत a. (in alg.) raised to the fifth power.
    -गवम् a collection of five cows.
    -गव्यम् the five products of the cow taken collectively; i. e. milk, curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine, and cowdung (क्षीरं दधि तथा चाज्यं मूत्रं गोमयमेव च).
    -गु a. bought with five cows.
    -गुण a. five-fold. (
    -णाः) the five objects of sense (रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द). (
    -णी) the earth.
    -गुप्तः 1 a tortoise (as drawing in its 4 feet and head).
    -2 the materialistic system of philosophy, the doctrines of the Chārvākas.
    -घातः (in music) a kind of mea- sure.
    -चत्वारिंश a. forty-fifth.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-five.
    -चामरम् N. of 2 kinds of metre; प्रमाणिकापदद्वयं वदन्ति पञ्चचामरम् Vṛittaratnākara.
    -जनः 1 a man, man- kind.
    -2 N. of a demon who had assumed the form of a conch-shell, and was slain by Kṛiṣṇa; तस्मै प्रादाद्वरं पुत्रं मृतं पञ्चजनोदरात् Bhāg.3.3.2.
    -3 the soul.
    -4 the five classes of beings; i. e. gods, men, Gandharvas, serpents and pitṛis; यस्मिन् पञ्च पञ्चजना आकाशश्च प्रतिष्ठितः Bṛi. Up.4.4.17.
    -5 the four primary castes of the Hindus (ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र) with the Niṣādas or barbarians as the fifth (pl. in these two senses); (for a full exposition see Sārirabhāṣya on Br. Sūtras 1.4.11-13). (
    -नी) an assemblage of five persons.
    -जनीन a. devoted to the five races. (
    -नः) an actor, a mimic, buffoon, one who is devoted to the pentad viz. singer, musician, dancer, harlot and a jester; गायकवादक- नर्तकदासीभण्डरतः खलु पञ्चजनीनः Bhāsāvritti on P.V.1.9.
    -ज्ञानः 1 an epithet of Buddha as possessing the five kinds of knowledge.
    -2 a man familiar with the doc- trines of the Pāśupatas.
    -तक्षम्, -क्षी a collection of five carpenters.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the five elements taken collectively; i. e. पृत्थी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -2 (in the Tantras) the five essentials of the Tāntrikas, also called पञ्चमकार because they all begin with म; i. e. मद्य, मांस, मत्स्य, मुद्रा and मैथुन.
    -तन्त्रम् N. of a well-known collection in five books containing moral stories and fables by Visnugupta; पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते H. Pr.9.
    -तन्मात्रम् the five subtle and pri- mary elements (such as शब्द, रस, स्पर्श and रूप and गन्ध).
    -तपस् m. an ascetic who in summer practises penance sitting in the middle of four fires with the sun burning right over his head; cf. हविर्भुजामेधवतां चतुर्णां मध्ये ललाटंतपसप्तसप्तिः R.13.41; Ku.5.23; Ms.6.23 and Śi.2.51. also; ग्रीष्मे पञ्चतपा वीरो वर्षास्वासारषाण्मुनिः Bhāg. 4.23.6; Rām.3.6.5.
    -तय a. five-fold; वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टा अक्लिष्टाः Mbh. (
    -यः) a pentad.
    -तिक्तम् the five bitter things:-- निवामृतावृषपटोलनिदिग्धिकाश्च.
    -त्रिंश a. thirtyfifth.
    -त्रिंशत्, -त्रिंशतिः f. thirty-five.
    -दश a.
    1 fifteenth.
    -2 increased by fifteen; as in पञ्चदशं शतम् 'one hundred and fifteen'.
    -दशन् a. (pl.) fifteen.
    ˚अहः a period of fifteen days.
    -दशिन् a. made or consisting of fifteen.
    -दशी 1 the fifteenth day of a lunar fort- night (the full or new moon day); Y.1.146.
    -2 N. of a philosophical work (प्रकरणग्रन्थ) by माधवाचार्य (विद्यारण्य).
    -दीर्घम् the five long parts of the body; the arms, eyes, belly, nose and breast; बाहू नेत्रद्वयं कुक्षिर्द्वे तु नासे तथैव च । स्तनयोरन्तरं चैव पञ्चदीर्घं प्रचक्षते ॥
    -देवताः the five deities:-- आदित्यं गणनाथं च देवीं रुद्रं च केशवम् । पञ्चदैवतमित्युक्तं सर्वकर्मसु पूजयेत् ॥
    -धारणक a. upheld by the five elements.
    -नखः 1 any animal with five claws; such as the hare, alligator, tortoise, porcupine, rhinoceros शशकः शल्लकी गोधा खड्गी कूर्मश्च पञ्चमः । पञ्च पञ्चनखा भक्ष्या ये प्रोक्ताः कृतजैर्द्विजैः Bk.6.131; Ms.5.17,18; Y.1.177.
    -2 an elephant.
    -3 a turtle.
    -4 a lion or tiger.
    -नखी, -नखराज an iguana (Mar. घोरपड); Gīrvāṇa.
    -नदः 'the country of five rivers, the modern Panjab (the five rivers being शतद्रु, विपाशा, इरावती, चन्द्रभागा and वितस्ता, or the modern names Sutlej, Beas, Ravee, Chenab and Jhelum).
    -दा (pl.) the people of this country.
    -नवतिः f. ninety-five.
    -निम्बम् the five products of निम्ब viz. (the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark and root).
    -नीराजनम् waving five things before an idol and then falling prostrate before it; (the five things being:-- a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango and betel-leaf).
    -पञ्चाश a. fiftyfifth.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-five.
    -पदी 1 five steps; पुंसो यमान्तं व्रजतो$पिनिष्ठुरै- रेतैर्धनैः पञ्चपदी न दीयते Pt.2.115.
    -2 the five strong cases, i. e. the first five inflections
    -पर्वन् n. (pl.) the five parvans q. v.; they are चतुर्दश्यष्टमी चैव अमावास्या च पूर्णिमा । पर्वाण्येतानि राजेन्द्र रविसंक्रान्तिरेव च ॥ a. five-knotted (an arrow).
    -पल्लवम् The leaves of the mango, fig, banyan, ficus religiosa (Mar. पिंपळ) and Genus Ficus (Mar. पायरी). There are other variations such as पनस, आम्र, पिप्पल, वट and बकुल. The first group is for the Vedic ritual only.
    -पात्रम् 1 five vessels taken collectively.
    -2 a Srāddha in which offerings are made in five vessels.
    -पाद् a. consisting of five feet, steps, or parts; पञ्चपादं पितरम् Praśna Up.1.11. (-m.) a year (संवत्सर).
    -पादिका N. of a commentary on शारीरकभाष्य.
    -पितृ m. (pl.) the five fathers:-- जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च कन्यां प्रयच्छति । अन्नदाता भयत्राता पञ्चैते पितरः स्मृताः ॥
    -पित्तम् the bile of five ani- mals viz. (the boar, goat, buffalo, fish and peacock).
    -प्रस्थ a. having five elevations (a forest).
    -प्राणाः m. (pl.) the five life-winds or vital airs: प्राण, अपान, व्यान, उदान, and समान.
    -प्रासादः a temple of a particular size with four pinnacles and a steeple.
    -बन्ध a fine equal to the fifth part of anything lost or stolen.
    -बलाः five medicinal herbs, namely बला, नागबला, महाबला, अति- बला and राजबला.
    -बाणः, -वाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; see पञ्चेषु.
    -बाहुः N. of Śiva.
    -बिन्दुप्रसृतम् N. of a particular movement in dancing; Dk.2.
    -बीजानि the five seeds:--कर्कटी, त्रपुस, दाडिम, पद्मबीज, and वानरीबीज.
    -भद्र a.
    1 having five good qualities.
    -2 consisting of five good ingredients (as a sauce &c.).
    -3 having five auspicious marks (as a horse) in the chest, back, face and flanks.
    -4 vicious.
    -द्रः a kind of pavilion.
    -भागिन् m. the five deities of पञ्चमहा- यज्ञ; धर्मकामविहीनस्य चुक्रुधुः पञ्चभागिनः Bhāg.11.23.9.
    -भुज a. pentagonal.
    (-जः) 1 a pentagon; cf. पञ्चकोण.
    -2 N. of Gaṇeśa.
    -भूतम् the five elements; पृथ्वी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -भृङ्गाः the five trees, viz. देवदाली (Mar. देवडंगरी), शमी, भङ्गा (Mar. भांग), निर्गुण्डी and तमालपत्र.
    -मकारम् the five essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual of which the first letter is म; see पञ्चतत्त्व (2).
    -महापातकम् the five great sins; see महापातक Ms.11. 54.
    -महायज्ञाः m. (pl.) the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृ- यज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो बलिर्भौतो नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7. अहुतं च हुतं चैव तथा प्रहुतमेव च । ब्राह्मं हुतं प्राशितं च पञ्च यज्ञान् प्रचक्षते ॥ Ms.3.73; see महायज्ञ.
    -मारः son of Baladeva; L. D. B.
    -माश(षि)क a. consisting of five Māṣas (as a fine &c.).
    -माष(षि)क a. amounting to five māṣas; गर्दभाजाविकानां तु दण्डः स्यात्पञ्चमाषिकः Ms.8.298.
    -मास्य a. happening every five months.
    -मुखः an arrow with five points; (for other senses see पञ्चानन.)
    -मुद्रा five gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol; viz आवाहनी, स्थापनी, संनिधापनी, संबोधनी and संमुखीकरणी; see मुद्रा.
    -मूत्रम् the urine of five female animals; the cow, goat, she-buffalo, sheep, and she-ass.).
    -मूलम् there are nine varieties of the pentad combinations of roots; लघुपञ्चमूल, बृहत्पञ्चमूल, शतावर्यादि, तृणपञ्चमूल, जीवकादिपञ्चमूल, पुनर्नवादिपञ्चमूल, गोक्षुरादि˚, वल्ली˚.
    -रत्नम् a collection of five gems; (they are variously enumerated: (1) नीलकं वज्रकं चेति पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । प्रवालं चेति विज्ञेयं पंचरत्नं मनीषिभिः ॥ (2) सुवर्णं रजतं मुक्ता राजावर्तं प्रवालकम् । रत्नपञ्चकमाख्यातम्...॥ (3) कनकं हीरकं नीलं पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । पञ्चरत्नमिदं प्रोक्त- मृषिभिः पूर्वदर्शिभिः ॥
    -2 the five most admired episodes of the Mahābhārata; गीता, विष्णुसहस्रनाम, भीष्मस्तवराज, अनुस्मृति and गजेन्द्रमोक्ष).
    -रसा the आमलकी tree (Mar. आंवळी).
    -रात्रम् 1 a period of five nights; इत्यर्थं वयमानीताः पञ्चरात्रो$पि विद्यते Pañch.3.24.
    -2 N. of one of Bhāsa's dramas.
    -3 N. of a philosophical treatise attributed to Nārada.
    -4 N. of an अहीन (sacrifice) lasting for 5 days; स एतं पञ्चरात्रं पुरुषमेधं यज्ञक्रतुमपश्यत् Śat. Br.; cf. Mb.12.218. 11.
    -राशिकम् the rule of five (in math.).
    -लक्षणम् a Purāṇa; so called because it deals with five important topics:-- सर्गश्च प्रतिसर्गश्च वंशो मन्वन्तराणि च । वंशानुचरितं चैव पुराणं पञ्चलक्षणम् ॥ see पुराण also.
    -लवणम् five kinds of salt; i. e. काचक, सैन्धव, सामुद्र, बिड and सौवर्चल.
    -लाङ्गलकम् a gift (महादान) of as much land as can be cultivated with five ploughs.
    -लोकपालः the five guardian deities viz. Vināyaka, Durgā, Vāyu, Ākāśa and Aśvinīkumāra.
    -लोहम् a metallic alloy containing five metals (i. e. copper, brass, tin, lead and iron).
    -लोहकम् the five metals i. e. gold, silver, copper, tin and lead.
    -वटः the sacred or sacrificial thread worn across the breast (यज्ञोपवीत).
    -वटी 1 the five fig-trees: i. e. अश्वत्थ, बिल्व, वट, धात्री and अशोक.
    -2 N. of a part of the Daṇḍakā forest where the Godāvarī rises and where Rāma dwelt for a considerable time with his beloved; it is two miles from Nasik; परिहरन्तमपि मामितः पञ्चवटीस्नेहो बलादाकर्षतीव U.2.27/28; R.13.34.
    -वर्गः 1 an aggregate of five.
    -2 the five essential elements of the body.
    -3 the five organs of sense; संतुष्टपञ्चवर्गो$हं लोकयात्रां प्रवाहये Rām.2.19.27.
    -4 the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; cf. महायज्ञ.
    -5 the five classes of spies (कापटिक, उदास्थित, गृहपतिव्यञ्जन, वैदेहिकव्यञ्जन and तापसव्यञ्जन); cf. Kull. on Ms.7.154.
    -वर्षदेशीय a. about five years old.
    -वर्षीय a. five years old.
    -वल्कलम् a collection of the barks of five kinds of trees; namely न्यग्रोध, उदुम्बर, अश्वत्थ, प्लक्ष and वेतस.
    -वल्लभा N. of Draupadī.
    -वार्षिक a. recurring every five years.
    -वाहिन् a. drawn by five (as a carriage).
    -विंश a. twenty-fifth.
    -शः 1 a Stoma consisting of 25 parts.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu (regarded as the 25th तत्त्व); स तु जन- परितापं तत्कृतं जानता ते नरहर उपनीतः पञ्चतां पञ्चविंश Bhāg. 7.8.53.
    -विंशतिः f. twenty-five.
    -विंशतिका a collection of twenty-five; as in वेतालपञ्चविंशतिका.
    -विध a. five- fold, of five kinds. ˚प्रकृतिः f. the five departments of a government; अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गार्थदण्डाख्याः पञ्च चापराः Ms.7.157.
    -वीरगोष्ठम् an assembly room, concert-hall; रागमञ्जरी नाम पञ्चवीरगोष्ठे संगीतकमनुष्ठास्यति Dk.2.
    -वृत्, -वृतम् ind. five-fold.
    -वृत्तिता depending on senses; Rām.2.1.65.
    -शत a. amounting to five hundred.
    (-तम्) 1 one hundred and five.
    -2 five hundred.
    -शाखः 1 the hand; स्वशिरः पश्चशाखाभ्यामभिहत्यायतेक्षणा Mb.11.17.3; कदापि नो मुञ्चति पञ्चशाखः (नारायणस्य) Rām. Ch.1.9; स्फूर्जद्रत्नाङ्गुलीयद्युतिशबलनखद्योतिभिः पञ्चशाखैः Śiva B.3.49.
    -2 an elephant.
    -शारदीयः N. of a Yāga.
    -शिखः a lion.
    -शीलम् the five rules of conduct; Buddh.
    -शुक्लम् The holy combination of five days, viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the month (day of the manes) and day time, हरिवासर and सिद्धक्षेत्र (cf. त्रिशुक्लम्).
    - a. (pl.) five or six; सन्त्यन्ये$पि बृहस्पतिप्रभृतयः संभाविताः पञ्चषाः Bh.2.34.
    -षष्ट a. sixty-fifth.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-five.
    -सटः one with five tufts of hair on the head (सटाः जटाः केशसन्निवेशे मध्ये मध्ये पञ्चसु स्थानेषु क्षौरवद्वापनम्); दासो$यं मुच्यतां राज्ञस्त्वया पञ्चसटः कृतः Mb.3.272.18; (Mar. पांच पाट काढणें).
    -सप्तत a. seventy-fifth.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-five.
    -सस्यम् the five grains viz. धान्य, मुद्ग, तिल, यव and माष.
    -सिद्धान्ती f. the five astronomical doctrines from astronomical book like सूर्यसिद्धान्त etc.
    -सिद्धौषधयः the five medi- cinal plants:-- तैलकन्द, सुधाकन्द, क्रोडकन्द, रुदन्तिक, सर्पाक्षी.
    -सुगन्धकम् the five kinds of aromatic vegetable sub- stances; they are:-- कर्पूरकक्कोललवङ्गपुष्पगुवाकजातीफलपञ्चकेन । समांशभागेन च योजितेन मनोहरं पञ्चसुगन्धकं स्यात् ॥.
    -सूनाः f. the five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed; they are:-- पञ्चसूना गृहस्थस्य चुल्ली पेषण्युपस्करः कण्डनी चोदकुम्भश्च Ms.3.68.
    -सूरणाः the five medicinal esculent roots; sweet and bitter सूरण, अत्यम्ल- पर्णी, काण्डीर, मालाकन्द. &c.
    -स्रोतम् n. the mind; पञ्चस्रोतसि निष्णातः Mb.12.218.11. (com. पञ्चस्त्रोतांसि विषयकेदारप्रणालिका यस्य तस्मिन् मनसि).
    -हायन a. five years old.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चन् _pañcan

  • 14 बहु _bahu

    बहु a. (
    हु or
    ही f.; compar. भूयस्; super. भूयिष्ठ)
    1 Much, plentiful, abundant, great; तस्मिन् बहु एतदपि Ś.4. 'even this was much for him' (was too much to be expected of him); बहु प्रष्टव्यमत्र Mu.3; अल्पस्य हेतोर्बहु हातुमिच्छन् R.2.47.
    -2 Many, numerous; as in बह्वक्षर, बहुप्रकार.
    -2 Frequented, repeated.
    -4 Large, great.
    -5 Abounding or rich in (as first member of comp.); बहुकण्टको देशः &c. ind.
    1 Much, abundantly, very much, exceedingly, greatly, in a high degree.
    -2 Somewhat, nearly, almost; as in बहुतृण. (किं बहुन 'why say much', 'in short'; बहु मन् to think or esteem highly, rate high, prize, value; त्वत्संभावितमात्मानं बहु मन्यामहे वयम् Ku.6.2; ययातेरिव शर्मिष्ठा भर्तुर्बहुमता भव Ś.4.7;7. 1; R.12.89; येषां च त्वं बहुमतो भूत्वा यास्यसि लाघवम् Bg.2. 35; Bk.3.53;5.84;8.12.)
    -Comp. -अक्षर a. having many syllables, polysyllabic (as a word).
    -अच्, -अच्क a. having many vowels, polysyllabic.
    -अनर्थ a. fraught with many evils.
    -अप्, -अप a. watery.
    -अपत्य a.
    1 having a numerous progeny.
    -2 (in astrol.) promising a numerous progeny.
    (-त्यः) 1 a hog.
    -2 a mouse, rat. (
    -त्या) a cow that has often calved.
    -अपाय a. exposed to many risks; स्वगृहो- द्यानगते$पि स्निग्धैः पापं विशङ्क्यते मोहात् । किमु दुष्टबह्वपायप्रतिभय- कान्तारमध्यस्थे ॥ Pt.2.166.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 having many senses.
    -2 having many objects.
    -3 important.
    -आशिन् a. voracious, gluttonous, बह्वाशी स्वल्पसन्तुष्टः सुनिद्रो लघुचेतनः । प्रभुभक्तश्च शूरश्च ज्ञातव्याः षट् शुनो गुणाः ॥ Chāṇakya. -m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāṣṭra.
    -उदकः a kind of mendicant who lives in a strange town and maintains himself with alms got by begging from door to door; cf. कुटीचक.
    -उपयुक्त a. made to serve a manifold purpose; बहूप- युक्ता च बुद्धिः Dk.2.4.
    -उपाय a. effective.
    -ऋच् a. having many verses. (-f.) a term applied to the Ṛigveda.
    -ऋच a. having many verses. (
    -चः) one conversant with the Ṛigveda. (
    -ची) The wife of one who studies the Ṛigveda. Hence ˚ब्राह्मणम् means the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa which belongs to the Ṛigveda; बह्वृचब्राह्मणे श्रूयते ŚB. on MS.6.3.1.
    -एनस् a. very sinful.
    -कर a.
    1 doing much, busy, industrious.
    -2 useful in many ways.
    (-रः) 1 a sweeper, cleaner.
    -2 a camel.
    -3 the sun; बहुकरकृतात् प्रातःसंमार्जनात् N.19.13. (
    -री) a broom.
    -कारम् abundance; बहुकारं च सस्यानाम् Mb.12.193.21.
    -कालम् ind. for a long time.
    -कालीन a. of a long standing, old, ancient.
    -कूर्चः a kind of cocoa-nut tree.
    -क्रमः a Krama of more than three words; cf. क्रम.
    -क्षम a. patient; अतो$त्र किंचिद्भवतीं बहुक्षमां द्विजाति- भावादुपपन्नचापलः Ku.5.4.
    (-मः) 1 a Buddha.
    -2 a Jaina deified saint.
    -क्षारम् Soap; Nigh. Ratn. (
    -रः) a kind of alkali.
    -क्षीरा a cow giving much milk.
    -गन्ध a. strong-scented. (
    -न्धम्) cinnamon.
    -गन्धदा musk.
    -गन्धा 1 the Yūthikā creeper.
    -2 a bud of the Champaka tree.
    -गुण a. having many threads or qualities.
    -गुरुः One who has read much but superficially; sciolist.
    -गोत्रज a. having many blood relations.
    -ग्रन्थिः Tamarix Indica (Mar. वेळु ?).
    -च्छल a. deceitful.
    -छिन्ना a species of Cocculus (Mar. गुळवेल).
    -जनः a great multitude of people. ˚हितम् the common weal.
    -जल्प a. garrulous, talkative, loquacious.
    -ज्ञ a. knowing much, well informed, possessed of great knowledge.
    -तन्त्रीक a. many-stringed (as a musical instrument).
    -तृणम् anything much like grass; (hence) what is unimportant or contemptible; निदर्शनम- साराणां लघुर्बहुतृणं नरः Śi.2.5; N.22.137.
    -2 abounding in grass.
    -त्वक्कः, -त्वच् m. a kind of birch tree.
    - a. liberal, generous.
    -दक्षिण a.
    1 attended with many gifts or donations.
    -2 liberal, munificent.
    -दर्शक, -दर्शिन् a. prudent, circumspect; कृत्येषु वाली मेधावी राजानो बहुदर्शिनः Rām.4.2.23.
    -दायिन् a. liberal, munificent, a liberal donor; Ch. Up.
    -दुग्ध a. yielding much milk. (
    -ग्धः) wheat. (
    -ग्धा) a cow yielding much milk.
    -दृश्वन् a. greatly experienced, a great observer.
    -दृष्ट a. very experienced.
    -दोष a.
    1 having many faults or defects, very wicked or sinful.
    -2 full of crimes of dangers; बहुदोषा हि शर्वरी Mk.1.58.
    -दोहना yielding much milk.
    -धन a. very rich, wealthy.
    -धारम् 1 the thunderbolt of Indra.
    -2 a diamond.
    -धेनुकम् a great number of milch-cows.
    -नाडिकः the body.
    -नाडीकः 1 day.
    -2 pillar; L. D. B.
    -नादः a conch-shell.
    -पत्नीकता polygamy.
    -पत्रः an onion. (
    -त्रम्) talc. (
    -त्री) the holy basil.
    -पद्, -पाद्, -पाद m. the fig-tree.
    -पुष्पः 1 the coral tree.
    -2 the Nimba tree.
    -पर्वन् m. (see -ग्रन्थिः).
    -प्रकार a. of many kinds, various, manifold. (
    -रम्) ind. in many ways, manifoldly.
    -प्रकृति a. consisting of many pri- mary parts or verbal elements (as a compound).
    -प्रज a. having many children, prolific.
    (-जः) 1 a hog.
    -2 the munja grass.
    -प्रज्ञ a. very wise.
    -प्रतिज्ञ a.
    1 comprising many statements or assertions, compli- cated.
    -2 (in law) involving many counts, as a plaint; बहुप्रतिज्ञं यत् कार्यं व्यवहारेषु निश्चितम् । कामं तदपि गृह्णीयाद् राजा तत्त्वबुभुत्सया Mitā.
    -प्रत्यर्थिक a. having many opponents.
    -प्रत्यवाय a. connected with many difficul- ties.
    -प्रद a. exceedingly liberal, a munificent donor.
    -प्रपञ्च a. very diffuse or prolix.
    -प्रसूः the mother of many children.
    -प्रेयसी a. having many loved ones.
    -फल a. rich in fruits. (
    -लः) the Kadamba tree. (
    -ली) the opposite-leaved fig-tree.
    -बलः a lion.
    -बीजम् the fruit of Anona Reticulata (Mar. सीताफल). (
    -जा) a kind of Musa (Mar. रानकेळ).
    -बोलक a. a great talker; Buddh.
    -भाग्य a. very lucky or fortunate.
    -भाषिन् a. garrulous, talkative.
    -भाष्यम् talkativeness, garrulity; उत्थानेन जयेत्तन्द्री वितर्कं निश्चयाज्जयेत् । मौनेन बहुभाष्यं च शौर्येण च भयं त्यजेत् ॥ Mb.12.274.11.
    -भुजा an epithet of Durgā.
    -भूमिक a. having many floors or stories.
    -भोग्या a prostitute.
    -भोजिन् a. voracious.
    -मञ्जरी the holy basil.
    -मत a.
    1 highly esteemed or prized, valued, respected; येषां च त्वं बहुमतो भूत्वा यास्यसि लाघवम् Bg.2.35.
    -2 having many different opinions.
    -मतिः f. great value or estimation; कान्तानां बहुमतिमाययुः पयोदाः Ki.7. 15.
    -मध्यग a. belonging to many; न निर्हारं स्त्रियः कुर्युः कुटुम्बाद्बहुमध्यगात् Ms.9.199.
    -मलम् lead.
    -मानः great respect or regard, high esteem; पुरुषबहुमानो विगलितः Bh.3.9; वर्तमानकवेः कालिदासस्य क्रियायां कथं परिषदो बहुमानः M.1; V.1.2; Ku.5.31. (
    -नम्) a gift given by a superior to an inferior.
    -मान्य a. respectable, esteem- able; Kull. on Ms.2.117.
    -माय a. artful, deceitful. treacherous; परदेशभयाद्भीता बहुमाया नपुंसकाः । स्वदेशे निधनं यान्ति Pt.1.321.
    -मार्गः a place where many roads meet.
    -मार्गगा 1 N. of the river Ganges; तद्युक्तं बहुमार्गगां मम पुरो निर्लज्ज वोढुस्तव Ratn.1.3.
    -2 a wanton or un- chaste woman.
    -मार्गी a place where several roads meet.
    -मुख a.
    1 much, excessive; अस्या भर्तुर्बहुमुखमनुरागम् Ś.6.
    -2 Speaking variously.
    -मूत्र a. suffering from diabetes.
    -मूर्ति a. multiform, variously shaped. (
    -र्तिः f.) the wild cotton-shrub.
    -मूर्धन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -मूला Asparagus Racemosus (शतावरी).
    -मूल्य a. costly, high-priced. (
    -ल्यम्) a large sum of money, heavy or costly price.
    -मृग a. abounding in deer.
    -रजस् a. very dusty.
    -रत्न a. rich in jewels.
    -रस a. juicy, succulent. (
    -सः) sugar-cane.
    -राशि a. (in arith.) consisting of many terms. (
    -शिः) m. a series of many terms.
    -रूप a.
    1 many-formed, multiform, manifold.
    -2 variegated, spotted, chequered; वैश्वदेवं बहुरूपं हि राजन् Mb.14.1.3.
    (-पः) 1 a lizard, chameleon.
    -2 hair.
    -3 the sun.
    -4 N. of Śiva.
    -5 of Viṣṇu.
    -6 of Brahmā.
    -7 of the god of love.
    -रूपक a. multiform, manifold.
    -रेतस् m. an epithet of Brahmā.
    -रोमन् a. hairy. shaggy. (-m.) a sheep.
    -लवणम् a soil impregnated with salt.
    -वचनम् the plural number (in gram.); द्व्यैकयोर्द्विवचनैकवचने, बहुषु बहुवचनम्.
    -वर्ण a. many-coloured.
    -वादिन् a. garrulous.
    -वारम् ind. many times, often.
    -वारः, -वारकः Cordia Myxa (Mar. भोकर).
    -वार्षिक a. lasting for many years.
    -विक्रम a. very powerful, heroic, a great warrior.
    -विघ्न a. presenting many difficulties, attended with many dangers.
    -विध a. of many kinds, manifold, diverse.
    -वी(बी)जम् the custard apple.
    -वीर्य a. very powerful or efficacious. (
    -र्यः) N. of various plants (such as Terminalia Bel- lerica, Mar. बेहडा).
    -व्ययिन् a. lavish, prodigal, spendthrift.
    -व्यापिन् a. far-spreading, wide.
    -व्रीहि a. possessing much rice; तत्पुरुष कर्मधारय येनाहं स्यां बहुव्रीहिः Udb. (where it is also the name of the compound). (
    -हिः) one of the four principal kinds of compounds in Sanskrit. In it, two or more nouns in apposition to each other are compouded, the attributive member (whether a noun or an adjective) being placed first, and made to qualify another substantive, and neither of the two members separately, but the sense of the whole compound, qualifies that substantive; cf. अन्य- पदार्थप्रधानो बहुव्रीहिः. This compound is adjectival in character, but there are several instances of Bahuvrīhi compounds which have come to be regarded and used as nouns (their application being restricted by usage to particular individuals); i. e. चक्रपाणि, शशिशेखर, पीताम्बर, चतुर्मुख, त्रिनेत्र, कुसुमशर &c.
    -शत्रुः a sparrow.
    -शल्यः a species of Khadira.
    -शस्त a. very good, right or happy.
    -शाख a. having many branches or ramifica- tions.
    -शिख a. having many points.
    -शृङ्गः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -श्रुत a.
    1 well-informed, very learned तस्मिन् पुरवरे हृष्टा धर्मात्मानो बहुश्रुताः Rām. H.1.1; Pt.2. 1; R.15.36.
    -2 well-versed in the Vedas; गुरुं वा बाल- वृद्धौ वा ब्राह्मणं वा बहुश्रुतम् । आततायिनमायान्तं हन्यादेवाविचारयन् ॥ Ms.8.35. (
    -तिः) the occurrence of the plural in a text.
    -संख्याक a. numerous.
    -सत्त्व a. abounding in animals.
    -संतति a. having a numerous progeny. (
    -तिः) a kind of bamboo.
    -सार a. possessed of great pith or essence, substantial. (
    -रः) the Khadira tree.
    -साहस्र a. amounting to many thousands.
    -सूः 1 a mother of many children.
    -2 a cow.
    -सूतिः f.
    1 a mother of many children.
    -2 a cow that often calves.
    -स्वन a. vociferous. (
    -नः) an owl.
    -स्वामिक a. owned by many.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > बहु _bahu

  • 15 त्रि _tri

    त्रि num. a. [Uṇ.5.66] (declined in pl. only, nom. त्रयः m., तिस्त्रः f., त्रीणि n.) Three; त एव हि त्रयो लोकास्त एव त्रय आश्रमाः &c. Ms.2.229; प्रियतमाभिरसौ तिसृभिर्बभौ R.9.18; त्रीणि वर्षाण्युदीक्षेत कुमार्यृतुमती सती Ms.9.9 [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three].
    -Comp. -अंशः 1 a three-fold share; त्र्यंशं दायाद्धरेद्विप्रः Ms.9.151.
    -2 a third part.
    -3 three-fourths.
    -अक्ष a. triocular.
    -अक्षः, -अक्षकः an epithet of Śiva; शुष्कस्नायु- स्वराह्लादात्त्र्यक्षं जग्राह रावणः Pt.5.57.
    -अक्षरः 1 the mystic syllable ओम् consisting of three letters; see under अ. आद्यं यत्त्र्यक्षरं ब्रह्म Ms.11.265.
    -2 a match- maker or घटक (that word consisting of three syllables).
    -3 a genealogist. (
    -री) knowledge, learning; see विद्या.
    -अङ्कटम्, -अङ्गटम् 1 three strings suspended to either end of a pole for carrying burdens.
    -2 a sort of colly- rium. (
    -टः) N. of Śiva.
    -अङ्गम् (pl.) a tripartite army (chariots, cavalry and infantry).
    -अङ्गुलम् three fingers' breadth.
    -अञ्जनम् the three kinds of collyrium; i. e. कालाञ्जन, रसाञ्जन and पुष्पाञ्जन.
    -अञ्जलम्, -लिः three handfuls taken collectively.
    -अधिपतिः (the lord of the 3 guṇas or worlds), an epithet of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.3.16.24.
    -अधिष्ठानः the soul. (
    नम्) spirit, life (चैतन्य). -a. having three stations; Ms.12.4.
    -अध्वगा, -मार्गगा, -वर्त्मगा epithets of the river Ganges (flowing through the three worlds).
    -अनीक a. having the three properties of heat, rain and cold; त्यनीकः पत्यते माहिनावान् Rv.3.56.3. (
    -का) an army consisting of horses, elephants and chariots.
    -अब्द a. three years old.
    -ब्दम् three years taken collectively.
    -अम्बकः (also त्रियम्बक in the same sense though rarely used in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Śiva.; त्रियम्बकं संयमिनं ददर्श Ku.3.44; जडीकृतस्त्र्यम्बकवीक्षणेन R.2. 42;3.49. ˚सखः an epithet of Kubera; कुबेरस्त्र्यम्बकसखः Ak.
    -अम्बका an epithet of Pārvatī
    -अशीत a. eighty-third.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-three.
    -अष्टन् a. twenty-four.
    -अश्र, -अस्र a. triangular. (
    -स्रम्) a triangle.
    -अहः 1 a period of three days.
    -2 a festival lasting three days.
    -आर्षेयाः deaf, dumb and blind persons.
    -आहिक a.
    1 performed or produced in three days.
    -2 recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever).
    -3 having provision for three days कुशूलकुम्भीधान्यो वा त्र्याहिको$श्वस्तनो$पि वा Y.1.128.
    -ऋचम् (
    तृचम् also) three Riks taken collectively; Ms.8.16.
    -ऐहिक a. having provision for three days.
    -ककुद् m.
    1 N. of the moun- tain Trikūṭa.
    -2 N. of Viṣnu or Kṛiṣṇa.
    -3 the highest, chief.
    -4 a sacrifice lasting for ten nights.
    -ककुभ् m. Ved.
    1 Indra.
    -2 Indra's thunderbolt.
    -कटु dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken together as a drug; शिरामोक्षं विधायास्य दद्यात् त्रिकटुकं गुडम् Śālihotra 62.
    -कण्टः, -कण्टकः a kind of fish.
    -करणी the side of a square 3 times as great as another.
    -कर्मन् n. the chief three duties of a Brāhmaṇa i. e. sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) one who engages in these three duties (as a Brāhmaṇa).
    -काण्डम् N. of Amarsiṁha's dictionary.
    -कायः N. of Buddha.
    -कालम् 1 the three times; the past, the pre- sent, and the future; or morning, noon and evening.
    -2 the three tenses (the past, present, and future) of a verb. (
    -लम् ind. three times, thrice; ˚ज्ञ, ˚दर्शिन् a. omniscient (m.)
    1 a divine sage, seer.
    -2 a deity.
    -3 N. of Buddha. ˚विद् m.
    1 a Buddha.
    -2 an Arhat (with the Jainas).
    -कूटः N. of a mountain in Ceylon on the top of which was situated Laṅkā, the capital of Rāvaṇa.; Śi.2.5.
    -कूटम् sea-salt.
    कूर्चकम् a knife with three edges.
    -कोण a. triangular, forming a triangle.
    (-णः) 1 a triangle.
    -2 the vulva.
    -खम् 1 tin.
    -2 a cucumber.
    -खट्वम्, -खट्वी three bed- steads taken collectively.
    -क्षाराणि n. (pl.) salt-petre, natron and borax.
    -गणः an aggregate of the three objects of worldly existence; i. e. धर्म, अर्थ and काम; न बाधते$स्य त्रिगणः परस्परम् Ki.1.11; see त्रिवर्ग below.
    -गत a.
    1 tripled.
    -2 done in three days.
    -गर्ताः (pl.)
    1 N. of a country, also called जलन्धर, in the north- west of India.
    -2 the people or rulers of that country.
    -3 a particular mode of calculation.
    -गर्ता 1 a lascivious woman, wanton.
    -2 a woman in general.
    -3 a pearl.
    -4 a kind of cricket.
    -गुण a.
    1 consisting of three threads; व्रताय मौञ्जीं त्रिगुणां बभार याम् Ku.5.1.
    -2 three-times repeated, thrice, treble, threefold, triple; सप्त व्यतीयुस्त्रिगुणानि तस्य (दिनानि) R.2. 25.
    -3 containing the three Guṇas सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. (
    -णम्) the Pradhāna (in Sāṅ. phil.); (-ind.) three times; in three ways.
    -णाः m. (pl.) the three quali- ties or constituents of nature; त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः K.1.
    (-णा) 1 Māyā or illusion (in Vedānta phil.).
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -गुणाकृतम् ploughed thrice.
    -चक्षुस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -चतुर a. (pl.) three or four; गत्वा जवात्त्रिचतुराणि पदानि सीता B.R.6.34.
    -चत्वा- रिंश a. forty-third.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f, forty-three.
    -जगत् n.
    -जगती the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmos- phere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, and the lower world; त्वत्कीर्तिः...... त्रिजगति विहरत्येवमुर्वीश गुर्वी Sūkti.5.59.
    -जटः an epithet of Śiva.
    -जटा N. of a female demon, one of the Rākṣasa attendants kept by Rāvaṇa to watch over Sītā, when she was retained as a captive in the Aśoka-vanikā. She acted very kindly towards Sītā and induced her companions to do the same; सीतां मायेति शंसन्ति त्रिजटा समजीवयत् R.12.74.
    -जातम्, जातकम् The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon).
    -जीवा, -ज्या the sine of three signs or 9˚, a radius.
    -णता a bow; कामुकानिव नालीकांस्त्रिणताः सहसामुचन् Śi.19.61.
    -णव, -णवन् a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27.
    -णाकः the heaven; तावत्त्रिणाकं नहुषः शशास Bhāg.6.13.16.
    -णाचिकेतः 1 a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajur- veda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith (according to Kull. on Ms.3.185); Mb.13.9.26.
    -2 one who has thrice kindled the Nāchiketa fire or studied the Nāchiketa section of Kāṭhaka; त्रिणाचिकेत- स्त्रिभिरेत्य सन्धिम् Kaṭh.1.17.
    -णीता a wife ('thrice married'; it being supposed that a girl belongs to Soma, Gandharva and Agni before she obtains a human husband).
    -णेमि a. with three fellies; विचिन्वतो$भूत् सुमहांस्त्रिणेमिः Bhāg.3.8.2.
    -तक्षम्, तक्षी three carpen- ters taken collectively.
    -दण्डम् 1 the three staves of a Saṁnyāsin (who has resigned the world) tied togethar so as to form one.
    -2 the triple subjection of thought, word, and deed. (
    -ण्डः) the state of a religious ascetic; ज्ञानवैराग्यरहितस्त्रिदण्डमुपजीवति Bhāg.11.18.4.
    -दण्डिन् m.
    1 a religious mendicant or Saṁnyāsin who has renounced all worldly attachments, and who carries three long staves tied together so as to form one in his right hand; तल्लिप्सुः स यतिर्भूत्वा त्रिदण्डी द्वारका- मगात् Bhāg.1.86.3.
    -2 one who has obtained command over his mind, speech, and body (or thought, word, and deed); cf. वाग्दण्डो$थ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्यैते निहिता बुद्धौ त्रिदण्डीति स उच्यते ॥ Ms.12.1.
    -दशाः (pl.)
    1 thirty.
    -2 the thirty-three gods:-- 12 Ādityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 2 Aśvins. (
    -शः) a god, an immortal; तस्मिन्मघोनस्त्रिदशान्विहाय सहस्रमक्ष्णां युगपत्पपात Ku.3.1. ˚अङ्कुशः (-शम्) the heaven. ˚आयुधम् Indra's thunder- bolt; R.9.54. ˚आयुधम् rainbow; अथ नभस्य इव त्रिदशायुधम् R.9.54. ˚अधिपः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚पतिः epithets of Indra. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Śiva. ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚अयनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. ˚अरिः a demon. ˚आचार्यः an epithet of Bṛihas- pati. ˚आधार Nectar. ˚आलयः, ˚आवासः
    1 heaven.
    -2 the mountain Meru.
    -3 a god. ˚आहारः 'the food of the gods', nectar. ˚इन्द्रः
    1 Indra.
    -2 Śiva.
    -3 Brahman. ˚गुरुः an epithet of Bṛihaspati, ˚गोपः a kind of insect; (cf. इन्द्रगोप) श्रद्दधे त्रिदशगोपमात्रके दाहशक्तिमिव कृष्णवर्त्मनि R.11.42. ˚दीर्घिका an epithet of the Ganges. ˚पतिः Indra; एषो$प्यैरावतस्थस्त्रिदशपतिः Ratn.4.11. ˚पुङ्गवः Viṣṇu; Rām.1. ˚मञ्जरी the holy basil. ˚वधू, ˚वनिता, an Apsaras or heavenly damsel; कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः Me.6. ˚वर्त्मन् the sky. ˚श्रेष्ठः
    1 Agni.
    -2 Brahman. ˚दशीभूत Become divine; त्रिदशीभूतपौराणां स्वर्गान्तरमकल्पयत् R.15.12.
    -दिनम् three days collectively. ˚स्पृश् m. concurrence of three lunations with one solar day.
    -दिवम् 1 the heaven; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28; Ś.7.3.
    -2 sky, atmosphere.
    -3 paradise.
    -4 happi- ness. (
    -वा) cardamoms. ˚अधीशः, ˚ईशः
    1 an epithet of Indra.
    -2 a god. ˚आलयः the heaven; अश्वमेधजिताँल्लोका- नाप्नोति त्रिदिवालये Mb.13.141.53. ˚उद्भवा
    1 the Ganges.
    -2 small cardamoms. ˚ओकस् m. a god; वपुषि त्रिदिवौकसां परं सह पुष्पैरपतत्र्छिलीमुखाः Vikr.15.72. ˚गत dead; त्रिदिवगतः किमु वक्ष्यते पिता मे Vikr.6.62.
    -दृश् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -दोषम् vitiation or derangement of the three humours of the body, i. e. वात, पित्त and कफ.
    -धा ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, ˚त्वम् tripartition; Ch. Up.
    -धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa;
    -तुम् 1 the triple world.
    -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours.
    -धामन् m.
    1 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -2 of Vyāsa;
    -3 of Śiva.
    -4 of Agni.
    -5 death. -n. the heaven; हंसो हंसेन यानेन त्रिधाम परमं ययौ Bhāg.3.24.2.
    -धारा the Ganges.
    -नयन, -नेत्रः, -लोचनः epithets of Śiva; R.3. 66; Ku.3.66;5.72.
    - नवत a. ninety-third.
    -नवतिः f. ninety three.
    -नयना Pārvat&imacr.
    -नाभः Viṣṇu; Bhāg.8. 17.26.
    -नेत्रचूडामणिः the moon.
    -नेत्रफलः the cocoa-nut tree.
    -पञ्च a. three-fold five, i. e. fifteen.
    -पञ्चाश a. fiftythird.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-three.
    -पुटः glass (काच).
    -पताकः 1 the hand with three fingers stretched out or erect.
    -2 the forehead marked naturally with three horizontal lines.
    -पत्रकः the Palāśa tree.
    -पथम् 1 the three paths taken collectively, i. e. the sky, atmosphere, and the earth, or the sky, earth and the lower world.
    -2 a place where three roads meet. (
    -था) an epithet of Mathura. ˚गा, ˚गामिनी an epithet of the Ganges; गङ्गा त्रिपथगामिनी; धृतसत्पथस्त्रिपथगामभितः स तमारुरोह पुरुहूतसुतः Ki.6.1; Amaru.99.
    -पद्, -पाद्, -पात् m. Ved.
    1 Viṣṇu.
    -2 fever (personified).
    -पद a. three-footed. (
    -दम्) a tripod; त्रिपदैः करकैः स्थालैः...... Śiva. B.22. 62.
    -पदिका 1 a tripod.
    -2 a stand with three feet.
    -पदी 1 the girth of an elephant; नास्रसत्करिणां ग्रैवं त्रिपदी- च्छेदिनामपि R.4.48.
    -2 the Gāyatrī metre.
    -3 a tripod.
    -4 the plant गोधापदी.
    -परिक्रान्त a. one who walks thrice round a sacred fire.
    -पर्णः Kiṁśuka tree.
    -पाटः 1 intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure).
    -2 the figure formed by such intersection.
    -पाटिका a beak.
    पाठिन् a.
    1 familiar with Saṁhitā, Pada, and Krama.
    -2 one who learns a thing after three repetitions.
    -पादः 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 fever.
    -पाद् a.
    1 having three feet.
    -2 con- sisting of three parts, having three fourths; राघवः शिथिलं तस्थौ भुवि धर्मस्त्रिपादिव R.15.96.
    -3 trinomial. (-m.)
    1 an epithet of Viṣṇu in his dwarf incarnation.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -पिटकम् the 3 collections of Buddhistic sacred writings (सुत्त, विनय and अभिधम्म).
    -पुट a. triangular.
    (-टः) 1 an arrow.
    -2 the palm of the hand.
    -3 a cubit.
    -4 a bank or shore.
    -पुटकः a triangle.
    -पुटा an epithet of Durgā.
    -पुटिन् m. the castor-oil plant.
    -पुण्ड्रम्, -पुण्ड्रक a mark on the forehead consisting of three lines made with cowdung ashes.
    -पुरम् 1 a collection of three cities.
    -2 the three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air and earth built for demons by Maya; (these cities were burnt down, along the demons inhabiting them, by Śiva at the request of the gods); Ku.7.48; Amaru.2; संरक्ताभिस्त्रिपुरविजयो गीयते किन्नरीभिः Me.56; Bh.3.123; (
    -रः) N. of a demon or demons presiding over these cities. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Maya, ˚अन्तकः, ˚अरिः, ˚घ्नः, ˚दहनः, ˚द्विष् m., हरः &c. epithets of Śiva; अये गौरीनाथ त्रिपुरहर शम्भो त्रिनयन Bh.3.123; R.17.14. ˚दाहः burning of the three cities; मुहुरनुस्मरयन्तमनुक्षपं त्रिपुरदाहमुमापतिसेविनः Ki.5.14. ˚सुन्दरी Durgā.
    (-री) 1 N. of a place near Jabalpura, formerly capital of the kings of Chedi.
    -2 N. of a country.
    -पुरुष a
    1 having the length of three men.
    -2 having three assistants. (
    -षम्) the three ancestors- father, grand-father and great-grand-father.
    -पृष्ठम् the highest heaven; Bhāg.1.19.23. (
    ष्ठः) Viṣṇu.
    -पौरुष a.
    1 belonging to, or extending over, three generations of men.
    2 offered to three (as oblations).
    -3 inherited from three (as an estate).
    -प्रस्रुतः an elephant in rut.
    -फला (1) the three myrobalans taken collectively, namely, Terminalia Chebula, T. Bellerica, and Phyllanthus (Mar. हिरडा, बेहडा and आंवळकाठी). Also (2) the three sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date); (3) the three fragrant fruits (nutmeg, areca- nut, and cloves).
    -बन्धनः the individual soul.
    -बलिः, बली, -वलिः, -वली f.
    1 the three folds or wrinkles of skin above the navel of a woman (regarded as a mark of beauty); क्षामोदरोपरिलसत्त्रिवलीलतानाम् Bh.1.93,81; cf. Ku.1.39.
    -2 the anus.
    -बलीकम् the anus.
    -बाहुः a kind of fighting with swords.
    -ब्रह्मन् a. with ब्रह्मा, विष्णु and महेश.
    -भम् three signs of the zodiac, or ninety degrees.
    -भङ्गम् a pose in which the image is bent at three parts of the body.
    -भद्रम् copulation, sexual union, cohabitation.
    -भागः 1 the third part; त्रिभागं ब्रह्महत्यायाः कन्या प्राप्नोति दुष्यती Mb.12.165.42.
    -2 the third part of a sign of the zodiac.
    -भुक्ल a. one possessed of learning, good conduct and good family-descent (Dānasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica,274, Fasc.1, p.29).
    -भुजम् a triangle.
    -भुवनम् the three worlds; पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवन- गुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Me.35; Bh.1.99. ˚गुरु Śiva. ˚कीर्तिरसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. ˚पतिः Viṣṇu.
    -भूमः a palace with three floors.
    -मद the three narcotic plants; the three-fold haughtiness; Bhāg.3.1.43.
    -मधु n.
    -मधुरम् 1 sugar, honey, and ghee.
    -2 three verses of the Ṛigveda (1.9.6-8; मधु वाता ऋतायते˚).
    -3 a ceremony based on the same; L. D. B.
    -4 threefold utterance of a vedic stanza ˚मधु वाता -m. a reciter and performer of the above ceremony; L. D. B.
    -मार्गा the Ganges; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28.
    -मुकुटः the Trikūṭa mountain.
    -मुखः an epithet of Buddha.
    -मुनि ind. having the three sages पाणिनि, कात्यायन and पतञ्जलि; त्रिमुनि व्याकरणम्.
    -मूर्तिः 1 the united form of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Maheśa, the Hindu triad; नमस्त्रिमूर्तये तुभ्यं प्रांक्सृष्टेः केवलात्मने । गुणत्रयविभायाय पश्चाद्भेदमुपेयुषे ॥ Ku.2.4.
    -2 Buddha, or Jina.
    -मूर्धन् m.
    1 a demon; त्रयश्च दूषण- खरस्त्रिमूर्धानो रणे हताः U.2.15.
    -2 a world called महर्लोक; G&imac;rvāṇa; cf. अमृतं क्षेममभयं त्रिमूर्ध्नो$धायि मूर्धसु Bhāg.2.6.19.
    -यव a. weighing 3 barley corns; Ms.8.134.
    -यष्टिः a necklace of three strings.
    -यामकम् sin.
    -यामा 1 night (consisting of 3 watches of praharas, the first and last half prahara being excluded); संक्षिप्येत क्षण इव कथं दीर्घयामा त्रियामा Me.11, Ku.7.21,26; R.9.7; V.3. 22.
    -2 turmeric.
    -3 the Indigo plant.
    -4 the river Yamuṇā.
    -युगः an epithet of Viṣṇu; धर्मं महापुरुष पासि युगानुवृत्तं छन्नः कलौ यदभवस्त्रियुगो$थ सत्त्वम् Bhāg.7.9.38; the god in the form of यज्ञपुरुष; Bhāg.5.18.35.
    -योनिः a law-suit (in which a person engages from anger, cove- tousness, or infatuation).
    -रसकम् spirituous liquor; see त्रिसरकम्.
    -रात्र a. lasting for three nights. (
    -त्रः) a festival lasting for three nights. (
    -त्रम्) a period of three nights.
    -रेखः a conch-shell.
    -लिङ्ग a. having three genders, i. e. an adjective.
    -2 possessing the three Guṇas. (
    -गाः) the country called Telaṅga. (
    -गी) the three genders taken collectively.
    -लोकम् the three worlds. (
    -कः) an inhabitant of the three worlds; यद्धर्मसूनोर्बत राजसूये निरीक्ष्य दृक्स्वस्त्ययनं त्रिलोकः Bhāg.3. 2.13. ˚आत्मन् m. the Supreme Being. ˚ईशः the sun. ˚नाथः 'lord of the three worlds', an epithet of
    1 Indra; त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा R.3.45.
    -2 of Śiva; Ku.5.77. ˚रक्षिन् a. protecting the 3 worlds; त्रिलोकरक्षी महिमा हि वज्रिणः V.1.6.
    -लोकी the three worlds taken collectively, the universe; सत्यामेव त्रिलोकीसरिति हरशिरश्चुम्बिनीविच्छटायाम् Bh.3.95; Śānti.4.22.
    -लोचनः Śiva.
    (-ना) 1 an unchaste woman.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -लोहकम् the three metals:-- gold, silver, and copper.
    -वर्गः 1 the three objects of wordly existence, i. e. धर्म, अर्थ, and काम; अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि Ku.5.38; अन्योन्यानुबन्धम् (त्रिवर्गम्) Kau. A.1.7; प्राप त्रिवर्गं बुबुधे$त्रिवर्गम् (मोक्षम्) Bu. Ch.2.41.
    -2 the three states of loss, stability, and increase; क्षयः स्थानं च वृद्धिश्च त्रिवर्गो नीतिवेदिनाम् Ak.
    -3 the three qualities of nature, i. e. सत्त्व, रजस्, and तमस्.
    -4 the three higher castes.
    -5 the three myrobalans.
    -6 propriety, decorum.
    -वर्णकम् the first three of the four castes of Hindus taken collectively.
    -वर्ष a. three years old; Ms.5.7.
    -वलिः, -ली f. (in comp.) three folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a mark of beauty)
    -वली the anus.
    -वारम् ind. three times, thrice.
    -विक्रमः Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation. ˚रसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda.
    -विद्यः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas.
    -विध a. of three kinds, three-fold.
    -विष्टपम्, -पिष्टपम् 1 the world of Indra, heaven; त्रिविष्टपस्येव पतिं जयन्तः R.6.78.
    -2 the three worlds. ˚सद् m. a god.
    -वृत् a.
    1 threefold; मौञ्जी त्रिवृत्समा श्लक्ष्णा कार्या विप्रस्य मेखला Ms.2.42.
    -2 consisting of three parts (as three गुणs, विद्याs); Bhāg.3.24.33;1.23.39; (consisting of three letters- ओङ्कार); हिरण्यगर्भो वेदानां मन्त्राणां प्रणवस्त्रिवृत् Bhāg.11.16.12. (-m.)
    1 a sacrifice.
    -2 a girdle of three strings; Mb.12.47.44.
    -3 an amulet of three strings. (-f.) a plant possessing valuable purgative properties. ˚करण combining three things, i. e. earth, water, and fire.
    -वृत्तिः livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study and alms).
    -वेणिः, -णी f. the place near Prayāga where the Ganges joins the Yamunā and receives under ground the Sarasvatī; the place called दक्षिणप्रयाग where the three sacred rivers separate.
    -वेणुः 1 The staff (त्रिदण्ड) of a Saṁnyāsin; केचित् त्रिवेणुं जगृहुरेके पात्रं कमण्डलुम् Bhāg.11.23.34.
    -2 The pole of a chariot; अथ त्रिवेणुसंपन्नं...... बभञ्ज च महारथम् Rām.3. 51.16; Mb.7.156.83; a three bannered (chariot); Bhāg.4.26.1.
    -वेदः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas.
    -शक्तिः a deity (त्रिकला), Māyā; Bhāg.2.6.31.
    -शङ्कुः 1 N. of a celebrated king of the Solar race, king of Ayodhyā and father of Hariśchandra. [He was a wise, pious, and just king, but his chief fault was that he loved his person to an inordinate degree. Desiring to celebrate a sacrifice by virtue of which he could go up to heaven in his mortal body, he requested his family-priest Vasiṣṭha to officiate for him; but being refused he next requested his hundred sons who also rejected his absurd proposal. He, therefore, called them cowardly and impotent, and was, in return for these insults, cursed and degraded by them to be a Chāṇḍāla. While he was in this wretched condition, Viśvāmitra, whose family Triśaṅku had in times of famine laid under deep obligations, undertook to celebrate the sacrifice, and invited all the gods to be present. They, however, declined; whereupon the enraged Viśvāmitra. by his own power lifted up Triśaṅku to the skies with his cherished mortal body. He began to soar higher and higher till his head struck against the vault of the heaven, when he was hurled down head-foremost by Indra and the other gods. The mighty Viśvāmitra, however, arrested him in his downward course, saying 'Stay Triśaṅku', and the unfortunate monarch remained suspended with his head towards the earth as a constellation in the southern hemisphere. Hence the wellknown proverb:-- त्रिशङ्कुरिवान्तरा तिष्ठ Ś.2.]
    -2 the Chātaka bird.
    -3 a cat.
    -4 a grass-hopper.
    -5 a fire- fly. ˚जः an epithet of Hariśchandra. ˚याजिन् m. an epithet of Viśvāmitra.
    -शत a. three hundred.
    (-तम्) 1 one hundred and three.
    -2 three hundred.
    -शरणः a Buddha.
    -शर्करा three kinds of sugar (गुडोत्पन्ना, हिमोत्था, and मधुरा).
    -शाख a. three-wrinkled; भ्रुकुट्या भीषणमुखः प्रकृत्यैव त्रिशाखया Ks.12.72.
    -शालम् a house with three halls or chambers.
    -शिखम् 1 a trident; तदापतद्वै त्रिशिखं गरुत्मते Bhāg.1.59.9.
    -2 a crown or crest (with three points).
    -शिरस् m.
    1 N. of a demon killed by Rāma.
    -2 an epithet of Kubera.
    -3 fever. त्रिशिरस्ते प्रसन्नो$स्मि व्येतु ते मज्ज्वराद्भयम् Bhāg.1.63.29.
    -शीर्षः Śiva.
    -शीर्षकम्, -शूलम् a trident. ˚अङ्कः, ˚धारिन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -शुक्लम् the holy combination of 'three days' viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the moon (day of the manes) and day- time; त्रिशुक्ले मरणं यस्य, L. D. B.
    -शूलिन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -शृङ्गः 1 the Trikūṭa mountain.
    -2 a triangle.
    -शोकः the soul.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-three.
    -ष्टुभ् f. a metre of 4 x 11 syllables.
    -संध्यम्, -संध्यी the three periods of the day, i. e. dawn, noon, and sunset; also
    -त्रिसवनम् (
    -षवणम्); Ms.11.216.
    -संध्यम् ind. at the time of the three Sandhyas; सान्निध्यं पुष्करे येषां त्रिसन्ध्यं कुरुनन्दन Mb.
    -सप्तत a. seventy-third.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-three.
    -सप्तन्, -सप्त a. (pl.) three times 7, i. e. 21.
    -सम a. (in geom.) having three equal sides, equilateral.
    -सरः milk, sesamum and rice boiled together.
    -सरकम् drinking wine thrice ('सरकं शीधुपात्रे स्यात् शीधुपाने च शीधुनि' इति विश्वः); प्रातिभं त्रिसरकेण गतानाम् Śi.1.12.
    -सर्गः the creation of the 3 Guṇas; Bhāg.1.1.1.
    -साधन a. having a threefold causality; R.3.13.
    -सामन् a. singing 3 Sāmans (an उद्गातृ); उद्गाता तत्र संग्रामे त्रिसामा दुन्दुभिर्नृप Mb.12.98.27.
    -साम्यम् an equilibrium of the three (qualities); Bhāg.2.7.4.
    -सुपर्णः, -र्णम् 1 N. of the three Ṛigvedic verses (Rv.1.114.3-5).
    -2 N. of T. Ār.1.48-5; -a. familiar with or reciting these verses; Ms.3.185.
    -स्थली the three sacred places: काशी, प्रयाग, and गया.
    -स्थानम् the head, neck and chest to- gether; तन्त्रीलयसमायुक्तं त्रिस्थानकरणान्वितम् Rām.7.71.15. -a.
    1 having 3 dwelling places.
    -2 extending through the 3 worlds.
    -स्रोतस् f. an epithet of the Ganges; त्रिस्रोतसं वहति यो गगनप्रतिष्ठाम् Ś.7.6; R.1.63; Ku.7.15.
    -सीत्य, -हल्य a. ploughed thrice (as a field).
    -हायण a. three years old.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > त्रि _tri

  • 16 निस् _nis

    निस् ind.
    1 As a prefix to verbs it implies separa- tion (away from, outside of), certainty, completeness or fulness, enjoyment, crossing over, transgressing &c.; (for examples see under (निर्).
    -2 As a prefix to nouns, not directly derived from verbs, it forms nouns or adjectives, and has the sense of (a) 'out of', 'away from'; as in निर्वन, निष्कौशाम्बि; or (b) more usu- ally, 'not', 'without', 'devoid of' (having a privative force); निःशेष 'without a remainder'; निष्फल, निर्जल, &c. N. B. In compound the स् of निस् is changed to र् before vowels and soft consonants (see निर्), to a visarga before sibilants, to श् before च् and छ्, and to ष् before क् and प्; cf. दुस्.
    -Comp. -कण्टक (निष्कण्टक) a.
    1 thornless.
    -2 free from thorns or enemies, free from danger or nuisance. (
    -कः) N. of Śiva.
    -कन्द (निष्कन्द) a. without edible roots.
    -कपट (निष्कपट) a. guileless, sincere.
    -कम्प (निष्कम्प) a. motionless, steady, im- movable; निष्कम्पचामरशिखाः Ś.1.8; Ku.3.48.
    -करुण (निष्करुण) a. merciless, pitiless, cruel.
    -करूष (निष्क रूष) a. free from dirt.
    -कर्मन् (निष्कर्मन्) a. inactive.
    -कल (निष्कल) a.
    1 without parts, undivided, whole.
    -2 waned, decayed, diminished.
    -3 impotent, barren.
    -4 maimed.
    -5 inarticulate (a musical term); N.21.16.
    -6 Without attributes, or qualities; निष्कलं निष्क्रियं शान्तं निरवद्यं निरञ्जनम् Śvet. Up; Bhāg.1.9.44; तद् ब्रह्म निष्कलमहं (स्मरामि).
    -(लः) 1 a receptacle.
    -2 the pudendum muliebre.
    -3 N. of Brahmā. (
    -ला, -ली) an elderly woman, one who is past child-bearing, or one in whom menstruation has ceased.
    -कलङ्क, (निष्कलङ्क) -कल्मष a. stainless, spotless.
    -कषाय (निष्कषाय) a. free from dirt or impure passions.
    -कान्त (निष्कान्त) a. not lovely, ugly.
    -काम (निष्काम) a.
    1 free from wish or desire, desireless, disinterested, unselfish.
    -2 free from all worldly desires; विशिष्टफलदाः पुंसां निष्कामाणां विमुक्तिदाः Viṣṇu. P. (
    -मम् ind.)
    1 without wish or desire.
    -2 unwillingly.
    -कारण (निष्कारण) a.
    1 causeless, unneces- sary.
    -2 disinterested, free from any motive; निष्कारणो बन्धुः.
    -3 groundless, not proceeding from any cause. (
    -णम् ind.) without any cause or reason, causelessly, needlessly.
    -कालकः (निष्कालकः) a penitent shaven and smeared with clarified butter.
    -कालिक (निष्कालिक) a.
    1 one whose term of life is over or elapsed, whose days are numbered.
    -2 one who has no conqueror, invincible (अजय्य).
    -किञ्चन (निष्किञ्चन) a. penniless, poor, indigent; प्रज्ञानं शौचमेवात्र शरीरस्य विशेषतः । तथा निष्कि- ञ्चनत्वं च मनसश्च प्रसन्नता ॥ Mb.
    -किल्विष (निष्किल्विष) a. sinless, faultless.
    -कुल (निष्कुल) a. having no kindred, left alone in the world. (निष्कुलं कृ 'to cut off completely, exterminate'; निष्कुला कृ
    1 to exterminate one's family
    -2 to shell, strip off the husk; निष्कुलाकरोति दाडिमम् Sk.; N.22.15.)
    -कुलीन (निष्कुलीन) a. of low family.
    -कूज (निष्कूज) a. still, silent; U.2.16.
    -कूट (निष्कूट) a. pitiless, merciless, cruel.
    -कैवल्य (निष्कैवल्य) a.
    1 mere, pure, absolute.
    -2 deprived of final beatitude (मोक्षहीन).
    -कोश (निष्कोश) a. unsheathed.
    -कौशाम्बि (निष्कौशाम्बि) a. who has gone out of Kauśāmbī.
    -क्रिय (निष्क्रिय) a.
    1 inactive.
    -2 not performing ceremonial rites; Ms.1.58.
    -3 knowing higher know- ledge as a sage, Saṁnyāsin; न्यासे कुटीचकः पूर्वं बह्वोदो हंस- निष्क्रियौ Bhāg.3.12.43.
    -यम् the Supreme Spirit (ब्रह्म).
    -क्षत्र (निःक्षत्र), -क्षत्रिय (निःक्षत्रिय) a. destitute of the military tribe.
    -क्षेपः (निःक्षेपः) = निक्षेप q. v.
    -चक्रम् (निश्चक्रम्) ind. completely; निश्चक्रं हतराक्षसः पुनरगाद्ब्रह्मत्व- माद्यं स्थिराम् A. Rām.1.1.1.
    -चक्रिक (निश्चक्रिक) a. without tricks, honest.
    -चक्षुस् (निश्चक्षुस्) a. blind, eyeless.
    -चत्वारिंशः (निश्चत्वारिंश) a. past forty.
    -चिन्त (निश्चिन्त) a.
    1 free from anxiety, unconcerned, secure.
    -2 thoughtless, unthinking.
    -चेतन (निश्चेतन) a. unconscious.
    -चेतस् (निश्चेतस्) a. not in one's right senses, mad.
    -चेष्ट (निश्चेष्ट) a. motionless, powerless.
    -चेष्टाकरण (निश्चेष्टाकरण) a. depriving (one) of motion, causing motionlessness (said of one the arrows of Cuhid).
    -छन्दस् (निश्छन्दस्) a. not studying the Vedas (छन्दस्) Ms.3,7.
    -छिद्र (निश्छिद्र) a.
    1 without holes.
    -2 without defects or weak points.
    -3 uninterrupted, unhurt.
    -तन्तु a.
    1 having no offspring, childless.
    -2 a Brahmachārin; मुण्डा निस्तन्तवश्चापि वस- त्यर्थार्थिनः पृथक् Mb.12.167.16.
    -तन्द्र, -तन्द्रि a. not lazy, fresh, healthy.
    -तमस्क -तिमिर a.
    1 free from darkness, bright; तस्य द्वितीयहरिविक्रमनिस्तमस्कं वायोरिमं परि- वहस्य वदन्ति मार्गम् Ś.7.6.
    -2 freed from sin or moral im- purities.
    -तर्क्य a. unimaginable, inconceivable.
    -तल a.
    1 round, globular; मुक्ताकलापस्य च निस्तलस्य Ku.1.42. Kau. A.2.9.
    -2 moving, trembling, shaking.
    -3 bottom- less.
    -4 down, below. (
    -ला) a pill, round ball.
    -तुल a. matchless, incomparable.
    -तुष a.
    1 freed from chaff.
    -2 purified, cleansed.
    -3 simplified. ˚क्षीरः wheat. ˚रत्नम् a crystal.
    -4 faultless, pure; शशंस गुणैररीणैरुदयास्तनिस्तुषम् N.15.8.
    -तुषत्वम् faultlessness; कवेः पुष्यति निस्तुषत्वम् Maṅkhaka.2.7.
    -तुषित a.
    1 husked.
    -2 made thin.
    -3 abandoned.
    -तेजस् a. destitute of fire, heat or energy, powerless, impotent; न भेतव्यं भृशं चैते मात्रा निस्ते- जसः कृताः Mārk. P.
    -2 spiritless, dull.
    -3 obscure.
    -त्रप a. impudent, shameless.
    -त्रिंश a.
    1 more than thirty; निस्त्रिंशानि वर्षाणि चैत्रस्य P.V.4.73; Sk.
    -2 pitiless, merciless, cruel; हे निस्त्रिंश विमुक्तकण्ठकरुणं तावत् सखी रोदितु Amaru.6. (
    -शः) a sword; निजध्नुः शरनिस्त्रिंशकुन्ततोमरशक्तिभिः Śiva B.3.19; शूरौर्निस्त्रिंशपाणिभिः Parnāl 1.5. ˚भृत् m. a sword-bearer.
    -त्रैगुण्य a. destitute of the three qualities (सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्); निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवार्जुन Bg.2.45.
    -पक्व (निष्पक्व) well cooked, boiled.
    -पङ्क (निष्पङ्क) a. free from mud, clear, pure.
    -पताक (निष्पताक) a. having no flag or banner.
    -पतिसुता (निष्पतिसुता) a woman having no husband and no sons.
    -पत्र (निष्पत्र) a.
    1 leafless.
    -2 unfeathered, featherless. [निष्पत्राकृ 'to pierce with an arrow so that the feathers come through on the other side'; to cause excessive bodily pain (fig.); निष्पत्राकरोति मृगं व्याधः (सपुङ्खस्य शरस्य अपर- पार्श्वे निर्गमनान्निष्पत्रं करोति Sk.); एकश्च मृगः सपत्राकृतो$न्यश्च निष्पत्राकृतो$पतत् Dk.165; so यान्ती गुरुजनैः साकं स्मयमानानना- म्बुजा । तिर्यग्ग्रीवं यदद्राक्षीत्तन्निष्पत्राकरोज्जगत् Bv.2.132.]
    -पथ्य (निष्पथ्य) a. unwell, ill
    -पद (निष्पद) a. having no foot. (
    -दम्) a vehicle moving without feet (as a ship).
    -पराक्रम (निष्पराक्रम) a. weak, powerless.
    -परामर्श (निष्परामर्श) a. without advice, helpless; M.4.2/3
    -परिकर (निष्परिकर) a. without preparations.
    -परिग्रह (निष्परिग्रह) a. having no property or possessions; Mu.2. (
    -हः) an ascetic without family, dependents, or other belongings.
    -परिच्छद (निष्परिच्छद) a. having no retinue or train.
    -परिदाह (निष्परिदाह) a. incom- bustible.
    -परिहार्य (निष्परिहार्य) a. To be applied by all means.
    -परीक्ष (निष्परीक्ष) a. not examining or testing accurately.
    -परीहार (निष्परीहार) a.
    1 not avoiding.
    -2 not observing caution.
    -परुष (निष्परुष) a. (in music) soft.
    -पर्यन्त (निष्पर्यन्त), -पार (निष्पार) a. boundless, unbounded.
    -पर्याय (निष्पर्याय) a. out of order.
    -पाप (निष्पाप) sinless, guiltless, pure.
    -पुत्र (निष्पुत्र) a. sonless, childless.
    -पुराण (निष्पुराण) a. not existing before, unheard of, new.
    -पुरुष (निष्पुरुष) 1 unpeopled, tenantless, desolate.
    -2 without male issue; Ms.3.7.
    -2 not male, femi- nine, neuter.
    -षः 1 a eunuch.
    -2 a coward.
    -पुलाक (निष्पुलाक) a. freed from chaff.
    -पौरुष (निष्पौरुष) a. unmanly.
    -प्रकम्प (निष्प्रकम्प) a. steady, immov- able, motionless.
    -प्रकारक (निष्प्रकारक) 1 a. without ditinction of species, without specification, absolute.
    -2 without the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, see निर्विकल्प (7); निष्प्रकारकं ज्ञानं निर्विकल्पकम् T. S.
    -प्रकाश (निष्प्रकाश) a. not transparent, not clear, dark.
    -प्रचार (निष्प्रचार) a.
    1 not moving away, remaining in one place.
    -2 concentrated, intently fixed; निष्प्रचारेण मनसा परं तदधिगच्छति Mb.12.215.17.
    -प्रज्ञ (निष्प्रज्ञ) a. ignorant, stupid.
    -प्रणय (निष्प्रणय) a. cold.
    -प्रताप (निष्प्रताप) a. destitute of glory, mean, base; शङ्क- नीया हि सर्वत्र निष्प्रतापा दरिद्रता Pt.2.94.
    -प्रति(ती)कार (निष्प्रति(ती)कार), -प्रतिक्रिय (निष्प्रतिक्रिय) a.
    1 incurable, irremediable; सर्वथा निष्प्रतीकारेयमापदुपस्थिता K. 151.
    -2 unobstructed, uninterrupted. (
    -रम्) ind. un- interruptedly.
    -प्रतिग्रह (निष्प्रतिग्रह) a. not accepting gifts.
    -प्रतिघ (निष्प्रतिघ) a. unhindered, unob- structed, unimpeded; स हि निष्प्रतिघेन चक्षुषा त्रितयं ज्ञानमयेन पश्यति R.8.78.
    -प्रतिद्वन्द्व (निष्प्रतिद्वन्द्व) a. without enemies, unopposed.
    -2 matchless, unrivalled, unequal- led.
    -प्रतिभ (निष्प्रतिभ) a.
    1 devoid of splendour.
    -2 having no intelligence, not ready-witted, dull, stu- pid.
    -3 apathetic.
    -प्रतिभान (निष्प्रतिभान) a. coward- ly, timid.
    -प्रतीप (निष्प्रतीप) a.
    1 looking straight- forward, not turned backwards.
    -2 unconcerned (as a look).
    -प्रत्याश (निष्प्रत्याश) a. hopeless, despon- dent.
    -प्रत्यूह (निष्प्रत्यूह) a. unobstructed, unimped- ed; निष्प्रत्यूहाः प्रियसखि यदा दुःसहाः संबभूवुः Māl.9.45; निष्प्र- त्यूहमुपास्महे भगवतः कौमोदकीलक्ष्मणः Murārināṭakam.
    -प्रपञ्च (निष्प्रपञ्च) a.
    1 without extension.
    -2 without deceit, honest.
    -प्रभ (
    निःप्रभ or
    -निष्प्रभ) a.
    1 lustreless, pale-looking; निष्प्रभश्च रिपुरास भूभृताम् R.11.81.
    -2 powerless.
    3 gloomy, obscure, dim, dark.
    -प्रमाणक (निष्प्रमाणक) a. without authority.
    -प्रयत्न (निष्प्र- यत्न) a. inactive, dull.
    -प्रयोजन (निष्प्रयोजन) a.
    1 without motive, not influenced by any motive.
    -2 cause- less, groundless,
    -3 useless.
    -4 needless, unnecessary. (
    -नम्) ind. causelessly, without reason, without any object; Mu.3.
    -प्रवणि, प्रवाण, प्रवाणि (निष्प्रवणि, -ष्प्रवाण, -ष्प्रवाणि) a. fresh from loom, quite new (cloth, &c.)
    -प्राण (निष्पाण) a.
    1 lifeless, dead.
    -2 Weak (निर्बल); निष्प्राणो नामिहन्तव्यः Mb.12.95.12.
    -फल (निष्फल) a.
    1 bearing no fruit, fruitless (fig. also), unsuccessful, futile; निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः Me.56.
    -2 useless, profitless, vain; Ku.4.13.
    -3 barren (as a tree).
    -4 meaningless (as a word).
    -5 seedless, impotent. (
    -ला, -ली) a woman past child-bearing.
    -फेन (निष्फेन) a. foamless. n. opium.
    -शङ्क (निःशङ्क) a. free from fear or risk, secure, fearless. (
    -निःशङ्कः) (in music) a kind of dance. -f. (निःशङ्का) absence of fear. -ind. fearlessly, securely, easily.
    -शब्द (निःशब्द) a. not expressed in words, inaudible; निःशब्दं रोदितुमारेभे K.135. (
    -ब्दः, ब्दम्) silence, a calm.
    -शमः (निःशमः) uneasiness, anxiety.
    - शरण a. (
    -निःशरण) helpless, forlorn.
    -शर्कर (
    -निःशर्कर) a. free from pebbles (as a bathing place).
    -शलाक (निःशलाक) a. lonely, solitary, retired. (
    -कम्) a retired place, solitude; अरण्ये निःशलाके वा मन्त्रयेदविभावितः Ms.7.147.
    -शल्य a.
    1 free from arrows.
    -2 free from thorns or darts.
    -शूक (निःशूक) a. merciless, cruel. (
    -कः) beardless rice.
    -शेष (निःशेष) a. with- out remainder (either finished or passed away).
    -शोध्य (निःशोध्य) a. washed, pure, clean.
    -श्रीकः a.
    1 deprived of lustre, beauty.
    -2 unhappy.
    -श्रेयस a. the best, most excellent. (
    -सः) an epithet of Śiva. (
    -सम्) final beatitude, absolution; यः करोति वधोदर्का निःश्रेयसकरीः क्रियाः Ki.11.19; see निःश्रेयस also.
    -2 devo- tion, faith, belief.
    -3 apprehension, conception.
    -4 happiness (in general), welfare; इदं निःश्रेयसं परम् Ms. 1.16.
    -संशय (निःसंशय) a.
    1 undoubted, certain.
    -2 not doubtful, not suspecting or doubting; कुरु निः- संशयं वत्से स्ववृत्ते लोकमित्यशात् R.15.79. (
    -यम्) ind. doubtlessly, undoubtedly, surely, certainly.
    -संस्कार (निःसंस्कार) a. uneducated, ill-mannered.
    -संख्य (निःसंख्य) a. innumerable.
    -संग (निःसंग) a.
    1 not attached or devoted to, regardless of, indifferent to; यन्निःसंगस्त्वं फलस्यानतेभ्यः Ki.18.24.
    -2 one who has re- nounced all worldly attachments; भर्तुर्ये प्रलये$पि पूर्वसुकृता- सङ्गेन निःसङ्गया भक्त्या कार्यधुरं वहन्ति कृतिनस्ते दुर्लभास्त्वादृशाः Mu.1.14.
    -3 unconnected, separated, detatched.
    -4 unobstructed; निःसङ्गं प्रतिभिरुपाददे विवृत्तिः Ki.7.12. (
    -गम्) ind. unselfishly.
    -संचारः (निःसंचारः) not taking a walk; Māl.
    -संज्ञ (निःसंज्ञ) a. unconscious.
    -सत्त्व (निःसत्त्व) a.
    1 unenergetic, weak, impotent.
    -2 mean, insignificant, low.
    -3 non-existent, unsubstantial.
    -4 deprived of living beings.
    (-त्त्वम्) 1 absence of power or energy.
    -2 non-existence.
    -3 insignificance.
    -संतति (निःसंतति), -संतान (निःसंतान) a. childless.
    -संदिग्ध (निःसंदिग्ध), -संदेह (निःसंदेह) a. see निःसंशय.
    -संधि (निस्संधि), निःसंधि) a. having no joints perceptible, compact, firm, close,
    -सपत्न (निःसपत्न) a.
    1 having no rival or enemy; घनरुचिरकलापो निःसपत्नो$द्य जातः V.4.1.
    -2 not claimed by another, belonging exclusively to one possessor.
    -3 having no foes.
    -समम् (निःसमम्) ind.
    1 unseasonably, at a wrong time.
    -2 wickedly.
    -संपात (निःसंपात) a. affording no passage, blocked up. (
    -तः) the darkness of midnight, thick darkness.
    -संबाध (निःसंबाध) a. not contracted, spacious, large.
    -संभ्रम (निःसंभ्रम) a. not perplexed, unembarrassed.
    -सरणि (निःसरणि) a. pathless.
    -सह (निःसह) a.
    1 Exhausted, powerless; कुसुमावचयपरिश्रमनिःसहं मे शरीरम् Nāg.2.
    -2 intolerable, irresistible.
    -सार (निःसार) a.
    1 sapless, pithless.
    -2 worthless, vain, unsubstantial. ˚ता
    1 sapless, pithlessness; निःसारत्वाल्लघीयसः (तृणस्य च समा गतिः) Pt.1.16.
    -2 worthlessness.
    -3 vanity, un- substantial or transitory nature.
    -सीम (निःसीम), -सीमन् (निःसीमन्) a. immeasurable, boundless; अहह महतां निःसीमानश्चरित्रविभूतयः Bh.2.35; निःसीमशर्मप्रदम् 3.97.
    -स्तम्भ (निःस्तम्भ) a. having no pillars.
    -2 having no support.
    -3 not proud; निःस्तम्भो भ्रष्टसंकल्पः स्वान् मेघान् स न्यवारयत् Bhāg.1.25.24.
    -सूत्र a. helpless; निःसूत्रमास्ते घनपङ्कमृत्सु N.7.69.
    -स्नेह (निःस्नेह) a.
    1 not unctuous or greasy, without unction or oil, dry.
    -2 not showing affection, unfeeling, unkind, indifferent.
    -3 not loved, not cared for; केशा अपि विरज्यन्तो निःस्नेहाः किं न सेवकाः Pt.1. 82.
    -4 not longing for, indifferent to. (
    -हा) lin-seed.
    -स्पन्द (
    निःस्पन्द or
    निस्स्पन्द) a. motionless, steady; ज्याबन्धनिस्स्पन्दभुजेन यस्य R.6.4.
    -स्पर्श (निःस्पर्श) a. hard, rough.
    -स्पृह (निःस्पृह) a. free from desire; निःस्पृहस्य तृणं जगत्.
    -2 regardless of, indifferent to; ननु वक्तृविशेषनिःस्पृहाः Ki.2.5; R.8.1; भोगेभ्यः स्पृहयालवो न हि वयं का निःस्पृहाणामसि Bh.
    -3 content, unenvious.
    -4 free from any worldly ties.
    -स्व (निःस्व) a. poor, indigent; निस्वो वष्टि शतम् Śānti.2.6; त्यक्त्वा जनयितारं स्वं निःस्वं गच्छति दूरतः Pt.1.9.
    -स्वन (निःस्वन) a. soundless.
    -स्वभावः (निःस्वभावः) poverty. -a. void of peculiarities.
    -स्वादु (निःस्वादु) a. tasteless, insipid.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निस् _nis

  • 17 cojear

    1 to limp (person).
    Ricardo cojea cuando mendiga Richard limps when he goes begging.
    2 to wobble (forniture).
    3 to be faulty (argumento).
    4 to falter, to totter.
    Su decisión cojeó al verla His decision faltered upon seeing her.
    * * *
    1 (persona) to limp, hobble
    2 (muebles) to wobble
    cojear del mismo pie familiar to have the same faults
    * * *
    * * *
    1) [persona] (=estar cojo) to limp, hobble (along); (=ser cojo) to be lame

    cojea de la pierna izquierda[temporalmente] she's limping on her left leg; [permanentemente] she's lame in her left leg, she has a limp in her left leg

    2) [mueble] to wobble, be wobbly
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) persona/animal (por herida, dolor) to limp; ( permanentemente) to be lame

    entró cojeandohe limped o hobbled in

    b) silla/mesa to wobble, rock
    2) (fam) explicación/definición to fall short
    * * *
    = limp, walk with + a hobble, hobble (along).
    Ex. Both elements must be present; having commitment without resources -- or the reverse -- necessarily results in a lopsided effort that limps along ineffectively.
    Ex. Later she requires another operation because her feet are curling up which causes her to walk with a hobble.
    Ex. He went from hobbling to trotting, to running to climbing staircases.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) persona/animal (por herida, dolor) to limp; ( permanentemente) to be lame

    entró cojeandohe limped o hobbled in

    b) silla/mesa to wobble, rock
    2) (fam) explicación/definición to fall short
    * * *
    = limp, walk with + a hobble, hobble (along).

    Ex: Both elements must be present; having commitment without resources -- or the reverse -- necessarily results in a lopsided effort that limps along ineffectively.

    Ex: Later she requires another operation because her feet are curling up which causes her to walk with a hobble.
    Ex: He went from hobbling to trotting, to running to climbing staircases.

    * * *
    cojear [A1 ]
    «persona/animal»: cojea del pie derecho (ahora) she's limping on her right foot; (permanentemente) she's lame in her right leg
    entró cojeando he limped o hobbled in
    pie1 m A 2. (↑ pie (1))
    2 «silla/mesa» to wobble, rock
    B ( fam)
    «explicación/definición»: así la explicación cojea as it stands, the explanation falls short o doesn't stand up o is lacking
    * * *

    cojear ( conjugate cojear) verbo intransitivo
    a) (por herida, dolor) to limp;

    ( permanentemente) to be lame;
    entró cojeando he limped o hobbled in

    b) [silla/mesa] to wobble

    c) (fam) [explicación/definición] to fall short

    cojear verbo intransitivo
    1 (caminar defectuosamente) to limp, hobble
    2 (bailar un mueble) to wobble
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar cojear del mismo pie, to have the same faults
    familiar saber de qué pie cojea (alguien), to know someone's weak spots
    ' cojear' also found in these entries:
    - lame
    - limp
    * * *
    cojear vi
    1. [persona, animal] [ser cojo] to be lame;
    [temporalmente] to limp;
    cojea desde el accidente she's had a limp since the accident;
    el perro cojea de una pata the dog is lame in one leg;
    saber de qué pie cojea alguien to know sb's weak points;
    los dos cojean del mismo pie they both have the same problem
    2. [mueble] to wobble
    3. [razonamiento, frase] to be faulty;
    su teoría cojea en varios puntos his theory has several weak points
    * * *
    1 de persona limp, hobble
    2 de mesa, silla wobble
    * * *
    cojear vi
    1) : to limp
    2) : to wobble, to rock
    cojear del mismo pie : to be two of a kind
    * * *
    cojear vb
    2. (mueble) to be wobbly

    Spanish-English dictionary > cojear

  • 18 para

    1 for.
    es para ti it's for you
    una mesa para el salón a table for the living room
    esta agua no es buena para beber this water isn't fit for drinking o to drink
    te lo repetiré para que te enteres I'll repeat it so you understand
    ¿para qué? what for?
    2 (in order) to.
    para conseguir sus propósitos in order to achieve his aims
    lo he hecho para agradarte I did it to please you
    3 toward.
    ir para casa to head (for) home
    salir para el aeropuerto to leave for the airport
    4 for (time).
    tiene que estar acabado para mañana it has to be finished by o for tomorrow
    5 to.
    la comida está lista para servir the meal is ready to be served
    el atleta está preparado para ganar the athlete is ready to win
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: parar.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: parir.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: parar.
    * * *
    2 (uso, utilidad) for
    los cuchillos son para cortar, no para jugar con ellos knives are for cutting, not for playing with
    ¿tienes algo para el dolor de cabeza? have you got anything for a headache?
    3 (destino, dirección) for, to
    el tren para Toledo sale a las 18.00 the train to Toledo leaves at 18.00
    ¿para dónde vas? where are you going?
    4 (tiempo, fechas límites) by, before
    1 (finalidad) to, in order to
    2 (suficiente) enough
    para entonces by then
    para con towards, to
    para que so that
    ¿para qué? what for?
    ¿para qué has comprado eso? what did you buy that for?
    ¡que para qué! familiar very, really, terribly
    ¡hace un frío que para qué! it's freezing
    ¡es más torpe que para qué! she's so clumsy!
    * * *
    1) for
    2) to
    4) by
    - para detrás
    - para que
    * * *
    1) [indicando finalidad, uso] for

    es demasiado cara para nosotros — it's too dear for us, it's beyond our means

    para esto, podíamos habernos quedado en casa — if this is it, we might as well have stayed at home


    para que —

    a) + subjun
    b) [en preguntas]

    ¿para qué lo quieres? — why do you want it?, what do you want it for?

    ¿para qué sirve? — what's it for?

    -¿por qué no se lo dices? -¿para qué? — "why don't you tell her?" - "what's the point o use?"

    tú ya has pasado por eso, ¿para qué te voy a contar? — you've already been through that, so there's no point o use me telling you

    tengo un hambre que para qué[uso enfático] I'm absolutely starving *

    3) + infin
    a) [indicando finalidad] to

    estoy ahorrando para comprarme una moto — I'm saving up to buy a motorbike, I'm saving up for a motorbike

    no es para comer — it's not for eating, it's not to be eaten

    b) [indicando secuencia temporal]
    4) [con expresiones de tiempo]

    un cuarto para las diez LAm a quarter to ten

    son cinco para las ocho LAm it's five to eight

    5) [indicando dirección]

    para atrás — back, backwards

    el autobús para Marbella — the bus for Marbella, the Marbella bus

    ir para casa — to go home, head for home

    6) [indicando opiniones]

    para mí que mientein my opinion o if you ask me he's lying

    7) [en comparaciones]

    ¿quién es usted para gritarme así? — who are you to shout at me like that?

    para patatas, las de mi pueblo — if it's potatoes you want, look no further than my home town

    para ruidosos, los españoles — there's nobody like the Spaniards for being noisy

    8) [indicando trato]

    para con — to, towards

    tan amable para con todosso kind to o towards everybody

    estar 1., 7), ir 1., 10) II
    * SM paratrooper, para *
    * * *
    1) (expresando destino, finalidad, intención) for

    ¿para qué revista escribes? — what magazine do you write for?

    ¿para qué sirve esto? — what's this (used) for?

    ¿para qué lo quieres? — what do you want it for?

    ¿para qué se lo dijiste? — what did you tell him for?

    que para qué decirte/hablar — (fam)

    tenían un hambre que para qué decirte/hablar — they were starving


    para + inf — to + inf


    para que + subj: lo dice para que yo me preocupe he (only) says it to worry me; pídeselo - ¿para que me diga que no? ask him for it - so he can say no?; cierra para que no nos oigan — close the door so (that) they don't hear us

    para + inf: soy lo bastante viejo (como) para recordarlo I'm old enough to remember it; bastante tengo yo (como) para estar ocupándome de ti I've enough problems of my own without having to deal with yours as well; es (como) para matarlo! (fam) I'll kill him! (colloq); para que + subj: basta con que él aparezca para que ella se ponga nerviosa — he only has to appear for her to get flustered

    6) (en comparaciones, contrastes)

    para lo que come, no está gordo — considering how much he eats, he's not fat

    para el caso que me hacen...! — for all the notice they take of me...

    para + inf: para haber sido improvisado fue un discurso excelente for an off-the-cuff speech it was excellent; ¿quién es él para hablarte así? who does he think he is, speaking to you like that ?; para que + subj: es mucho para que lo haga sola it's too much for you to do it on your own; tanto esforzarme por ellos para que no te lo agradezcan! — after all that effort I made for them they didn't even say thankyou!


    estar para algo/+ inf — ( indicando estado)

    para mí que no viene — if you ask me, he won't come

    para su padre, es un genio — in his father's opinion o as far as his father's concerned, he is a genius

    ¿qué es lo más importante para ti? — what's the most important thing for you?


    empuja para arribapush up o upward(s)

    ¿vas para el centro? — are you going to o toward(s) the center?

    va para los 50 añosshe's going o (BrE) getting on for fifty

    a) (señalando una fecha, un plazo)

    ¿cuánto te falta para terminar? — how much have you got left to do?

    ¿para cuándo espera? — when is the baby due?

    b) (AmL exc RPl) ( al decir la hora) to

    tengo para rato — (fam) I'm going to be a while (yet)

    esto va para largo — (fam) this is going to take some time

    ¿qué le regalo para el cumpleaños? — what can I give him for his birthday?

    se fue para nunca volver — (liter) she went away never to return

    * * *
    = for, for, for the sake of, in order to, in respect of, in the interest(s) of, in the interest(s) of, so as, toward(s), within, in an attempt to, in an effort to, for purposes of, in a bid to, as a means of, in a drive to, in the drive to, if + Nombre + be + to.
    Ex. For newly created authority entries the date recorded is the date the entry was created.
    Ex. This gamut of information presents the indexer and user with problems in choosing access points for conference proceedings.
    Ex. The advocates of ISBD originally argued that it was for the sake of the computer.
    Ex. Any attempt to organise knowledge must, in order to justify the effort of organisation, have an objective.
    Ex. It is perhaps fortunate that the array of terms that are used to describe indexes is a little more restricted than the variety of terms used in respect of catalogues.
    Ex. In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
    Ex. In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
    Ex. A catalogue code is a systematic arrangement of laws and statutes so as to avoid inconsistency and duplication in catalogues.
    Ex. An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
    Ex. Most data base producers have in-house guidelines for bibliographic description, and aim to achieve consistency of citation within their products.
    Ex. The first treaty of all was designed to pool the coal and steel resources of Europe in an attempt to overcome the devastation of the Second World War and to foster the concept of European unity.
    Ex. Many libraries have had fine free days or weeks in an effort to entice strayed material back.
    Ex. This article discusses the advantages to libraries of computer technology for purposes of bibliographic control and on-line access.
    Ex. In a bid to leapfrog stages of development, some transitional economies are investing heavily in building up information age infrastructures.
    Ex. The idea of tiered, or multilayered, citation is proposed as a means of testing this hypothesis = Se propone la idea de citar de una forma estratificada o por niveles para comprobar esta hipótesis.
    Ex. The library has contracted out the management of its computerized information system to Dynix in a drive to improve library service.
    Ex. The story of the postwar diner suggests some ways that purveyors of consumer commodities finessed and exploited emergent social dislocations in the drive to expand and diversify markets.
    Ex. Some foods such as vegetable preserves which result from complicated and fragile fermentations must be made at specific times of the year if they are to succeed.
    * ¿para qué sirve... ? = what's the use of... ?.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * para actuar = for action.
    * para alguna gente = to some people.
    * para algunas personas = to some people.
    * para algunos = to some.
    * para aquel entonces = by then.
    * para atraer al cliente = window dressing.
    * para beneficio de = for the good of.
    * para bien = for the best, for the better.
    * para bien de = in the best interests of, for the good of.
    * para bien de Alguien = in + Posesivo + best interest.
    * para bien o para mal = for better or (for) worse, for good or (for) ill, for good or (for) evil.
    * para bodas = bridal.
    * para chuparse los dedos = scrumptious, yummy [yummier -comp., yummiest -sup.].
    * para cocinar uno mismo = self-catering.
    * para colmo = into the bargain, into the bargain, to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse, for good measure, to add insult to injury.
    * para colmo de males = to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.
    * para complicar aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para concluir = in closing, in conclusion, to wrap things up.
    * para confundir aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para cuando = by the time.
    * para cubrir gastos = on a cost-recovery basis.
    * para cubrirse las espaldas = as a backup.
    * para decir la verdad = to be honest.
    * para detrimento de = to the neglect of.
    * para diario = everyday.
    * para disgusto de = to the disgust of.
    * para divertirse = for kicks.
    * para echar sal en la herida = to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * para el año próximo = for the year ahead.
    * para el arrastre = over the hill.
    * para el beneficio de = for the benefit of.
    * para el bien de = for the benefit of.
    * para el caso = for that matter.
    * para el esparcimiento = recreational.
    * para el futuro = for the years to come, for the years ahead, for the future.
    * para el inglés su casa es su castillo = an Englishman's home is his castle.
    * para ello = to that end, to this end, to that effect, therefor.
    * para el ocio = recreational.
    * para el que lo quiera = up for grabs.
    * para embalsamar = embalming.
    * para empeorar las cosas = to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * para empezar = for one, initially, to start with, to begin with, for starters, first off.
    * para entonces = by then.
    * para escribir con mayúsculas = in a shifted position.
    * para eso = therefor.
    * para este fin = to this end.
    * para esto = therefor.
    * para evitar su uso indebido por los niños = childproof.
    * para expresar dimensiones = by.
    * para + Fecha = by + Fecha.
    * para finales de = by the end of.
    * para finales de + Expresión Temporal = by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * para finalizar = in closing.
    * para fines múltiples = multipurpose [multi-purpose].
    * para futuras consultas = for future reference.
    * para hacer dinero = money-making.
    * para hacer esto = in this.
    * para hacer fundas = sleeving.
    * para hacer juego = to match.
    * para hacer justicia = in fairness to.
    * para hacer las paces = peace offering.
    * para hacerlo + Adjetivo = for + Nombre's sake.
    * para hacer más fácil = for ease of.
    * para impresionar = for effect.
    * para + Infinitivo = for + Gerundio.
    * para jóvenes = youth-serving.
    * para la eternidad = in perpetuity.
    * para la evaluación de hipótesis = hypothesis-testing.
    * para la formación autodidacta = self-instructional.
    * para la gestión de información textual = text-handling.
    * para la posteridad = for posterity.
    * para la web = Web-related.
    * para llamar la atención = for effect.
    * para mantener ocupado = keep-busy.
    * para mantener(se) ocupado = keep-busy.
    * para más información = for further details.
    * para más inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para mayor información sobre = for details of.
    * para mayor información véase + Nombre = see + Nombre + for further details.
    * para mayor inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para mí = for myself.
    * para microordenadores = micro-computer based.
    * para nada = in vain, to no avail, without any avail, vainly, of no avail.
    * para no = so as not to.
    * para + Nombre = for + Nombre + purposes.
    * para no ser menos = not to be outdone.
    * para novias = bridal.
    * para + Número = seat + Número.
    * para ordenadores personales = microcomputer-based, PC-based.
    * para orquesta = orchestral.
    * para otra ocasión = for future reference.
    * para para lavarse la cara = washrag.
    * para partirse de risa = side-splitting.
    * para PCs = PC-based.
    * para pelearse hacen falta dos = it takes two to tangle, it takes two to tango, it takes two to make a quarrel.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * para + Posesivo + disgusto = to + Posesivo + chagrin.
    * para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * para + Posesivo + propio bien = for + Posesivo + own good.
    * para + Posesivo + sorpresa = to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * para posteriores usos = for subsequent use.
    * para principios de siglo = by the turn of the century.
    * para + Pronombre Personal = in + Posesivo + eyes.
    * para protegerse = protectively.
    * para que = in order that, so that, seeing that.
    * para que así conste = for the record.
    * para que este sea el caso = for this to be the case.
    * para que esto sea así = for this to be the case.
    * para que no falte = for good measure.
    * para que no falte de nada = for good measure.
    * para que no + Subjuntivo = if + Nombre + be not + to + Infinitivo, lest + Frase Verbal.
    * para que no vaya a faltar = for good measure.
    * para que quede constancia = for the record.
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * para que vayamos pensando = food for thought.
    * para resumir = to sum up, to sum it up, to make a long story short, to recap, to cut a long story short, simply put, simply stated.
    * para ser específico = to be specific.
    * para ser franco = to be blunt, in all honesty.
    * para ser más explícito = to elaborate a little further.
    * para ser sincero = to be blunt, to be honest, in all honesty.
    * para siempre = forever, in perpetuity, for good, eternally, terminally, ever after.
    * para siempre en el futuro = for the indefinite future.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para sorpresa + Posesivo = to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * para su fácil + Nombre = for ease of + Nombre.
    * para su posterior uso = for subsequent use.
    * para su uso posterior = for subsequent use.
    * para terminar = in closing.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * para tomar medidas = for action.
    * para trabajos pesados = heavy-duty.
    * para una única ocasión = one-time.
    * para un futuro mejor = for a better future.
    * para uso comercial = commercially-owned.
    * para uso del profesional = professional-use.
    * para uso industrial = heavy-duty.
    * para uso personal = for personal use.
    * para usos posteriores = for subsequent use.
    * para vergüenza + Pronombre Posesivo = to + Posesivo + shame.
    * sin parar = interminably.
    * * *
    1) (expresando destino, finalidad, intención) for

    ¿para qué revista escribes? — what magazine do you write for?

    ¿para qué sirve esto? — what's this (used) for?

    ¿para qué lo quieres? — what do you want it for?

    ¿para qué se lo dijiste? — what did you tell him for?

    que para qué decirte/hablar — (fam)

    tenían un hambre que para qué decirte/hablar — they were starving


    para + inf — to + inf


    para que + subj: lo dice para que yo me preocupe he (only) says it to worry me; pídeselo - ¿para que me diga que no? ask him for it - so he can say no?; cierra para que no nos oigan — close the door so (that) they don't hear us

    para + inf: soy lo bastante viejo (como) para recordarlo I'm old enough to remember it; bastante tengo yo (como) para estar ocupándome de ti I've enough problems of my own without having to deal with yours as well; es (como) para matarlo! (fam) I'll kill him! (colloq); para que + subj: basta con que él aparezca para que ella se ponga nerviosa — he only has to appear for her to get flustered

    6) (en comparaciones, contrastes)

    para lo que come, no está gordo — considering how much he eats, he's not fat

    para el caso que me hacen...! — for all the notice they take of me...

    para + inf: para haber sido improvisado fue un discurso excelente for an off-the-cuff speech it was excellent; ¿quién es él para hablarte así? who does he think he is, speaking to you like that ?; para que + subj: es mucho para que lo haga sola it's too much for you to do it on your own; tanto esforzarme por ellos para que no te lo agradezcan! — after all that effort I made for them they didn't even say thankyou!


    estar para algo/+ inf — ( indicando estado)

    para mí que no viene — if you ask me, he won't come

    para su padre, es un genio — in his father's opinion o as far as his father's concerned, he is a genius

    ¿qué es lo más importante para ti? — what's the most important thing for you?


    empuja para arribapush up o upward(s)

    ¿vas para el centro? — are you going to o toward(s) the center?

    va para los 50 añosshe's going o (BrE) getting on for fifty

    a) (señalando una fecha, un plazo)

    ¿cuánto te falta para terminar? — how much have you got left to do?

    ¿para cuándo espera? — when is the baby due?

    b) (AmL exc RPl) ( al decir la hora) to

    tengo para rato — (fam) I'm going to be a while (yet)

    esto va para largo — (fam) this is going to take some time

    ¿qué le regalo para el cumpleaños? — what can I give him for his birthday?

    se fue para nunca volver — (liter) she went away never to return

    * * *
    = for, for, for the sake of, in order to, in respect of, in the interest(s) of, in the interest(s) of, so as, toward(s), within, in an attempt to, in an effort to, for purposes of, in a bid to, as a means of, in a drive to, in the drive to, if + Nombre + be + to.

    Ex: For newly created authority entries the date recorded is the date the entry was created.

    Ex: This gamut of information presents the indexer and user with problems in choosing access points for conference proceedings.
    Ex: The advocates of ISBD originally argued that it was for the sake of the computer.
    Ex: Any attempt to organise knowledge must, in order to justify the effort of organisation, have an objective.
    Ex: It is perhaps fortunate that the array of terms that are used to describe indexes is a little more restricted than the variety of terms used in respect of catalogues.
    Ex: In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
    Ex: In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
    Ex: A catalogue code is a systematic arrangement of laws and statutes so as to avoid inconsistency and duplication in catalogues.
    Ex: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
    Ex: Most data base producers have in-house guidelines for bibliographic description, and aim to achieve consistency of citation within their products.
    Ex: The first treaty of all was designed to pool the coal and steel resources of Europe in an attempt to overcome the devastation of the Second World War and to foster the concept of European unity.
    Ex: Many libraries have had fine free days or weeks in an effort to entice strayed material back.
    Ex: This article discusses the advantages to libraries of computer technology for purposes of bibliographic control and on-line access.
    Ex: In a bid to leapfrog stages of development, some transitional economies are investing heavily in building up information age infrastructures.
    Ex: The idea of tiered, or multilayered, citation is proposed as a means of testing this hypothesis = Se propone la idea de citar de una forma estratificada o por niveles para comprobar esta hipótesis.
    Ex: The library has contracted out the management of its computerized information system to Dynix in a drive to improve library service.
    Ex: The story of the postwar diner suggests some ways that purveyors of consumer commodities finessed and exploited emergent social dislocations in the drive to expand and diversify markets.
    Ex: Some foods such as vegetable preserves which result from complicated and fragile fermentations must be made at specific times of the year if they are to succeed.
    * ¿para qué sirve... ? = what's the use of... ?.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * para actuar = for action.
    * para alguna gente = to some people.
    * para algunas personas = to some people.
    * para algunos = to some.
    * para aquel entonces = by then.
    * para atraer al cliente = window dressing.
    * para beneficio de = for the good of.
    * para bien = for the best, for the better.
    * para bien de = in the best interests of, for the good of.
    * para bien de Alguien = in + Posesivo + best interest.
    * para bien o para mal = for better or (for) worse, for good or (for) ill, for good or (for) evil.
    * para bodas = bridal.
    * para chuparse los dedos = scrumptious, yummy [yummier -comp., yummiest -sup.].
    * para cocinar uno mismo = self-catering.
    * para colmo = into the bargain, into the bargain, to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse, for good measure, to add insult to injury.
    * para colmo de males = to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.
    * para complicar aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para concluir = in closing, in conclusion, to wrap things up.
    * para confundir aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para cuando = by the time.
    * para cubrir gastos = on a cost-recovery basis.
    * para cubrirse las espaldas = as a backup.
    * para decir la verdad = to be honest.
    * para detrimento de = to the neglect of.
    * para diario = everyday.
    * para disgusto de = to the disgust of.
    * para divertirse = for kicks.
    * para echar sal en la herida = to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * para el año próximo = for the year ahead.
    * para el arrastre = over the hill.
    * para el beneficio de = for the benefit of.
    * para el bien de = for the benefit of.
    * para el caso = for that matter.
    * para el esparcimiento = recreational.
    * para el futuro = for the years to come, for the years ahead, for the future.
    * para el inglés su casa es su castillo = an Englishman's home is his castle.
    * para ello = to that end, to this end, to that effect, therefor.
    * para el ocio = recreational.
    * para el que lo quiera = up for grabs.
    * para embalsamar = embalming.
    * para empeorar las cosas = to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * para empezar = for one, initially, to start with, to begin with, for starters, first off.
    * para entonces = by then.
    * para escribir con mayúsculas = in a shifted position.
    * para eso = therefor.
    * para este fin = to this end.
    * para esto = therefor.
    * para evitar su uso indebido por los niños = childproof.
    * para expresar dimensiones = by.
    * para + Fecha = by + Fecha.
    * para finales de = by the end of.
    * para finales de + Expresión Temporal = by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * para finalizar = in closing.
    * para fines múltiples = multipurpose [multi-purpose].
    * para futuras consultas = for future reference.
    * para hacer dinero = money-making.
    * para hacer esto = in this.
    * para hacer fundas = sleeving.
    * para hacer juego = to match.
    * para hacer justicia = in fairness to.
    * para hacer las paces = peace offering.
    * para hacerlo + Adjetivo = for + Nombre's sake.
    * para hacer más fácil = for ease of.
    * para impresionar = for effect.
    * para + Infinitivo = for + Gerundio.
    * para jóvenes = youth-serving.
    * para la eternidad = in perpetuity.
    * para la evaluación de hipótesis = hypothesis-testing.
    * para la formación autodidacta = self-instructional.
    * para la gestión de información textual = text-handling.
    * para la posteridad = for posterity.
    * para la web = Web-related.
    * para llamar la atención = for effect.
    * para mantener ocupado = keep-busy.
    * para mantener(se) ocupado = keep-busy.
    * para más información = for further details.
    * para más inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para mayor información sobre = for details of.
    * para mayor información véase + Nombre = see + Nombre + for further details.
    * para mayor inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para mí = for myself.
    * para microordenadores = micro-computer based.
    * para nada = in vain, to no avail, without any avail, vainly, of no avail.
    * para no = so as not to.
    * para + Nombre = for + Nombre + purposes.
    * para no ser menos = not to be outdone.
    * para novias = bridal.
    * para + Número = seat + Número.
    * para ordenadores personales = microcomputer-based, PC-based.
    * para orquesta = orchestral.
    * para otra ocasión = for future reference.
    * para para lavarse la cara = washrag.
    * para partirse de risa = side-splitting.
    * para PCs = PC-based.
    * para pelearse hacen falta dos = it takes two to tangle, it takes two to tango, it takes two to make a quarrel.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * para + Posesivo + disgusto = to + Posesivo + chagrin.
    * para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * para + Posesivo + propio bien = for + Posesivo + own good.
    * para + Posesivo + sorpresa = to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * para posteriores usos = for subsequent use.
    * para principios de siglo = by the turn of the century.
    * para + Pronombre Personal = in + Posesivo + eyes.
    * para protegerse = protectively.
    * para que = in order that, so that, seeing that.
    * para que así conste = for the record.
    * para que este sea el caso = for this to be the case.
    * para que esto sea así = for this to be the case.
    * para que no falte = for good measure.
    * para que no falte de nada = for good measure.
    * para que no + Subjuntivo = if + Nombre + be not + to + Infinitivo, lest + Frase Verbal.
    * para que no vaya a faltar = for good measure.
    * para que quede constancia = for the record.
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * para que vayamos pensando = food for thought.
    * para resumir = to sum up, to sum it up, to make a long story short, to recap, to cut a long story short, simply put, simply stated.
    * para ser específico = to be specific.
    * para ser franco = to be blunt, in all honesty.
    * para ser más explícito = to elaborate a little further.
    * para ser sincero = to be blunt, to be honest, in all honesty.
    * para siempre = forever, in perpetuity, for good, eternally, terminally, ever after.
    * para siempre en el futuro = for the indefinite future.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para sorpresa + Posesivo = to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * para su fácil + Nombre = for ease of + Nombre.
    * para su posterior uso = for subsequent use.
    * para su uso posterior = for subsequent use.
    * para terminar = in closing.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * para tomar medidas = for action.
    * para trabajos pesados = heavy-duty.
    * para una única ocasión = one-time.
    * para un futuro mejor = for a better future.
    * para uso comercial = commercially-owned.
    * para uso del profesional = professional-use.
    * para uso industrial = heavy-duty.
    * para uso personal = for personal use.
    * para usos posteriores = for subsequent use.
    * para vergüenza + Pronombre Posesivo = to + Posesivo + shame.
    * sin parar = interminably.

    * * *
    A (expresando destino, finalidad, intención) for
    tengo buenas noticias para ustedes I have some good news for you
    ¿para qué revista escribes? what magazine do you write for?
    lee para ti read to yourself
    fue muy amable para con todos he was very friendly to everyone
    ¿para qué sirve esto? what's this (used) for?
    no sirve para este trabajo he's no good at this kind of work
    ¿para qué lo quieres? what do you want it for?
    ¿para qué tuviste que ir a decírselo? what did you have to go and tell him for?, why did you have to go and tell him?
    champú para bebés baby shampoo
    jarabe para la tos cough mixture
    que para qué (decirte/hablar) ( fam): hacía un frío que para qué (decirte) it was freezing cold ( colloq)
    venían con un hambre que para qué (hablar) or para qué te voy a contar they were starving o so hungry when they got here!
    B para + INF to + INF
    está ahorrando para comprarse un coche she's saving up for a car o to buy a car
    esta agua no es para beber this isn't drinking water
    está listo para pintar it's ready to be painted o for painting
    para serte sincero to tell you the truth
    como para convencerse a sí misma as if to convince herself
    para pasar al curso siguiente (in order) to go on to the next year
    no hay que ser muy inteligente para darse cuenta you don't have to be very intelligent to realize that
    nos cambiamos de sitio para ver mejor we changed places (so as) to see better
    para no + INF so as not to + INF
    entró en puntillas para no despertarla he went in on tiptoe so as not to wake her
    C para QUE + SUBJ:
    lo dice para que yo me preocupe he (only) says it to worry me
    pídeselo — ¿para qué? ¿para que me diga que no? ask him for it — what for? so he can say no?
    para QUE no + SUBJ:
    cierra la puerta para que no nos oigan close the door so (that) they don't hear us
    (enfatizando la culminación de algo): para colmo or para rematarla se apagó la luz to crown o top o cap it all the light went out
    2 (expresando efecto, consecuencia) to
    para su desgracia unfortunately for him
    para mi gran sorpresa to my great surprise, much to my surprise
    no había bastante para todos there wasn't enough for everybody o to go round
    tranquilízate, no es para tanto calm down, it's not that bad
    para + INF:
    apenas tienen para comer they can barely afford to eat
    soy lo bastante viejo (como) para recordarlo I'm old enough to remember it
    bastante tengo yo con mis problemas (como) para estar ocupándome de los suyos I've enough problems of my own without having to deal with his as well
    ¡es (como) para matarlo! ( fam); I'll kill him! ( colloq)
    para QUE + SUBJ:
    basta que yo diga A para que él diga B if I say it's black, he'll say it's white
    basta con que él aparezca para que ella se ponga nerviosa he only has to walk in and she gets flustered
    (en comparaciones, contrastes): hace demasiado calor para estar al sol it's too hot to be in the sun
    son altos para su edad they're tall for their age
    para lo que come, no está nada gordo considering how much he eats, he's not at all fat
    díselo tú — ¡para el caso que me hacen …! you tell them — for all the notice they take of me …
    para + INF:
    para haber sido improvisado fue un discurso excelente for an off-the-cuff speech it was excellent, considering it was completely off the cuff it was an excellent speech
    ¿quién se cree que es para hablarte así? who does she think she is, speaking to you like that o to speak to you like that?
    para QUE + SUBJ:
    son demasiado grandes para que les estés haciendo todo they're too old for you to be doing everything for them
    para que se esté quejando todo el día … if he's going to spend all day complaining …
    ¡tanto preocuparse por ellos para que después hasta te acusen de metomentodo! all that worrying about them and then they go and accuse you of being a meddler!
    C estar para algo/+ INF
    (indicando estado): mira que no estoy para bromas look, I'm in no mood for joking o for jokes
    estas botas están para tirarlas a la basura these boots are only fit for throwing out o for the trash o ( BrE) for the bin
    no está (como) para salir tan de veranillo it's not warm enough to go out in such summery clothes
    (expresando opiniones, puntos de vista): para mí que ya no viene if you ask me, he won't come now
    para el padre, el niño es un Mozart en ciernes in the father's opinion o as far as the father's concerned, the boy is a budding Mozart
    tú eres todo para mí you're everything to me
    ¿para ti qué es lo más importante? what's the most important thing for you?, what do you see as the most important thing?
    esto es de gran interés para el lector this is of great interest to the reader
    (indicando dirección): salieron para el aeropuerto they left for the airport
    empuja para arriba push up o upward(s)
    ¿vas para el centro? are you going to o toward(s) the center?
    se los llevó para la casa de los abuelos she took them over to their grandparents' house
    tráelo para acá/adentro bring it over here/inside
    (en sentido figurado): ya vamos para viejos we're getting old o ( colloq) getting on
    va para los 50 años she's pushing fifty ( colloq), she's going o ( BrE) getting on for fifty ( colloq)
    (señalando un plazo): tiene que estar listo para el día 15 it has to be ready by o for the 15th
    ¿qué deberes tienes para el lunes? what homework do you have for Monday?
    faltan cinco minutos para que termine la clase there are five minutes to go before the end of the class
    me lo prometió para después de Pascua he promised I could have it after Easter, he promised it to me for after Easter
    ¿cuánto te falta para terminar? how much have you got left to do?, how long will it take you to finish it?
    (indicando fecha aproximada): piensan casarse para finales de agosto they plan to marry sometime around the end of August
    para entonces quién sabe si todavía estaremos vivos who knows if we'll still be alive (by) then?
    ¿para cuándo espera? when is the baby due?
    tengo hora para mañana I have an appointment (for) tomorrow
    (expresando duración): para siempre forever
    tengo para rato ( fam); I'm going to be a while (yet), this is going to take me a while (yet)
    esto va para largo ( fam); this is going to take some time
    ¿qué le puedo regalar para el cumpleaños? what can I give him for his birthday?
    D ( liter)
    (en secuencias de acciones): se fue para nunca volver she went away never to return
    fue puesto en libertad, para más tarde volver a ser detenido he was set free only to be rearrested later, he was set free but was rearrested later
    * * *


    Del verbo parar: ( conjugate parar)

    para es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Del verbo parir: ( conjugate parir)

    para es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    para preposición
    1 (destino, finalidad, intención) for;

    ¿para qué sirve esto? what's this (used) for?;
    champú para bebés baby shampoo;
    para eso no voy I might as well not go;
    para + inf: ahorra para comprarse un coche he's saving up to buy a car;
    tomé un taxi para no llegar tarde I took a taxi so I wouldn't be late;
    está listo para pintar it's ready to be painted o for painting;
    para aprobar (in order) to pass;
    entró en puntillas para no despertarla he went in on tiptoe so as not to wake her;
    lo dice para que yo me preocupe he (only) says it to worry me;
    cierra para que no nos oigan close the door so (that) they don't hear us

    no es para tanto it's not that bad;
    soy lo bastante viejo (como) para recordarlo I'm old enough to remember it
    b) (en comparaciones, contrastes):

    son altos para su edad they're tall for their age;
    para lo que come, no está gordo considering how much he eats, he's not fat;
    ¿quién es él para hablarte así? who does he think he is, speaking to you like that ?;
    es mucho para que lo haga sola it's too much for you to do it on your own
    1 ( dirección):

    empuja para arriba push up o upward(s);
    ¿vas para el centro? are you going to o toward(s) the center?
    2 ( tiempo)
    a) (señalando una fecha, un plazo):

    estará listo para el día 15 it'll be ready by o for the 15th;

    deberes para el lunes homework for Monday;
    faltan cinco minutos para que termine there are five minutes to go before the end;
    me lo prometió para después de Pascua he promised me it for after Easter;
    ¿cuánto te falta para terminar? how much have you got left to do?;
    para entonces estaré en Madrid I'll be in Madrid (by) then;
    tengo hora para mañana I have an appointment (for) tomorrow
    b) (AmL exc RPl) ( al decir la hora) to;

    c) ( duración):

    tengo para rato (fam) I'm going to be a while (yet)
    parar ( conjugate parar) verbo intransitivo
    1 ( detenerse) to stop;

    ir/venir a para to end up;
    fue a para a la cárcel he ended up in prison;
    ¿a dónde habrá ido a para aquella foto? what can have happened to that photo?;
    ¡a dónde iremos a para! I don't know what the world's coming to
    2 ( cesar) to stop;

    ha estado lloviendo sin para it hasn't stopped raining;
    no para quieto ni un momento he can't keep still for a minute;
    no para en casa she's never at home;
    para DE + INF to stop -ing;
    paró de llover it stopped raining
    3 (AmL) [obreros/empleados] to go on strike
    verbo transitivo
    a)coche/tráfico/persona to stop;

    motor/máquina to stop, switch off
    b) hemorragia to stanch (AmE), to staunch (BrE)

    c)balón/tiro to save, stop;

    golpe to block, ward off
    2 (AmL)

    b) ( poner vertical) ‹vaso/libroto stand … up;

    pararse verbo pronominal
    1 ( detenerse)

    b) [reloj/máquina] to stop;

    [coche/motor] to stall;


    se paró en una silla she stood on a chair;
    ¿te puedes para de cabeza/de manos? can you do headstands/handstands?
    b) (AmL) [ pelo] ( hacia arriba) to stick up;

    ( en los lados) to stick out

    parir ( conjugate parir) verbo intransitivo [ mujer] to give birth;
    [ vaca] to calve;
    [yegua/burra] to foal;
    [ oveja] to lamb
    verbo transitivo

    b) [ mamíferos] to have, bear (frml)

    para preposición
    1 (utilidad, aptitud) for: ¿para qué tanto esfuerzo?, what's all this effort for?
    una pomada para las quemaduras, an ointment for burns
    una tijera para zurdos, a pair of scissors for left-handed people
    2 (finalidad, motivo) to, in order to: lo dijo para molestarme, she said it to annoy me
    lo hace para que te fijes en él, he does it so that you notice him
    3 (destinatario) for: es para mamá, it's for mum
    hablaba para los votantes indecisos, he spoke to the undecided voters
    es muy atento para con ella, he's very obliging towards her
    4 (opinión) para Paco todas las mujeres son guapas, in Paco's opinion, all women are pretty
    5 (comparación, concesión) for: para ser tan joven tiene ideas muy sensatas, he has very sensible ideas for his age
    6 (rechazo) para una vez que hablo, me haces callar, the one time I speak, you shut me up
    7 (tiempo) by: estará listo para las cinco, it'll be ready by five
    para entonces, by then
    8 (a punto de) está para salir, it's about to leave
    9 (dirección) el tren para Burgos acaba de salir, the train for Burgos has just left
    iba para tu casa, I was going to your house
    Recuerda que cuando para expresa finalidad, se traduce por to o in order to (este último sólo se usa para evitar confusión): Me voy para ayudarte. I'm going in order to help you. Si usáramos sólo to significaría: Voy a ayudarte. Sin embargo, cuando después de para viene un sustantivo o un pronombre y no un verbo (esta llave es para aquella puerta), se traduce por for ( this key is for that door).
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 to stop: para de saltar, stop jumping
    para un momento en la farmacia, stop a minute at the chemist's
    no pares de hablar, por favor, keep talking, please
    2 (alojarse) to stay
    3 (finalizar, terminar) el cuadro fue a parar al rastro, the painting ended up in the flea market
    II verbo transitivo
    1 to stop
    2 Dep to save
    3 LAm to stand up
    ♦ Locuciones: dónde va a parar, by far: mi hija es muchísmo más inteligente que la suya, dónde va a parar, my daughter is far more intelligent than theirs
    parir verbo transitivo & verbo intransitivo to give birth (to)
    ♦ Locuciones: poner a alguien a parir, to run sb down
    ' para' also found in these entries:
    - abalorio
    - ablandar
    - abreviar
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - acá
    - aceitera
    - achuchar
    - actuación
    - adentro
    - agitador
    - agitadora
    - alcanzar
    - alfiler
    - alguna
    - alguno
    - aliento
    - alquiler
    - alta
    - amenaza
    - añadidura
    - ancha
    - ancho
    - ánimo
    - año
    - antesala
    - antirrobo
    - aplanar
    - aprovechar
    - apta
    - aptitud
    - apto
    - aquí
    - arca
    - arena
    - arrastre
    - arriba
    - arropar
    - atonía
    - atrás
    - atril
    - aunar
    - auspicio
    - baja
    - bajo
    - balde
    - bálsamo
    - bañarse
    - banco
    - ability
    - about
    - accessory
    - accommodate
    - achieve
    - activity
    - adapter
    - adaptor
    - adequate
    - adequately
    - admire
    - adult
    - advantage
    - advantageous
    - advertise
    - aftershave (lotion)
    - agitate
    - agree
    - all
    - all-out
    - allocate
    - analyst
    - antiallergenic
    - antibiotic
    - antidote
    - antihistamine
    - antipollution
    - appease
    - application
    - appointment
    - appropriate
    - aptitude
    - argue
    - arm-twisting
    - arms control
    - around-the clock
    - arrangement
    - arson
    - as
    - ASPCA
    - assailant
    - assert
    - assess
    - assume
    - astir
    - astonishment
    - attain
    - attention span
    - attractive
    * * *
    para prep
    1. [indica destino, finalidad, motivación] for;
    es para ti it's for you;
    significa mucho para mí it means a lot to me;
    “¡qué suerte!” dije para mí “how lucky,” I said to myself;
    una mesa para el salón a table for the living-room;
    desayuno para dos breakfast for two;
    crema para zapatos shoe polish;
    pastillas para dormir sleeping pills;
    están entrenados para el combate they have been trained for combat;
    estudia para dentista she's studying to become a dentist;
    esta agua no es buena para beber this water isn't fit for drinking o to drink;
    para conseguir sus propósitos in order to achieve his aims;
    lo he hecho para agradarte I did it to please you;
    me voy para no causar más molestias I'll go so I don't cause you any more inconvenience;
    te lo repetiré para que te enteres I'll repeat it so you understand;
    resulta que se divorcian para un mes más tarde volverse a casar so they get divorced, only to remarry a month later;
    para con towards;
    es buena para con los demás she is kind towards other people;
    ¿para qué? what for?;
    ¿para qué quieres un martillo? what do you want a hammer for?, why do you want a hammer?;
    ¿para qué has venido? why are you here?;
    ¿para quién trabajas? who do you work for?
    2. [indica dirección] towards;
    el próximo vuelo para Caracas the next flight to Caracas;
    ir para casa to head (for) home;
    salir para el aeropuerto to leave for the airport;
    para abajo downwards;
    para arriba upwards;
    tira para arriba pull up o upwards;
    para atrás backwards;
    échate para atrás [en asiento] lean back;
    para delante forwards;
    ya vas para viejo you're getting old;
    esta muchacha va para pintora this girl has all the makings of a painter
    3. [indica tiempo] for;
    tiene que estar acabado para mañana/para antes de Navidad it has to be finished by o for tomorrow/before Christmas;
    faltan cinco minutos para que salga el tren the train leaves in five minutes;
    tienen previsto casarse para el 17 de agosto they plan to get married on 17 August;
    llevamos comida para varios días we have enough food for several days;
    Am salvo RP
    diez para las once ten to eleven;
    Am salvo RP
    un cuarto para las once (a) quarter to eleven;
    va para un año que no nos vemos it's getting on for a year since we saw each other;
    ¿y para cuándo un bebé? and when are you going to start a family?;
    para entonces by then
    4. [indica comparación]
    tiene la estatura adecuada para su edad she is the normal height for her age;
    está muy delgado para lo que come he's very thin considering how much he eats;
    para ser verano hace mucho frío considering it's summer, it's very cold;
    para ser un principiante no lo hace mal he's not bad for a beginner;
    para lo que me ha servido… for all the use it's been to me…;
    ¡tanto esfuerzo para nada! all that effort for nothing!;
    ¿y tú quién eres para tratarla así? who do you think you are, treating her like that?;
    yo no soy quien para decir… it's not for me to say…
    5. (después de adjetivo y antes de infinitivo) [indica inminencia, propósito] to;
    la comida está lista para servir the meal is ready to be served;
    el atleta está preparado para ganar the athlete is ready to win
    6. [indica opinión] for;
    para Marx, la religión era el opio del pueblo for Marx, religion was the opium of the people;
    para mí/ti/ etc as far as I'm/you're/ etc concerned;
    para mí que no van a venir it looks to me like they're not coming;
    ¿para ti quién es más guapo? who do you think is the most handsome?
    7. [indica disposición, estado]
    no estoy para fiestas I'm not in the mood for parties;
    el abuelo no está ya para hacer viajes largos grandfather's no longer up to going on long journeys;
    ¿hace día para ir sin chaqueta? is it warm enough to go out without a jacket on?
    8. [indica consecuencia]
    para su sorpresa, para sorpresa suya to her surprise;
    para alegría de todos to everyone's delight;
    para nuestra desgracia unfortunately for us
    9. Comp
    no es/fue/ etc[m5]. para tanto it's not/it wasn't/ etc such a big deal;
    no llores, que no es para tanto don't cry, it's not such a big deal, there's no need to cry about it;
    dicen que les trataron mal, pero no fue para tanto they say they were ill-treated, but that's going a bit far;
    que para qué: hace un calor que para qué it's absolutely boiling;
    este plato pica que para qué this dish is really hot, Br this dish isn't half hot
    * * *
    1 for;
    para mí for me
    2 dirección toward(s);
    ir para head for;
    va para directora she’s going to end up as manager
    3 tiempo for;
    listo para mañana ready for tomorrow;
    para siempre forever;
    diez para las ocho L.Am. ten of eight, ten to eight;
    para Pascua iremos de vacaciones a Lima we’re going to Lima for Easter;
    espero que para Pascua haya terminado la crisis I hope the crisis is over by Easter;
    ¿para cuándo? when for?
    lo hace para ayudarte he does it (in order) to help you;
    para que so that;
    ¿para qué te marchas? what are you leaving for?;
    para eso no hace falta it’s not necessary just for that
    para su edad es muy maduro he’s very mature for his age
    lo heredó todo para morir a los 30 he inherited it all, only to die at 30
    * * *
    para prep
    1) : for
    para ti: for you
    alta para su edad: tall for her age
    una cita para el lunes: an appointment for Monday
    2) : to, towards
    para la derecha: to the right
    van para el río: they're heading towards the river
    3) : to, in order to
    lo hace para molestarte: he does it to annoy you
    4) : around, by (a time)
    para mañana estarán listos: they'll be ready by tomorrow
    para adelante : forwards
    para atrás : backwards
    para que : so, so that, in order that
    te lo digo para que sepas: I'm telling you so you'll know
    * * *
    para prep
    4. (dirección) for / to
    5. (tiempo) by
    para mí for me / in my opinion

    Spanish-English dictionary > para

  • 19 ventaja

    1 advantage (hecho favorable).
    tiene la ventaja de que es más manejable it has the advantage of being easier to handle
    ventajas fiscales tax breaks
    2 lead.
    dar ventaja a alguien to give somebody a start
    le dieron 2 metros de ventaja they gave him a 2-meter start
    llevar ventaja a alguien to have a lead over somebody
    3 advantage.
    4 head start, headstart, lead, leading position.
    5 perfidy.
    * * *
    1 (gen) advantage
    2 (provecho) profit; (beneficio) benefit
    llevar ventaja a alguien to have the advantage over somebody
    sacar ventaja a alguien to be ahead of somebody
    sacar ventaja de algo to profit from something, take advantage of something, benefit from something
    ventaja para... (tenis) advantage to...
    * * *
    noun f.
    2) lead
    * * *
    1) (=beneficio) advantage

    llevar ventaja a algn — to have the advantage over sb, be ahead of sb, be one up on sb

    sacar ventaja de algo(=aprovechar) to derive profit from sth; pey to use sth to one's own advantage

    2) (Dep) (en carrera) start, advantage; (Tenis) advantage; (en las apuestas) odds [pl]

    me dio una ventaja de cuatro metros, me dio cuatro metros de ventaja — he gave me a four metre start

    llevar ventaja (en carrera) to be leading o ahead

    3) pl ventajas (en empleo) extras, perks *
    * * *
    a) ( beneficio) advantage

    lleva or tiene una ventaja de diez segundos — she has a ten-second lead

    * * *
    = advantage, asset, attraction, benefit, merit, strength, value, virtue, beauty, plus [pluses, -pl.], upside, perk, head start, strong point, mileage, edge, bonus [bonuses, -pl.].
    Ex. This has two advantages.
    Ex. The efficient analysis of professional and technical documents is an asset in many spheres of activity.
    Ex. Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.
    Ex. The examples that follow will give you a glimpse of the important features and benefits of the SCI CD Edition.
    Ex. Much will be said later about the merits and drawbacks of the various types of index and approaches to indexing.
    Ex. One particular strength is that it is possible both to specify the area and the subject of the map.
    Ex. This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.
    Ex. Murra described a number of these enterprises, their virtues and weaknesses and the possible explanations for their demise.
    Ex. The digital form in which we will send information through the network is one of the beauties of modern technology.
    Ex. Whether these differences are pluses or minuses depends very much on a library's needs and expectations.
    Ex. The article 'The upside and downside of information highway capitology' compares the writings of optimistic futurists and pessimistic visionaries on the subject of the information superhighway.
    Ex. At almost every conference I've spoken at one of the perks is free conference registration.
    Ex. The article 'Providing a head start' explains the essential role toy libraries play in the school environment.
    Ex. One of the strong points of the DIALOG service is the documentation.
    Ex. Reports produced by government-sponsored projects may not be widely distributed until the government has had good mileage from them = Los informes obtenidos de los proyectos patrocinados por el gobierno puede que no se distribuyan de forma general hasta que el gobierno les haya sacado un buen provecho.
    Ex. Internet Explorer was rated as having a slight edge at 83 per cent over Netscape Navigator at 79 per cent.
    Ex. Such posts were regarded as a welcome bonus over and above the traditional base market.
    * aportar ventajas = bring + strengths.
    * aprovecharse de las ventajas que ambas partes ofrecen = get + the best of both worlds.
    * aprovecharse de las ventajas que cada parte ofrece = get + the best of all worlds.
    * con ventaja sobre el pelotón = ahead of the pack.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * encontrarse en ventaja = find + Reflexivo + at an advantage.
    * la ventaja de = the beauty of.
    * la ventaja es que = on the positive side, the advantage is that, on the bright side.
    * obtener ventaja = gain + advantage.
    * obtener ventajas = reap + advantages.
    * ofrecer ventaja = be of benefit.
    * posición de ventaja = high ground.
    * sacar ventaja = gain + one-upmanship.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser una ventaja = be a plus.
    * tener una ventaja = get + a head start, have + an edge.
    * tener ventaja = have + an edge.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * ventaja acumulada = cumulative advantage.
    * ventaja añadida = added advantage, added benefit.
    * ventaja del primero en tomar la iniciativa = first-mover advantage.
    * ventaja política = political advantage.
    * ventajas e inconvenientes = trade-off [tradeoff/trade off], ins and outs.
    * ventaja sobre la competencia = competitive edge, competitive advantage.
    * ventajas y desventajas = trade-off [tradeoff/trade off], pros and cons, benefits and pitfalls.
    * ventajas (y/o) desventajas = merits (and/or) demerits, advantages (and/or) disadvantages, strengths (and/or) weaknesses, pluses (and/or) minuses.
    * ver ventajas = see + advantages.
    * * *
    a) ( beneficio) advantage

    lleva or tiene una ventaja de diez segundos — she has a ten-second lead

    * * *
    = advantage, asset, attraction, benefit, merit, strength, value, virtue, beauty, plus [pluses, -pl.], upside, perk, head start, strong point, mileage, edge, bonus [bonuses, -pl.].

    Ex: This has two advantages.

    Ex: The efficient analysis of professional and technical documents is an asset in many spheres of activity.
    Ex: Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.
    Ex: The examples that follow will give you a glimpse of the important features and benefits of the SCI CD Edition.
    Ex: Much will be said later about the merits and drawbacks of the various types of index and approaches to indexing.
    Ex: One particular strength is that it is possible both to specify the area and the subject of the map.
    Ex: This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.
    Ex: Murra described a number of these enterprises, their virtues and weaknesses and the possible explanations for their demise.
    Ex: The digital form in which we will send information through the network is one of the beauties of modern technology.
    Ex: Whether these differences are pluses or minuses depends very much on a library's needs and expectations.
    Ex: The article 'The upside and downside of information highway capitology' compares the writings of optimistic futurists and pessimistic visionaries on the subject of the information superhighway.
    Ex: At almost every conference I've spoken at one of the perks is free conference registration.
    Ex: The article 'Providing a head start' explains the essential role toy libraries play in the school environment.
    Ex: One of the strong points of the DIALOG service is the documentation.
    Ex: Reports produced by government-sponsored projects may not be widely distributed until the government has had good mileage from them = Los informes obtenidos de los proyectos patrocinados por el gobierno puede que no se distribuyan de forma general hasta que el gobierno les haya sacado un buen provecho.
    Ex: Internet Explorer was rated as having a slight edge at 83 per cent over Netscape Navigator at 79 per cent.
    Ex: Such posts were regarded as a welcome bonus over and above the traditional base market.
    * aportar ventajas = bring + strengths.
    * aprovecharse de las ventajas que ambas partes ofrecen = get + the best of both worlds.
    * aprovecharse de las ventajas que cada parte ofrece = get + the best of all worlds.
    * con ventaja sobre el pelotón = ahead of the pack.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * encontrarse en ventaja = find + Reflexivo + at an advantage.
    * la ventaja de = the beauty of.
    * la ventaja es que = on the positive side, the advantage is that, on the bright side.
    * obtener ventaja = gain + advantage.
    * obtener ventajas = reap + advantages.
    * ofrecer ventaja = be of benefit.
    * posición de ventaja = high ground.
    * sacar ventaja = gain + one-upmanship.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser una ventaja = be a plus.
    * tener una ventaja = get + a head start, have + an edge.
    * tener ventaja = have + an edge.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * ventaja acumulada = cumulative advantage.
    * ventaja añadida = added advantage, added benefit.
    * ventaja del primero en tomar la iniciativa = first-mover advantage.
    * ventaja política = political advantage.
    * ventajas e inconvenientes = trade-off [tradeoff/trade off], ins and outs.
    * ventaja sobre la competencia = competitive edge, competitive advantage.
    * ventajas y desventajas = trade-off [tradeoff/trade off], pros and cons, benefits and pitfalls.
    * ventajas (y/o) desventajas = merits (and/or) demerits, advantages (and/or) disadvantages, strengths (and/or) weaknesses, pluses (and/or) minuses.
    * ver ventajas = see + advantages.

    * * *
    1 (beneficio, provecho) advantage
    esa zona tiene la ventaja de que está muy bien comunicada that area has the advantage of being well served by public transport
    tienes ventaja porque tienes más experiencia que yo you have an advantage because you're more experienced than I am
    (en una carrera): lleva or tiene una ventaja de diez segundos/metros she has a ten-second/ten-meter lead
    te doy una ventaja de tres metros I'll give you a three-meter start o advantage
    sacó ventaja en la curva he pulled ahead on the bend
    estaba jugando con ventaja he was at o he had an advantage
    * * *


    ventaja sustantivo femenino

    tienes ventaja por tu experiencia you have an advantage because of your experience
    b) ( en carrera):

    jugar con ventaja to be at an advantage
    ventaja sustantivo femenino
    1 advantage
    2 Dep (en carrera) les lleva treinta segundos de ventaja, he's thirty seconds ahead of them
    (tenis) advantage
    ' ventaja' also found in these entries:
    - bien
    - delantera
    - grande
    - llevar
    - presentar
    - pro
    - ahead
    - asset
    - benefit
    - blessing
    - bonus
    - boon
    - edge
    - hand
    - interest
    - lead
    - merit
    - perk
    - start
    - up
    - vantage
    - advantageous
    - definite
    - fringe
    - head
    - lap
    - plus
    - virtue
    * * *
    1. [hecho favorable] advantage;
    tiene la ventaja de que es más manejable it has the advantage of being easier to handle;
    tenemos que sacarle las ventajas a la situación we might as well look on the bright side
    Com ventaja competitiva competitive advantage;
    ventajas fiscales tax breaks;
    invertir en cultura ofrece ventajas fiscales there are tax advantages to investing in culture
    2. [en competición] lead;
    dar ventaja a alguien to give sb a start;
    le dieron dos metros de ventaja they gave him a two-metre start;
    llevar ventaja a alguien to have a lead over sb;
    saca tres minutos de ventaja al pelotón he has a three-minute lead over the pack, he's three minutes ahead of o clear of the pack
    3. [en tenis] advantage;
    ventaja Hingis advantage Hingis
    * * *
    1 advantage;
    sacar ventaja de algo derive benefit from sth;
    ganar ventaja gain the advantage;
    llevar ventaja a alguien have an advantage over s.o.
    2 DEP en carrera, partido lead
    * * *
    1) : advantage
    2) : lead, head start
    3) ventajas nfpl
    : perks, extras
    * * *
    ventaja n advantage

    Spanish-English dictionary > ventaja

  • 20 svantaggio

    m (pl -ggi) disadvantage
    * * *
    1 disadvantage, drawback: ha il grosso svantaggio di non conoscere la lingua, he suffers the big disadvantage of not knowing the language; mi trovo in una posizione di svantaggio rispetto a te, I'm at a disadvantage in comparison with you; questa soluzione ha molti svantaggi, this solution has many disadvantages (o drawbacks) // la squadra australiana aveva due punti di svantaggio, the Australian team were two points behind
    2 ( danno) detriment: a svantaggio della sua salute, to the detriment of his health; un giudizio a suo svantaggio, a judgement at his detriment.
    * * *
    pl. -gi [zvan'taddʒo, dʒi] sostantivo maschile disadvantage

    i vantaggi e gli -gi di qcs. — the pros and cons of sth.

    andare, tornare a svantaggio di qcn. — to be, to turn to sb.'s disadvantage

    * * *
    pl. -gi /zvan'taddʒo, dʒi/
    sostantivo m.
    disadvantage; i vantaggi e gli -gi di qcs. the pros and cons of sth.; gli -gi di non avere la macchina the inconveniences of having no car; andare, tornare a svantaggio di qcn. to be, to turn to sb.'s disadvantage; essere in svantaggio to be at a disadvantage; avere dieci punti di svantaggio to be ten points behind.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > svantaggio

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